Teachers will now join President Uhuru Kenyatta and other civil servants in contributing towards the covid-19 fund. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has now made a provision for willing teachers to either contribute to the kitty directly or give permission for the commission to deduct the pledged amount.
Through short messages circulated to teachers, the commission gives the teachers freedom to choose whether to contribute through a paybill or via check-off system.
“TSC is playing its part in the fight against Corona Virus. You can join us by making a voluntary contribution to Pay Bill No 625625 Account No 01001005707400,” says the Commission.
“The monies will be channeled to the Kenya COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund,” the commission adds.
It should be noted, though, that this contributions will be voluntary and the commission will not coerce teachers into making the said contributions.
Already the president and other senior officials in the government have taken a pay cut to support the kitty.

The President and his deputy took a pay cut of 80%. While, Cabinet secretaries and Chief Administrative Secretaries are to take a voluntary pay cut of 30%. Principal secretaries on their part can give away 20% of their salaries to support the fund.
Also read;
The voluntary salary cuts shall be for an initial period of three (3) months with effect from April, 2020. However, this is subject to review based on the advice of the Ministry of Health on the status of COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
Consent and Transparency
Each public officer participating in the voluntary salary cuts shall signify their consent to their respective Authorized Officers by completing the attached standard consent form.
All Accounting Officers will be required to file returns with the Head of Public Service on or before the 10th day of the succeeding month on the amounts realized from their Ministries, State Departments and Agencies.
Procedure for effecting the Voluntary Salary Cuts in the Payroll.
To make your contribution via check-off system, the percentage deduction shall be effected on the net package arising immediately after statutory deductions (PAYE, NHIF and
Pension contributions, where applicable);
The payroll code 959 (Emergence Response Fund) be utilized to effect the voluntary salary pay cut;
The deductions should then be remitted to:
- Bank Account No.: 1000201924 – Central Bank of Kenya
- Account Name: COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund