TSC allowances 2022- 2025 – TSC News
List of all allowances paid to TSC teachers per job group
See table showing all the TSC allowances per job group at the bottom of this post. Whereas most allowances are paid on a monthly basis, others are one off. Read more here
TSC 2021/2025 House allowances for teachers per job group
TSC HOUSE ALLOWANCE RATES FOR TEACHERS ; 1, B5, 6,750, 4,500, 3,850 ; 2, C1, 10,000, 7,500, 5,800 …Get more details here.
ccording to the latest circular…
TSC allowances paid to teachers: Latest TSC News
Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, enjoy a number of allowances. This is besides the monthly basic salaries paid to the tutors….
TSC allowances 2021
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, updates the rates of allowances paid to teachers from time to time. After a TSC promotion, the allowances are…
Hardship areas as listed by TSC and Hardship allowance rates per job group
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays extra allowances (hardship allowances) to teachers working in areas classified as hardship. While classifying an area to be…
List of all allowances paid to TSC teachers per job group: Latest TSC News
Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, receive different types of allowances. These allowances are paid to teachers alongside their monthly salaries. Allowances…
TSC salary and allowances for a newly employed teacher
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays a newly employed graduate teacher in Kenya a minimum of Sh34,955 in basic salary per month. Such a…
TSC new disability guide allowance as provided in the 2021-2025 CBA
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released the new disability guide allowance for teachers in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). According to the 2021-2025…
TSC to recover house and hardship allowances paid to teachers
Teachers are in for a rude shock after the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, moved to recover over-payments in house and hardship allowances. The Commission…
TSC Enhanced House Allowance; Good news for teachers as new Towns are elevated to…
A section of teachers will benefit enhanced house allowances since five towns in Homa Bay County have been recommended for elevation to municipality level…
TSC 2021/2025 House allowances for teachers per job group
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays house allowance to teachers on a monthly basis. This allowance is only paid to teachers employed on permanent…
TSC pays 2022 annual leave allowance for teachers as per the 2021-2025 CBA
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has paid the new 2022 Annual Leave Allowance for teachers as contained in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). According…
TSC teachers latest house allowance per job group
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays house allowance to teachers on a monthly basis; alongside their salaries. This allowance is only paid to all teachers…
TSC hardship allowance rates and hardship areas
Teachers working in hardship areas get a special allowance called ‘hardship allowance’. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays extra allowances (hardship allowances) to teachers working…
TSC Hardship Areas, Allowances and Newly Mapped Hardship Areas
The Teacher’s service commission (TSC) updates hardship areas on a regular basis. The commission maps various areas while considering different factors. These hardship areas also…
TSC Commuter allowance rates per job group in the 2021-2025 CBA
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released the new Commuter allowance rates for teachers in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Here is the full table…
TSC teachers’ allowances to change- SRC says
TSC allowances- The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is planning to unveil major changes in the allowances paid to teachers and civil servants. The radical surgery…
Payment of CBC allowance for teachers by TSC – Latest News
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is ready to pay teachers who recently trained in CBC. However, there is a payment hitch for BOM teachers…
TSC Leave Allowance Per Job Group
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) pays an annual leave allowance to all teachers in its payroll. Leave allowance is a yearly allowance paid together…
TSC presents new teachers’ salaries and allowances increments for the 2021-2025 CBA
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has presented new salary increments to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC. The salaries increment are to be approved…
TSC Commuter allowances per job group
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) pays Commuter allowance to all teachers on the payroll. This is an allowance paid to teachers, monthly, to cater…
TSC AON medical scheme – Latest News, Ultimate Guide
All that you should know about the TSC AON medical scheme – Latest News, Ultimate Guide Details of the new AON Minet Medical scheme for…
TSC online transfer portal login – Latest news, ultimate guide
TSC online transfer portal login – Latest news, ultimate guide TSC transfer letter TSC Latest News Media Team @Educationnewshub.co.ke – 0 A teachers seeking for a transfer from the Teachers Service Commission,…
TSC leaves – Ultimate guide on application procedure, online portal form
TSC leaves – Ultimate guide on application procedure, online portal form TSC LEAVE APPLICATION ONLINE- SIMPLIFIED GUIDE TSC Latest News Media Team @Educationnewshub.co.ke – 0 Here is a simplified procedure…
TSC Online Tpay Payslip Portal latest news, guides, Ultimate Procedure, portal login.
TSC Online Tpay Payslip Portal latest news, guides, Ultimate Procedure, portal login. TPAY profile update on TSC Payslips Portal – Simplified Guide TSC Latest News Media Team…
TSC to get real time school attendance by all teachers through Biometric Registration
Daily School attendance by all teachers will now be monitored by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), in real time. This is after the Teachers…
tsc transfer allowance claim form pdf,
Hardship allowance for teachers,
House allowance for teachers,
tsc transfer allowance claim form pdf,
TSC allowances 2022,
Commuter allowance,
tsc special school allowance,
TSC News,
house allowances for teachers,