Metropol Kenya. This is how to easily clear your name from CRB blacklisting.
Metropol Kenya. This is how to easily clear your name from CRB blacklisting.
Some times you may be frustrated when seeking for services only to find that you have been blocked due to listing with the Credit Reference Bureau, CRB. Listing with CRB is due to defaulted loan facilities that you may have taken with a financial institution.The listing with CRB should not worry you as it is reversible. You can access CRB services from Metropol website, Metropol Crystobol App or by simply using the USSD code; 433.


In order to access the CRB services, first you must register by following the following simple steps:1). Dial *433# from your registered Safaricom line. 2). Enter your National ID Number; It is mandatory that you use the same ID number that you registered with on M-pesa. 3). Enter the Agent Number; if you were referred by a Metropol Agent, enter their Metropol Agent Number. Otherwise, enter 0 (Zero) to proceed. 4). Confirmation of entered details; Confirm the entered details in order to complete the registration. 5). Payment; In order to complete the registration, you have to pay Sh100. To complete your registration, go to the M-pesa menu, select Payment Services (Lipa Na M-pesa) then select Paybill. Enter 220388 as the Business Number and your ID Number (Which you used to register) as the account number. Enter 100 as the amount. Then enter your M-peas PIN and click on send. 6). Successful message; If the payment is successful, you will receive an SMS confirming your registration, together with your Crystobol PIN and link to your free credit report. 7). How to download your Free Credit Report; Your Credit Report will enable you to know which institutions have made you to be listed on CRB.To download your free Credit Report, Remember to check your Metro score and your Credit Report regularly. 

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