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The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has advertised vacancies for Facilitators/ Trainers, Subject Experts ans Education Technologists. The facilitators will train targeted teachers of Science, Mathematics and English in glades 7 and 8 and Form 1 to 4. The Education specialists will support peer learning using ICT while, the subject experts will establish panels that will be responsible for reviewing and developing course content.
TSC is implementing part of the component 1 of the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) on ‘improving the quality of teaching in targeted areas”. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve student learning in secondary education and transition from primary to secondary in targeted areas. The recruited officers will thus enable the Commission carry out this task. Those who meet the set criteria (see related content; at the end of this feature) have up to 30th April, 2019, to submit their applications to the respective TSC County Directors.

Here is the full list of Counties and Sub- counties where the Project will be implemented; in Primary and Secondary schools (both Public and Private schools):

1). Baringo County (3 Sub- counties): Baringo North, East Pokot and Marigat.
2). Bomet County (2 Sub- counties): Chapalungu and Sotik
3). Bungoma County: Bungoma West, Cheptais and Mt. Elgon.
4). Busia County: Bunyala, Busia, Butula, Nambale, Samia, Teso North and Teso South.
5). Elgeyo Marakwet: Marakwet East and Marakwet West.
6). Garissa: Balambala, Dadaab, Fafi, Hulugho, ijara and Lagdera.
7). Homa Bay County: Suba.
8). Isiolo County: Garbatula, Isiolo and Merti.
9). Kajiado County: Kajiado Central and Loitokitok
10). Kakamega County: Butere, Kakamega South, Khwisero, Likuyani, Lugari and Navakholo.
11). Kilifi County: Ganze, Kaloleni, Magarini and Marindi.
12). Kisii County: Marani and Nyamache.
13). Kitui County: Ikutha, Kyuso, Mumoni, Mutito, Mutomo, Mwingi Central, Nzambani, Tseikuru and Mwingi East.
14). Kwale County: Kinango, Kwale and Msambweni.
15). Laikipia county: Laikipia North.
16). Machakos County: Masinga and Yatta.
17). Makueni County: Kathonzweni, Kibwezi, Makindu, Makueni and Nzaui.
18). Mandera County: Banisa, Lafey, Mandera Central, Mandera East, Mandera North and Mandera West.
19). Marsabit County: Chaibi, Horr North, Loiyangalani, Marsabit, Moyale, Sololo and Marsabit South.
20). Migori County: Kuria East, Kuria West and Uriri.
21). Murang’a County: Kandara, Kigumo and Murang’a East.
22). Nandi County: Tinderet.
23). Narok County: Trans Mara East.
24). Samburu County: Samburu Central, samburu East and Samburu North.
25). Taita Taveta County: Taveta.
26). Tharaka Nithi County: Tharaka North and and Tharaka South.
27). Tana River County: Bura (Tana North), Tana Delta and Tana River.
28). Turkana County: Kibish, Loima, Turkana Central, Turkana east, Turkana North, Turkana south and Turkana West.
29). Wajir County: Buna, Eldas, Habaswein, Tarbaj, wajir East, Wajir North, Wajir South and Wajir West.
30). Pokot County: Pokot Central, Pokot North, Pokot South and West Pokot.