KNEC offices physical locations in Nairobi
KNEC offices physical locations in Nairobi

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, carries out training of Examiners from time to time. The training of new examiners is informed by: increased candidature, need to replace exited examiners and whenever new exam papers are introduced.

How can one be shortlisted for the training.

To be short listed for training:
1.One must apply via KNEC’s online platform whenever the opportunities are advertised. The applicant must pay the training fees as may be set by the Council from time to time.
2.Must be a practicing teacher and registered with the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.
3.Must be teaching in the relevant subject area.
4.Must have a minimum teaching experience of three years; after the graduation year.
5.Must be an individual with high integrity as stipulated in Chapter’s Six of the Kenyan Constitution.
6.Must be recommended for training by the head of institution.
7.For Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams: One Must be a holder of minimum qualification of a P1 Certificate with a mean grade of C (plain) at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams.
8.For KCSE examiners; One must have a minimum qualification of a Diploma in Teacher Education.
9.Should be aged 50 years and below.

Important links:

The Council also makes various considerations when selecting examiners for training: regional balancing, age of examiner, gender balancing, work experience and professional qualifications among others.

The training of examiners is fully residential and usually takes about one week. Examiners are provided with meals and accommodation at the selected training centres.

The Council communicates to successful applicants via the Short Message Service, SMS, and E- mail.

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