Light Academy is a educational institution established in 1998 in Kenya. Has 8 campuses in Nairobi , Mombasa and Malindi. Both international and 8.4.4 curriculum is available.
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School (Karen, Nairobi)
Light Academy Boys is a privately owned secondary school. The school is located in Karen-C off Langata Road.
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School Contacts
- Postal Address: Light Academy Schools PO BOX 13413 00100 GPO Nairobi / Kenya
- Tel: +254 (0) 724 10 00 00
- Website:
- Twitter Handle: @Light_Academy
- KNEC Code: 20404006
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: Mission
We are committed to delivering morally upright, socially responsible and academically competent individuals to the society.
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: Vision
To inculcate moral values set by society and religion to awaken the self-conscience in every pupil; To inspire the hearts and minds to endeavor positive effects on others, appreciate cultural differences and become environmentally conscious; To offer quality education harmonized with the contemporary approach and fortified by technology.
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: Values
- Leadership
- Integrity
- Good Judgement
- Honour
- Trustworthiness
Here are links to the most important news portals:
- KUCCPS News Portal
- TSC News Portal
- Universities and Colleges News Portal
- Helb News Porta
- KNEC News Portal
- KSSSA News Portal
- Schools News Portal
- Free Teaching Resources and Revision Materials
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: School Uniform
Students MUST be in full school uniform at all times. They can only change to home clothes only after the lessons are over. The school uniform pertains:
- A pair of grey trousers
- Light Blue Jersey (with school Logo imprinted) either short sleeved or long sleeved
- Black Jacket
- A pair of black leather shoes
- Pairs of socks (black or grey)
The uniform is available in the school
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: KCSE Results Analysis
A renown academic giant, Light Academy continues to string back to back impressive results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. In the 2018 exams the school had 26 candidates who managed a mean score of a B+ (plus); with a performance index of 72.141. In 2019 the total candidature stood at 102.
Light Academy Boys’ Secondary School: Photo Gallery

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