The latest TSC news on teacher transfers, promotions and recruitment.
The latest TSC news on teacher salaries, transfers, promotions and recruitment.

Application for teacher transfer by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is now done online. To apply for a transfer, visit the TSC online portal. Below is a simplified procedure on TSC online transfer application.


1.1 Teacher portal

System access and Simplified Application Process

  1. Go to tsc website ( and click online services and select Teacher Transfer
  2. Enter your details-TSC No, ID Number, Mobile No and click login.
  3. A six-digit authorization code will be sent through your mobile number
  4. Enter the authorization code and click login.
  5. On successful login, the system is able to detect if you are either a primary or a post primary teacher.
  6. Click ‘Submit a Request for Transfer’ to proceed.
  7. Enter all the details, and check the declaration box.
  8. After entering all the details and checking the declaration box, click ’OK’
  9. The system will display your current station and the requested County.
  10. Click “File Attachment(s)’ button to attach supporting document(s)  in case the request for  transfer is due to insecurity and/or medical grounds.
  11. You can also Edit, Withdraw or Print the transfer request.
  12. Click Browse to select the document to attach.
  13. Enter your Remarks
  14. Check the dialogue box and Click Ok after attaching the document.
  15. Your attachment(s) will be displayed. You can either Remove or View your attachment.
  16. Click Submit Button.
  17. Once your application is successfully delivered, application status changes to “Pending”. (Please note the application status will keep on changing )
  18. Click Logout to exit from the system

Related guides;

TSC online transfer application portal (
TSC transfer application online portal and simplified application procedure for teachers- Updated
Step by step guide for online TSC transfer application.

1.2 Head of Institution (HOI) recommendation

Head will get the requests through the institution Emails and the HOI portal

Option 1: Email notification

  1. Open your Email.
  2. Click the email notification Link to proceed.
  3. Enter your comments as the Head of Institution and Click the ‘Submit’ button

Option 2 : HOI portal

  1. Go to TSC website ( and click Online Services, select HRMIS and click on ‘Teacher Transfer’ button.
  2. Enter your TSC No, ID Number and Mobile number and click Login
  3. A six digit  authorization code will be sent through your mobile number
  4. Enter the authorization code and click Login
  5. HoI (Head of Institution) portal will display the incoming transfer requests.
  6. Click ‘Action’ button to recommend the transfer and enter your comments.
  7. Click ‘Submit’ button.