KCPE and KCSE 2019 Registration.
KCPE and KCSE 2019 Registration.

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has moved to clarify on how index numbers should be assigned to the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). This follows its earlier circular on the registration of this year’s candidates. In the Circular dated 26th November, 2018 KNEC directed schools to use student’s admission numbers in issuing  index numbers to candidates. Previously, candidates would be subjected to examinations in order to use the merit list to award the index numbers.  “All candidates for both KCPE and KCSE examinations will be issued with an INDEX NUMBER as per the school’s ADMISSION REGISTER, NOT class performance as was the case in previous years,” The council advised.

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Due to the confusion that emanated from the directive, the Council has now given a clarification on how the index numbers shall be assigned. The schools will be expected to use the admission register to assign index numbers to the students; as opposed to using the students’ academic merit list. “The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to deviate from this practice and advise all head teachers and Principals to assign index numbers as per the admission register issued to the pupils/ students as they joined school,” reads, in part, a KNEC circular dated 22nd January 2019.

But, the admission numbers will not be used when feeding details onto the KNEC registration portal as they will be converted to reflect the County code, Sub- County code, School examination Centre code and the student’s index number. The student’s index number shall be written in 3 digits i.e 001 for a student who reported first to school; of the available candidates per centre. Consequently, the Index Number to be fed onto the KNEC portal shall be in the order; COUNTY CODE (2 Digits);SUB-COUNTY CODE (3 digits);SCHOOL EXAMINATION CENTRE CODE (3 Digits);CANDIDATE’S NUMBER AS PER THE ORDER GENERATED FROM THE ADMISSION LIST (3 Digits).

Therefore, a candidate’s number shall have 11 digits as has been the case.

The registration exercise that kicked off on 2nd January 2019 is expected to come to a close on 15th February, 2019 .


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