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KNEC: Online User manual for KNEC contracted professionals: Centre managers, supervisors, invigilators.. How to apply for KNEC supervisors and invigilators jobs. How to update KNEC Contracted personal data online

The contracted professionals system Link/ URL:

The Contracted Professionals System (CP2) is an integrated electronic
system to automate the management of officers who are recruited to assist
KNEC in administering the examinations.

The main aim of the system is to ensure that KNEC captures correct,
accurate and timely details of all the personnel who are involved in the
supervision, invigilation and management of examinations. This will help
KNEC to efficiently process claims for payments, monitoring attendance
during the examinations period, accountability for the contracted
professionals involved and streamline query resolutions.

The system complements the current declarations forms that are signed
and filled by all the personnel involved. In addition, contracted
professionals data requested is stored in a central database for ease of management.

All Contracted professionals are required to submit their details through the platform and apply for Job/ Vacancy based on the roles they play during the administration of various examinations in regards to the supervision, invigilation and management of each specific examination.

Important links:

Download the user manual by clicking on the blue link below (Courtesy of KNEC):

KNEC- Online manual for KNEC Contracted Professionals

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