TSC 2020 interview dates and venues per county- Baringo
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the interview dates and venues for teachers’ recruitment per county. See also; 2020 TSC recruitment schedule per county: Interview dates and venues The…
TSC lists of delocalized teachers per county- 2020/2021
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has transferred a total of 47 teachers in Bungoma County. Part of those transferred were serving deputy principals who have now been deployed to be…
The TSC show cause letter for a teacher
A show cause letter is given to a teacher who has a case to answer. Teachers are guided by set of rules and regulation as stipulated in their code of…
TSC Transfers Several Field Officers (County Directors and Human Resource Department)
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made fresh transfers on its field directors in a bid to replace those who were moved to new stations earlier this month. In the…
TSC intern teachers recruitment road map 2020
Did you apply for the December 2020 Teachers Service Commission, TSC, intern teachers vacancies? TSC has released the recruitment road map for the whole country. TSC intern teachers December 2020…