Pursuant to section 30 of the TSC Act (2012), the Commission wishes to publish names of teachers who have been removed from the Register of Teachers. Further, under the law…
TSC lists of delocalized teachers per county- 2020/2021
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has transferred a total of 47 teachers in Bungoma County. Part of those transferred were serving deputy principals who have now been deployed to be…
Lists of Shortlisted Applicants for the 2019 TSC Internship Jobs per county; Narok
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has given an update on the advertised 10,300 teacher internship posts for Primary and Secondary Schools. According to the Commission, the lists of shortlisted applicants…
TSC recruitment 2021 interview dates and venues per County (Nyamira)
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the interview dates, venues and recruitment schedule for teachers in July, 2021. According to the reviewed road-map for the mass recruitment of teachers,…
TSC online application for replacement of a lost TSC certificate
Did your TSC certificate get lost and you are wondering how you can get a duplicate TSC registration certificate? Worry no more. Now, you can easily apply for a TSC…