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 Enterprise Development Fund provides the following loans to groups and individuals at the constituency level:


Rausha is a group loan for startup businesses or other income generating activities. Loan amount is Kshs. 100,000. Rausha loan has a three-month grace period. Repayment will be made in twelve (12) equal monthly instalments.


Inua is a business expansion loan for groups. It is advanced to groups with running businesses. Groups which have fully repaid Rausha or loans from other institutions can apply for Inua. Loan amount starts from Kshs. 200,000 and groups can progressively graduate up to Kshs. 1,000,000.

1 st loan: Maximum Kshs. 200,000 Payable in 18 months
2 nd Loan: Maximum Kshs. 400,000 Payable in 24 months
3 rd Loan: Maximum Kshs. 600, 000 Payable in 30 months
4 th Loan: Maximum Kshs. 800, 000 Payable in 36 months
5 th Loan: Maximum Kshs. 1,000,000 Payable in 36 months

The first Inua loan has a one month grace period. No grace periods for subsequent loans. Loan amounts for up to Kshs. 500,000 will be secured using chattels while conventional securities will be required for loans above Kshs. 500,000.


Special is available only to groups running business projects that generate money on periodical or pre-determinable irregular periods. It will be available for:

  • Agricultural production-horticulture
  • Livestock trading or fattening
  • Fish farming
  • Poultry (broiler) projects
  • Supplies (specific)
1 st loan: Maximum Kshs. 100,000 Payable in 12 months
2 nd Loan: Maximum Kshs. 200,000 Payable in 18 months
3 rd Loan: Maximum Kshs. 400, 000 Payable in 24 months
3 rd Loan: Maximum Kshs. 500, 000 Payable in 36 months


Smart is available to individuals belonging to a group that has benefitted from YEDF and repaid its loan. It graduates group members to individual borrowers.The borrower could be a startup or for expansion.


4. Swift

Loan Amount and repayment period:

The maximum loan amount will be graduated as a repayment incentive as follows;

  1. Start-ups (Grace period of 3 months)
1st loan to member Kshs. 25,000 maximum for 9 months
2nd loan to member Kshs. 50,000 maximum for 12 months
3rd loan to member Kshs 100,000 maximum for 18 months
4th & final loan Kshs 200,000 maximum for 24 months

  2. Existing businesses (No grace period)

1st loan to member 

without bank statement

kshs 50,000 12 Months
Ksh 35,000 9 Months
2nd loan to member Ksh 100,000 18 months
3rd loan to member Ksh 150,000 24 months
4th loan to member Ksh 200,000 24 months

For group loans the following documents should be provided at application:

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