Leave teachers alone and seek voluntary services elsewhere – KNEC told.

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, should invest in the people who make the examinations work and stop depending on voluntary service. The Deputy principals have been authorized to be in school during the entire examination period, the science teachers are expected in schools a day before the practical examinations and during the examinations to ensure everything is in place.

The chemistry teachers are expected to go a step further by doing the practical to get school values required for marking of the centres papers. The Agriculture, music, home science and computer teachers take the students through projects which run through several months. It’s worth noting that all these professionals play these roles without any contract with KNEC as if their roles do not matter; yet it’s these roles which make it possible for the examination to be deemed complete and effective.

All KNEC does is wait for the slightest of errors to punish these professionals without any regard as to how they are facilitated to enable them perform these tasks. It’s time KNEC invests in the examinations by compensating these professionals who invest time and resources in making the examinations a success.

By Mr. Laban Bosire Ouko.

(The Writer is an ardent defender of the teachers’ welfare and a vibrant unionist. He  is currently the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET, Chairman- Kisii County).


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