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KNEC Instructions for Registration of candidates for 2020 Early Childhood Development Education, ECDE, exams

KNEC Teacher Exams online registration, requirements Time Tables and results
KNEC examiners portal Login; How to download the 2019 KCPE and KCSE examiners' invitation letters

The National examinations body has released guidelines and timelines for registration of of candidates for the 2020 Teacher Education Examinations. These instructions on registration of candidates for the 2020 Teacher Education examinations are based on the Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC, 2014 regulations for each examination.

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These Teacher education examinations are;
1.1.1 Primary Teacher Education (PTE),
1.1.2 Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE),
1.1.3 Early Childhood Development Education – Proficiency Certificate and Diploma Examinations (ECDE),
1.1.4 Teacher Certificate in Adult Education (TCAE),
1.1.5 Diploma in Special Needs Education Part I and II.

1.2 Registration of candidates who will be sitting for the Teacher
Education examinations in 2020 will be done strictly on-line.

The Institutions / Colleges will access the KNEC registration portals:

  • https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-sne or
  • https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-tcae
  • https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-dte
  • https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-pte/using
    The user name and the pass word provided by the Council via the respective college email addresses. Candidates’ index numbers will be from 0001 to 9999 for ALL Teacher Examinations.

1.3 Heads of Institutions/Sub-County Directors of Education/Sub County Adult Education Officers are expected to strictly follow the procedures on registration of candidates as outlined in the registration portal. Any deviation from the procedures would either render the candidates ineligible for registration or cause the processing of the candidate’s examination results to be delayed, deferred or cancelled.

Important links:

1.4 All candidates are institutional based; hence no private candidates entered for teacher education examinations.

1.5 The registration of candidates is done by the college principal or Sub County Education Officer for the registration of ECDE Proficiency and Sub County Adult and Continuing Education Officer for TCAE examination.

1.6 It is the responsibility of the candidate, to ensure that their names,
gender and previous details for repeaters are in every way correct
and is a replica of the qualifying certificate and that they are
entered for the correct course/option and paper(s).

1.7 The registration dates for the 2020 Examinations are shown in the table below;


Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE(Regular Students and Repeaters1st August to 15th October, 2019March 2020
Special Needs Education (SNE) Part I and IIRegular Students and Repeaters1st August 15th November, 2019April 2020
Teacher Certificate in Adult Education (TCAE)Regular Students and Repeaters1st September to 15th October, 2019July 2020
Primary Teacher Education (PTE)Regular Students and Repeaters1st September 15th October, 2019July 2020
ECDE Proficiency, Certificate and DiplomaRegular Students and Repeaters1st August to 15th September 2019April 2020

NB: Please be informed that there will be no late registration of candidates

1.8 All Colleges/Institutions must have a minimum of ten (10) candidates to qualify for the registration of candidates for any of the Teacher Education examination offered by the institution/Sub County. Any centre wishing to register candidates for a course
with less than ten (10) candidates must pay at the cost of registering ten (10) candidates.
NB: Please note that the rates for the top up are as per the rates of the regular candidates not repeaters.

1.9 The Council will surcharge a candidate or the institution examination fee penalties in case of any form of registration errors requiring amendment after the close of registration period;

1.9.1 Change of subjects (this will be treated as an under protest case) will attract a fee penalty of three thousand shillings (Kes. 3,000) per registered candidate;

1.9.2 Amendment of candidates’ examination details will attract a penalty fee of five hundred shillings (Kes.500) per candidate.

1.10 For the registration of candidates with any form of special needs, the college/institution is expected to provide an approved medical report from a government hospital indicating the nature and extend of disability for such candidate(s) for ease of registration.
The council will consider each case in its own merit for further assessment.

1.11 Registration materials, which include the nominal roll signed by each candidate, fee payment deposit slips and corresponding invoice and copies of the qualifying certificates (e.g. KCSE) or equation letters for candidates with foreign certificates, are to be
submitted to KNEC by the Head of Institution or his/her nominee with written approval within two (2) weeks after the close of registration period for each examination. Submission of registration materials is compulsory.

1.12 All institutions must ensure that candidate’s photographs and the face/front side of the National Identification Card (ID) are uploaded. The uploaded photographs and ID card must be downloaded and printed to produce an institutions’ photo register.
The signed copy of the photo album is to be kept by the college/institution and handed over to the Supervisor during the rehearsal day of the examination for identification of registered candidates.

1.13 Each candidate is required to confirm the subjects registered for and sign against their names.

1.14 Colleges should note that copies of nominal roll, fee payment deposit slips and corresponding invoices should be certified by the Sub-County Director of Education before submission to KNEC.


6.1 College/Institutional candidates entered for examinations must have been bona – fide enrolled students studying in the college Institution.

6.2 Extra-territorial candidates who hold certificates from foreign examining boards that are equivalent to the prescribed minimum entry requirement will be eligible to sit for ECDE Diploma examination. Before registration for the examination, such candidates should seek equation of their qualifications from the Council authorizing them to register for the ECDE examination.

