The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for exams and uploading project marks,
The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for 2020 KCPE, KCSE exams and uploading project marks,

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, will conduct a training for examiners in various subjects. The training will be executed from Sunday 7th April, 2019, to 13the April, 2019, at designated centers. The training is exclusively for those who applied and notified by sms. Here are some of the centres:

knec training centres- April, 2019

1. Alliance High – 102/2, 101/3 451/1
2. Alliance Girls – 121/2
3. Sunshine – 101/2
4.Mang’u – 231/3
5. Mary Hill -311/2, 441/1
6. Machakos Girls- 314/1, 314/2
7. Buruburu Girls -565/1, 313/2
8. St. George’s 565/1, 3131/2
9.Moi Girls Nairobi: 102/1

10. Physics 232/1- State House Girls
11. Chemistry 233/1- Mang’u boys

12. Physics 232/1- State House Girls
13. Chemistry 233/1- Mang’u boys
14. Biology 231/2- Mang’u Boys

  1. Technical Subjects -Maryhill Girls’

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