The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for exams and uploading project marks,
The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for 2020 KCPE, KCSE exams and uploading project marks,

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has posted new assessment sheets that will be used to evaluate the project exams for the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, candidates. This follows the Council’s move that saw changes effected as pertains the assessment of projects in Art & Design (442/3), Agriculture (443/3), Woodwork (444/2), Metal Work (445/2), Building Construction (446/2) and Computer Studies (451/2). KNEC has introduced two innovations relating to the assessment of the group iv subjects. This year, he projects’ assessment will have two (02) key milestones, which must be completed by March 31st and July 15th, 2019 respectively.

Schools can now access the new assessment sheets from the KNEC portal at ahead of commencement of evaluation for the first milestone that kicks off on 1st March to 31st March, 2019. The new assessment show the project areas to be evaluated and the candidates’ scores must be fed onto the system within the specified timelines for the two milestones. Milestone is slated for the 15th of June to the 15th of July, 2019.

The timelines within which the milestone should be observed/assessed and the areas to be evaluated have also been indicated on the assessment sheets.

KNEC has reiterated its resolve to have the projects accomplished by end of second term. According to the new instructions, photographs of students will be captured (while undertaking the projects) and uploaded with the scores under the two timelines. For Students taking Agriculture paper three, a group photo of the students standing next to their projects (dressed fully in the school uniform) will be taken together with the Principal and the Agriculture teacher.

Last month, the council conducted countrywide workshops for teachers handling the group four subjects under the theme; ‘Enhancing the Validity and Reliability of KCSE Group IV subjects Project Assessment’. According to KNEC, the two milestones were introduced as a result of:

  1. KCSE Candidates failing to start up the projects up to June.
  2. Students purchasing projects; like in computer studies
  3. Projects never done to required specifications
  4. Candidates producing final project work without supportive evidence
  5. Lack of assessment records for the projects.
  6. Scores awarded that do not match with the quality of project executed
  7. Candidates, communally, undertaking the projects; in groups instead of executing them individually.

Issues have though been raised by teachers concerning the Project based examinations. The issues range from time constraints, low project marks’ contribution to the final subject marks and lack of remuneration for teachers assessing the projects.

Meanwhile, verification and correction of errors on data for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, candidates is ongoing and closes on 28th February, 2019. KNEC officials will be traversing the whole country to pick the ascertained candidates’ registration documents; nominal rolls

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