The Ministry of Education in collaboration with Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and Kenya Publishers Association have finalized the approval of Grade 4 CBC course books that will be used from January 2020 when term one commences. The Ministry at the same time has released guidelines to schools on how the Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, is to be implemented at Upper Primary School Level (Grade 4-6). Read full details here; Guidelines on implementation of CBC at Grade 4-6
Schools, parents and members of the public are cautioned that the use of non-approved KICD curriculum support materials in schools is in contravention of Section 27 of the KICD Act of 2013. The government of Kenya has purchased a course book for each of the learning areas that will be delivered to all public primary school in the country. The course books are being adapted for learners with special needs.
Government supplied books will have the following security features; the Coat of Arms and ‘Not for sale’ caveat on all printed pages to ensure integrity and retention of the books in schools. The approved list below is also available on KICD website;
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Here is the full list of the approved materials;

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