Knec offices in Nairobi; Mitihani House Branch located at Dennis Pritt Road. KNEC has invited over 26,000 examiners to mark the 2023 KCSE exams
Knec offices in Nairobi; Mitihani House Branch located at Dennis Pritt Road. KNEC has invited over 26,000 examiners to mark the 2023 KCSE exams

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has released the payment rates for contracted professionals who will be in charge of this year’s national examinations.

The contracted professionals who include Centre Managers (Principals and Head Teachers), Supervisors, Invigilators and Security Personnel are expected to update their details online and download their invitation letters at

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According to Payment details released by the Council, Primary school head who will act as Centre Managers for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams will pocket a daily subsistence allowance of Sh500; for a total of 4 days (including rehearsal day).

On their part, Secondary schools Principals are expected to also earn a daily allowance of Sh500 for 18 days. The highest paid Supervisor will walk away with a sum total of Sh12,510 while the highest paid invigilator will pocket Sh9860.

The National exams will be administered and managed by 179,149 teachers in the capacities of centre managers, supervisors, invigilators and markers. Of this, 70,790 personnel will be used during the field administration of the KCSE examinations.

The Council has failed to factor payment for Deputy Head Teachers and Principals despite the fact that they will be present during the examination period as assistant Centre Managers. Also walking home empty handed are teachers handling science subjects who will be required to prepare and administer practicals during the KCSE examinations.

The government has mobilized over 180,000 teachers as well as police helicopters for this year’s national examinations.

The table below summarizes the expected pay for the Contracted Professionals:

Contracted ProfesionalExamRegionPay Per DayTotal Days engagedTotal Pay
Centre ManagerKCPEAll RegionsSh5004Sh2,000
Centre ManagerKCSEAll RegionsSh50018Sh9,000
InvigilatorsKCPEAll RegionsSh5383Sh1,615
InvigilatorsKCSENairobi & MombasaSh58017Sh9,860
InvigilatorsKCSEOther RegionsSh46017Sh7,820
SupervisorsKCPEAll RegionsSh6214Sh2,485
SupervisorsKCSENairobi & MombasaSh69518Sh12,510
SupervisorsKCSEOther RegionsSh63018Sh11,340
Security OfficersKCSEAll RegionsSh42016Sh6,720
DriversKCSEAll RegionsSh40516Sh6,480


Here are the guidelines on how to download the invitation letters online:

1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council shall invite the existing and qualified newly
trained Examiners for this year’s marking exercise online.
2.0 The site shall be accessible by all KCPE and KCSE
3.0 Examiners concerned shall be required to do the following:
3.1 Access KNEC Contracted Professionals Website using the link:
3.2 Those with cp2 accounts, login into the Examiners portal using their username
and password.
3.3 Those without cp2 accounts, click on reset password button to enter their mobile
numbers in format (2547*******) and submit to get their username and pass
word for logging into the system.
3.4 Upon successful login, complete their personal information and save. Using
the dashboard provided, access, download, print and read the invitation letters
and the Marking Instructions. Further instructions on acceptance and rejection
of marking offer are given in the invitation letter.
For further details contact any of the following:
4.1 Telephone numbers: 0720 741003, 0732 333530, 0775 471980, 0775 471997:
4.2 Email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].

The marking exercise is slated for November/ December.

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