List of recruited TSC Interns in the 2019 recruitment and reporting dates; Kitui
List of recruited TSC Interns in the 2019 recruitment and reporting dates; Kitui
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has lined up interviews to fill the 10,300 teacher internship posts for Primary and Secondary Schools. This is after the Commission carried out the shortlisting of the thousands of applicants who expressed interest to take up the slots. According to the Commission, the lists of shortlisted applicants has been dispatched to all counties. “Applicants are advised that interviews shall be conducted at the county TSC offices. A list of applicants have been sent to each county,” reads a memo dated November 7, 2019 from Catherine Lenairoshi; of TSC Corporate Communications Office.

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What to carry to the interview sessions.

According to instructions on the TSC memo, the shortlisted Candidates are required to carry the following to the interviews once invited:
  • i. A valid certificate of Good conduct
  • ii. A valid personal accident cover
  • iii. National ID card
  • iv. Disability card if any
  • v. Two passport size photographs
  • vi. KCSE certificate
  • vii. KCPE certificate
  • viii. Diploma / degree certificate and Transcripts
  • ix. Primary/secondary or college leaving certificate
  • x. Kra pin xi. Bank plate

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Interview dates for Belgut Sub County

The shortlisted candidates will be taken through interview sessions to be organized by the TSC County Directors; countrywide. Interviews in Belgut Sub County will be done from Monday November 18 to Wednesday November 27, 2019. Here is the interview schedule for this Sub County.
TSC Teacher Interns Recruitment Schedule for Belgut Subcounty in Kericho
TSC Teacher Interns Recruitment Schedule for Belgut Subcounty in Kericho
Remember to visit this portal TSC NEWS PORTAL for all the latest TSC News; including interview lists downloads, dates and marking scheme.

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Duration of internship

Successful candidates will be absorbed for a period of one year; since the Internship period will be twelve (12) months.


Recruited interns will be entitled to payment of a monthly stipend of Kshs 15,000 for Secondary School Teacher interns and Ksh 10,000 for Primary School Teacher Inters. This stipend will subjected to statutory deductions where applicable.

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