Past POYA, TOYA and iTOYA winners.
Past POYA, TOYA and iTOYA winners.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the requirements and timelines for the awards for the 2019 teacher and principal of the year. The Commission will be seeking to reward outstanding principals in the Principal of the Year Award (POYA). Teaching with impressive performances will be rewarded under the Teacher of the Year (TOYA) and Innovative, ICT, Teacher of the Year( ITOYA) categories. Last year, Ramba Boys High School head teacher, Mr James Okoyo, won the Principal of the Year Award (POYA). While, St. Theresa Tartar High School teacher’s Mr Elijah Ogoti won the Teacher of the Year Award (TOYA) and the award for the (information, communication and technology) ICT teacher of the year went to Mr Maxwell Kayesi of Karuri High School in Kiambu.

Sr Anastacia Amollo, Principal of St. Mary’s Lwak Girls High School won the 2017 Principal of the Year Award (POYA). On the other hand, Mrs Philis Wangechi of Mahiga Girls Secondary School and Mr Paul Thairu Kamau of Loreto Girls Secondary School Limuru won the Teacher of the Year Award (Toya) and the ICT Teacher of the Year Award (i-Toya) respectively.

Winners of these awards go through a rigorous process from the sub-county, county and national levels where they present a PowerPoint report, are interviewed by a panel of professionals and also highlight their achievements both in and outside the classroom. For winning, the teachers are awarded cash prizes and trophies from their employer, TSC.

Below are the guidelines for the 2019 awards:


  • Must be a TSC employed principal fully paid up members of KESSHA
  • Served as a principal for at least three years
  • Mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2018 KCSE
  • Must have submitted bocks of aconunts for the year
    2018 for audit
  • Principals with Special Needs are encouraged to


  1. Must be a TSC employed teacher
  2. Must have taught for atleast 3 years under TSC
  3. Have a subject mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2018 KCSE results in one of the teaching subjects.
  4. Teachers with special needs are encouraged to participate.


  1. Must be a TSC employed teacher
  2. Must have taught for atleast three years under TSC
  3. Should have a subject mean score of 5.0 (C-) and above in 2018 KCSE results in one of the teaching subjects.
  4. Teachers with special needs are encouraged to participate.


  • By 1st March, 2019: Schools to come up with their TOYA, iTOYA
  • By 16th March, 2019: Sub- counties to come up with their POYA, TOYA and iTOYA.
  • By 8th April, 2019: Counties to come up with their POYA, TOYA and iTOYA.
  • By 10th May, 2019: Regions to produce their POYA, TOYA and iTOYA.