6.3 The minimum entry requirement for the Diploma in Early Childhood Education examination shall be:
6.3.1 Candidates of any age may enrol for the Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education examination provided they possess any one of the following minimum qualifications: KCSE Grade C plain or KCE Division 2; Primary Teacher Education – P1 Teacher Training Certificate; At least D+ in the KCSE examination or KCE Division 3 and in addition have a KNEC ECDE Certificate or Ministry of Education DICECE Certificate. KCE Division 3 and KACE (A Level) certificate with a minimum of 1 principal. For institutions to access the registration platform they can lock into the website: https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-ecde
6.3.2 Candidates wishing to take the examination for the first time must have undertaken either four full terms of pre-service training or six in-service training sessions in addition to fulfilling the requirements for teaching practice.

6.4 Teaching Practice and Project

All ECDE candidates must take teaching practice to qualify for the award of ECDE diploma. Each candidate must be assessed three (3) times cutting across the different subjects registered for examination for the regular candidates and three times for the in- service candidates. The candidates will be subjected to external assessment during the final teaching practice. Upon completion of the teaching practice, the candidate’s TP marks are to be uploaded into the KNEC website https://registration, knec.ac.ke/online-ecde
by the external assessors in liaison with the college principal immediately after the final assessors meeting at the examination centre not later than 30th March 2020.

6.5 Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) Marks and Final Teaching Practice

The colleges are expected to compile two (2) sets of the candidate’s course work marks (CAT I, and II) to be forwarded to the Council. Upon completion and approval of the CAT marks by the college principal, candidate’s marks are to be uploaded online
to the KNEC website https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-ecde between 1st and 31st March 2020. The head of the institution is expected to sign and certify on each page of the CAT marks and submit it to Examinations Administration – Examination Management division.

6.6 Candidates will be required to enrol for all the eight (8) subjects for the Examination as shown below;

6.6.1 Foundations of ECDE and Curriculum Development (6011)
6.6.2 Psychology, Personality Development, Guidance and Counselling (6012)
6.6.3 Child Growth and Development (6013)
6.6.4 Child Health, Nutrition and Rights (6014)
6.6.5 Management of ECDE, Community Development and Research (6015)
6.6.6 Methodology and Curriculum Activities (6016)
6.6.7 Research Project in ECDE (6017)
6.6.8 Teaching Practice (6018)

6.7 ECDE Diploma Examination Fees Candidates are expected to pay for the ECDE examinations as per the Schedule shown in the table 6 below:


Basic fee for Regular/ repeater students1,260
Paper Fee1,080
Search Fee Per Candidate450
Project Fee Per Candidate360
Teaching Practice Fee2,500
Total Examination Fees For Regular Candidates11,680
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating one (1) Subject2,790
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating two (2) Subjects3,870
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating Three (3) Subjects4,950

6.8 Referrals.

Candidates who will be referred in the ECDE examination can register to re-sit the 2020 ECDE examination at their former colleges. The Principals are informed to upload the repeaters details using the repeaters option in the registration portal; https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-ecde


7.1 College/Institutional candidates entered for the certificate in ECDE examination must have been bona – fide enrolled students studying in the college/Institution.
7.2 Extra-territorial candidates who hold certificates from foreign examining boards that are equivalent to the prescribed minimum entry requirement will be eligible to sit for ECDE certificate examination. Before registration for the examination, such candidates should seek equation of their qualifications from the Council authorizing them to register for the certificate in ECDE examination.

7.3 The minimum entry requirement for the Certificate in Early Childhood Education examination shall be:

7.3.1 Candidates of any age may enrol for the Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education examination provided they possess any one of the following minimum qualifications: KCSE Grade D+ (Plus) or KCE Division IV Primary Teacher Education – P2 Teacher Training Certificate. At least KCPE Certificate and must have passed Proficiency Test administered by KNEC. Must have undertaken either four (4) full terms of pre-service training or six (6) in- service training sessions east sessions in addition to fulfilling the requirements for teaching practice. For institutions to access the registration platform they can lock into the website: https://registration knec.ac.ke/online-ecde

7.3.2 Candidates wishing to take this examination for the first time must have undertaken either four (4) full terms of pre-service training or six (6) in-service training sessions in addition to fulfilling the requirements for teaching practice.

7.4 Teaching Practice and Project

All ECDE candidates must take teaching practice to qualify for the award of ECDE diploma. Each candidate must be assessed three (3) times cutting across the different subjects registered for examination for the regular candidates and three times for the in- service candidates. The candidates will be subjected to external assessment during the final teaching practice. Upon completion of the teaching practice, the candidate’s TP marks are to be uploaded into the KNEC website https://registration.knec.ac.ke/online-ecde by the external assessors in liaison with the college principal immediately after the final assessors meeting at the examination centre not later than 30th March 2020.

7.5 Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) Marks and Final Teaching Practice

The colleges are expected to compile two (2) sets of the candidate’s course work marks (CAT I, and II) to be forwarded to the Council. Upon completion and approval of the CAT marks by the college principal, candidate’s marks are to be uploaded online to the KNEC website https://registration.knec.ac.ke/online-ecde between 1st and 31st March 2020.
The head of the institution is expected to sign and certify on each page of the CAT marks and submit it to Examinations Administration – Examination Management division.

7.6 Candidates will be required to enrol for the following papers at one sitting:

7.6.1 Child Development and Psychology (7011)
7.6.2 Foundations and Management of ECDE (7012)
7.6.3 Child Health, Nutrition, Guidance and Counselling (7013)
7.6.4 Curriculum and Methodology (7014)
7.6.5 English and Kiswahili (7015)
7.6.6 Curriculum Activities (7016)
7.6.7 Teaching Practice (7017)

7.7 Examination fees for certificate in ECDE Candidates are expected to pay for the examinations as per the schedule shown in the table 6 below;


Basic fee for Regular/ repeater students960
Paper Fee780
Search Fee Per Candidate450
Teaching Practice Fee2,500
Total Examination Fees For Regular Candidates8,140
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating one (1) Subject2,190
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating two (2) Subjects2,970
Total Examination Fees For Candidates Repeating Three (3) Subjects3,750

7.8 Referrals.

Candidates who will be referred in the ECDE examination can register to re-sit the 2020 ECDE examination at their former colleges. The Principals are informed to upload the repeaters details using the repeaters option in the registration portal https://registration.knec.ac.ke/onlinreferred


8.1 Candidates entered for examinations must be registered by the DICECE programme officer on behalf of the Sub County Education Officer. Colleges registering Proficiency Certificate candidates will be barred from registering candidates for the 2015 ECDE examination.

8.2 Extra-territorial candidates who hold certificates from foreign examining boards that are equivalent to the prescribed minimum entry requirement will be eligible to sit for ECDE Proficiency Certificate examinations. Before registration for the examination, such candidates should seek equation of their qualifications from the Council authorizing them to register for the proficiency certificate in ECDE examination.

8.3 The minimum entry requirement for the Proficiency Certificate in Early Childhood Education examination shall be:

8.3.1 A minimum of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).
8.3.2 KCSE Mean grade of D Plain and below.

8.4 The examination is meant for candidates who do not qualify for direct entry to the certificate course. It is premised on the understanding that the candidate has been working and preparing for or upgrading their previous grades or qualifications.

8.5 The examination will be pegged on candidate’s competence in English, Arithmetic and General Studies. The Proficiency examination will consist of 2 papers, each of 2 hours duration.
8.5.1 8011/1: English (Grammar, Comprehension and Composition)
8.5.2 8011/2: Arithmetic
8.5.3 8012: General Studies – consisting of issues in Geography, History, Civics, Emerging Issues, Family, Childcare and Environmental Issues.

8.6 Examination fees for Proficiency Certificate in ECDE.

Candidates are expected to pay for the examinations as per the schedule shown in the table 8 below;


Basic Fee1,500
Paper Fee500
Total Fees3,000

8.7 Sub County Education Officers must ensure that only those candidates who meet the minimum entry requirements for the course are registered for the examination.

8.8 Referrals.

Those who sit for the proficiency examination will only be graded as pass or fail. There shall be no referrals for the proficiency test. The pass mark for the proficiency examination is (35) thirty five marks. Once a candidate fails, he/she cannot be referred.


9.1 After downloading a college invoice at the end of registration, Payment can be made into the Council Fees Collection Accounts in any of the Banks listed below;


9.1.1Co-operative Bank
9.1.2National Bank of Kenya
9.1.3Kenya Commercial Bank
9.1.4Equity Bank

Ensure the relevant deposit slip is used for each examination for accounting purposes.

9.2 You are hereby advised that no other mode of payment will be accepted by the Council.
The copies of the deposit slips and corresponding invoice will then be submitted to the Council within two (2) weeks after the close of the registration period.


10.1 All queries should be received by the council within 30 days after the date of release of examination results. Remarking of Teacher Education Examinations and replacement of certificates has been suspended by the Council.

10.2 Heads of institutions must check the examination results, results slips or certificates immediately after the release and raise queries within the 30 days after the date of release. The queries raised during this period will not attract any penalty.

10.3 Examination related queries received after the 30 days under 10.2 above will attract a penalty fee of Five Thousand shillings (Kes.5000) for the Council to resolve the issue.


11.1 As per the KNEC policy, candidates are allowed to re-sit a failed/referred examination paper(s)/subject(s) any number of times within a period of five (5) years after the first sitting.

11.2 Any candidate who does not pass all the papers within five (5) years after the initial sitting will have to re-take the entire examination, including continuous assessment and teaching practice.

11.3 Any candidate whose results read CRNM (Course requirement not met) must register for the missing subjects and CATS that led to award of a CRNM

11.4 Candidates whose results are cancelled and overall grade is given as ‘y’, are banned for THREE years from sitting the examination.
They will only be eligible to sit for any examination after the three year period.

12.0 Photograph specifications

12.1 Must be in colour (at least 24 bits per pixel).
12.2 The size of the photo should be 45mm by 35mm in JPEG format (jpg extension) or PNG format.
12.3 The photograph should not be compressed
12.4 Only digital photos will be accepted.
12.5 The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the applicant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open unobstructed and directed at the camera.
12.6 All facial features must be visible and unobstructed.
12.7 The image must be taken within 6 months of the submission date.

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