TSC Kenya
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Conference theme- “The Teacher as a Resource: Quality and Utilization”.

The Teachers Service Commission is established under the Constitution of Kenya to manage all matters of the teaching profession in Kenya. The Commission, in collaboration with stakeholders, is planning a conference on the teaching profession.

Conference objectives:
 To explore pertinent and contemporary issues in teacher training and development.
 To strengthen inclusive and innovative pedagogy.
 To expound on the role of technology in teaching and learning.
 To articulate the current regulations and policies and their implications to the teaching service.

The Conference whose theme is “The Teacher as a Resource: Quality and Utilization” will be held from 14th to 15th June 2019 at Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.

The sub-themes of the Conference are:
a. Teacher training and development in the 21st Century.
b. Principles and Practices of Effective Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century
c. Quality Assurance for Effective Teaching and Learning

The Commission wishes to invite prospective participants (including teachers, academicians, researchers, and education practitioners) to present papers at the Conference on the chosen sub-themes.

Abstracts of between 350 and 500 words should be submitted to Teachers Service Commission through the Email: [email protected]; Not later than 25th April 2019.

Authors whose abstracts will be accepted will be notified not later than 5th May 2019.

Abstracts should include the following:-
a. The sub-theme that the presentation will address
b. Title of the presentation
c. Name(s) and institution(s) of affiliation
d. Contact details: email and telephone number(s)

The text should be in MS-Word format (12 points, Times Roman, double-spacing),
Full papers on accepted abstracts, of not more than 4500 words should be submitted by 15th May 2019 and the power point slides by 20th May 2019.

Please note that papers submitted should be the author’s original work.

Authors of accepted papers will be expected to make their presentations during the conference. Papers presented may either be theoretical or Research Papers Research Papers may have the following structure:
a.Introduction/ Theoretical Framework;
b. Purpose(s)/Objectives;
f.Conclusion/ Recommendations;
g.Implications; and

All papers should strictly follow the APA (sixth edition) format.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by external reviewers, based on originality and technical quality. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

Conference Fees
Registration Fee: Ksh 3000 (USD 30) Payable to: National Bank of Kenya, Harambee Avenue Branch, Account Name: Teachers Service Commission, Account Number:01001000905000, Swift Code NBKEKENX711 by 15th May 2019

Teachers Conference, Nairobi, Kenya

Conference Theme: The Teacher as a Resource: Quality and Utilization

Conference Name: – Teachers Conference 14th -15th June 2019, Kenya.

Conference Website: https://www.tsc.go.ke/teachersconference

Conference Dates: 14th – 15th June 2019

Conference Venue: Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC)

Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: 25th April 2019

Call of paper submission Email: [email protected]

Conference Language: English

Conference Charges: Ksh 3000 (USD 30)

Conference Application Form: Log in https://www.tsc.go.ke/teachersconference