TSC teaching vacancies in Kenya
TSC teaching vacancies in Kenya

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has embarked on an exercise to collect data of teachers not currently receiving Special Allowances. Through an Internal Memo to all County Directors, TSC’s Acting Director in Charge of Staffing, Madam Rita W. Wahome, says: “You are hereby requested to submit data of all teachers teaching in special schools and units who are currently not receiving Special Allowances.”

Special Allowances are paid, monthly, to teachers handling physically challenged learners in special schools and units.

According to Madam Wahome, this data will ‘the commission (to) have a data base of all teachers with special allowance.’ The data to be collected and submitted by the County Directors include the respective teacher’s: County, Sub-county, school, Teacher’s name, TSC NO, Job Group, Date of Deployment to the Unit/ Special School, Officer who made the deployment and area of specialization.

The data is to be filled in a prescribed form and sent to the TSC head quarters by 7th November, 2018.

Special allowance is one of the allowances paid to the teachers, others being: Annual Leave Allowance, Commuter Allowance, House Allowance, Hardship Allowance and Responsibility Allowance.

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