The new TSC marking for recruitment of teachers in 2019
The new TSC marking for recruitment of teachers in 2021

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has advertised 10,300 vacancies for intern teachers.; 4,300 posts for Primary Schools and 6,000 posts for Secondary Schools. Here is the advert for the vacancies:


Teachers Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill 10,300 teacher internship posts (4,300 posts for Primary Schools and 6,000 posts for Secondary Schools).
Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications, should make their applications online through the TSC Website: so as to be received on or before Wednesday, 23rd October, 2019.
Please note that manual applications will not be considered.

Eligibility for Internship

Eligible candidates should meet the following basic requirements:

  • Be Kenyan Citizen;
  • Have original academic and professional certificates
  • Be unemployed and has not previously been employed by the Commission on permanent terms;
  • Must be registered as per the TSC ACT 2012:
  • Be a holder of a P1 Certificate for Primary Schools and a minimum of a Diploma in Education Certificate for Secondary Schools applicants
  • Be ready to be posted to any public educational institution in Kenya where their services are required:
  • Must have a Personal Accident Insurance to cover for personal risks during the internship period;

Also read;

In addition to the above, successful Interns shall be required to produce:

  • A valid Certificate of Good Conduct:
  • National Identity Card (ID) or copy of passport and a copy of KRA PIN Certificate:
  • Two (2) coloured passport size photographs
  • Teacher Registration Certificate.

Duration af internship

The Internship period will be twelve (12) months.


This is not a remunerative position. However, interns will be entitled to payment of a monthly stipend of Kshs 15,000 for Secondary School Teacher interns and Ksh 10,000 for Primary School Teacher Inters. This stipend is subject to statutory deductions where applicable)

Application process

For detailed information on available vacancies per county and schools, you are advised to visit the TSC Website:


The recruitment exercise is free of charge. The Teacher Service Commission would wish to fore worn applicants against fraudsters who might extort money while purporting to assist in recruitment.
Any fraudulent activity should be reported to the nearest police station, TSC County Directors Sub County Directors or to Teachers Service Commission Headquarters through the following telephone lines:
Tel: 0202892193
Tel: 0202892131/2


write to the Commission through the email address [email protected]

Important links: