Kianda School; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Portal Login, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Photos and Admissions
Kianda School; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Portal Login, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Photos and Admissions


Kianda School is a prestigious private located in Westlands; Nairobi County. It is a school exclusively for girls

Kianda Foundation opened Kianda School as a result of numerous requests from past students of Kianda College. The Foundation aims at promoting the educational, professional, cultural and spiritual welfare of women in Kenya. It achieves this aim through the establishment and management of schools, colleges, and training centres for both women and girls, thus promoting their general education.

Kianda School is one of the projects of the Foundation. The School started in 1977 with 40 students, and now has a capacity for 900. It is a day school for girls with a Primary and Secondary section. The School has ranked among the top 10 schools in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination. The School fosters a close working relationship between parents, teachers and students. Special courses on parenting enrich this relationship.

Partial Scholarships are granted to academically outstanding children whose parents cannot afford the school fees.In line with the school motto, ‘In Opere et Veritate’ (In deed and truth), Kianda School strives to produce hard working and responsible young ladies who try to achieve excellence in all fields of their development.

The education given at Kianda embraces the three fundamental areas of a person’s development: The intellectual, the spiritual and the human. The spiritual and doctrinal formation of the students and staff is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church founded by St. Josemaria Escriva. Its mission is to help people turn their work and daily activities into occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others and for improving society.



Here are links to the most important news portals:


To provide an all-round education to girls, in collaboration with their parents and staff, focusing on the development of all dimensions of their personality – intellectual, character, spiritual,  talents, physical and social.  The education is given in accordance with Christian principles and in an atmosphere of freedom, responsibility and trust. The School aims at enabling students to exercise a positive influence in the service of society.


To produce exemplary and outstanding  21st century students as we contribute to the development of  stable families and qualified staff.


Striving for excellence, sense of commitment, hard work, upright moral living, team spirit, concern and care for all, service to others, respect, sincerity, honesty, freedom and responsibility.


Form 1 Application

Application Forms are available only at the School.Before being given an application form the following documents must be presented:

  • An application letter.
  • Pre-Mock results and Mock results.
  • Recommendation letter from Head Teacher.
  • One recent, certified and colored passport photo of the candidate (preferably in School uniform)

If the application meets initial requirements, an Application Form will be given and a non-refundable Registration fee charged of Ksh 2,000/=. Together with the Application Form, you will receive a letter giving details about the Entrance Test which is is usually in around September.

Application Forms are available only at the School. The form should then be filled in and submitted to the High School Secretary’s Office with all documents. Kianda Entrance Test Should your daughter be successful in the entrance exam (English, Mathematic and Composition are tested) then parents and daughter will be invited for an oral interview. Admission depends on the entrance test and oral interviews. The purpose of the interview process is to help prospective parents get to know the school and the input Kianda expects of the parents of the students who finally join Form 1. Parents will be informed by the Admissions Office of the outcome of the interviews.

Application Procedure for Transfer

Kianda School accepts transfers for Form 1 and 2.

The procedure for transfer is as follows:
Parents write an application letter and attach copies of:

  1. Birth certificate of the girl
  2. 1st and 2nd Term reports
  3. A recent passport photograph of the girl (preferably in School uniform).

Registration Fee Kshs. 2,000/-; Applications to be brought in August.

All applications to be addressed to:

  • Admissions Secretary, Kianda School, P.O. Box 48328 – 00100 GPO, NAIROBI
  • Tel: 020 807 7381, Mobile: 0733 846 959,
  • E-mail: [email protected]


In the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams  Kianda School was ranked 12 in the country and number 4 in Nairobi County. 73 students sat the 2018 KCSE exams. The school’s mean score was 9.22 up from 8.81(B) in 2017. The top girl Elizabeth Wambua scored 81 points. Sharon Olago and Maryanne Fernandes scored A- of 80 points. 71 students scored C+ and above. This is a 97.3% transition rate to university under government sponsorship. The other 2.7% too qualify for government sponsored Diploma Certificates. Congratulations to the parents, staff and students of the Class of 2018.

In the 2019 exams the school had a total candidates’ population of 64


Kianda School: Student Life and Times at the school/ Photo view.
Kianda School: Student Life and Times at the school/ Photo view.

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