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KNEC Contracted Professionals- Identification, Nomination of the 2023 KNEC Supervisors and Invigilators

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The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has kicked of the process of recruiting Supervisors and Invigilators to oversee this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has thus instructed all County Directors to nominate the Supervisors and Invigilators.

“You are hereby required to identify and nominate 2019 KCPE and KCSE Supervisors and Invigilators,” reads a memo from TSC.

Last year, a total of 183, 497 contracted personnel manned the KCPE examination administration exercise. Of this 27,354 were supervisors, 65,107 invigilators, 64,322 security personnel, 918 examination managers (manning the exam containers), 6,791 drivers and about 20,000 centre managers. On the other hand, a total of 83,711 field officers oversaw the administration of the KCSE exams in 10,077 Examination Centres.

According to Kega, the nominated Supervisors and Invigilators should register and submit their details online via the KNEC Contracted Professionals System (CP2).. It is usually the School heads and Principals who propose the names of teachers from their stations to the TSC County Directors so as to be considered for the Supervisors and Invigilators’ roles.

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How to update data online, by contracted professionals:

To update data, the KNEC contracted Professionals are expected to;

  1. Visit the KNEC contracted professionals’ portal by using the address/ URL;
  2. For a new user, click on ‘CREATE ACCOUNT’ tab.
  3. Then, enter your mobile phone number in the format 2547….., confirm the mobile phone number (by re-entering it) and click on ‘CREATE ACCOUNT’.
  4. You will receive a successful account creation message on your window.
  5. Your User Name and Password will be sent to the Phone number that you registered.
  6. Now log onto the Portal by entering your User Name (which is in the format) 2547….. and your secret password. Enter them into home page at and click on ‘LOG IN’.
  7. Once logged in, Provide your personal and other required  information like: Full name, Year of Birth, Gender, National ID Number, KRA PIN Number, Email, Highest Qualification, Current Work Station and Next of Kin Details. Then click on ‘SAVE’.

Centre managers receive Kshs. 500 daily transport reimbursement while Supervisors receive Kshs. 630.

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