If you are in need of a list with all the TSC Geography advertised internship vacancies per school, sub county and county, then you can get it here for free.
The list has all Geography advertised subject combinations; Geography/CRE, Geography/Kiswahili, Geography/History, Geography/Business and Geography/Mathematics.
Remember to check similar lists for other subject combinations here; Advertised TSC vacancies per Subject combinations.
See also;
- How to apply for TSC internship vacancies online at https://hrmis.tsc.go.ke/app/recruitP/
- TSC advertises 6,674 intern teachers vacancies for primary and secondary schools
Central | Kiambu | 147012063138 | Handege Sec | Geo/CRE |
Central | Kiambu | 147012013015 | Mary Leakey Girl Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Central | Kiambu | 147012063164 | Thika Girls Karibaribi Sec | Geo/Kisw,Comp͙.. |
Central | Kiambu | 147012063172 | Ndururumo Sec Sec | Geo/Hist |
Central | Kiambu | 147012013048 | Gitithia Mixed Sec | Geo/CRE |
Central | Kiambu | 147012013070 | P.C.E.A Ngemwa Sec | Geo/CRE |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012043165 | Kamande Sec | Geo/Math |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012043036 | Muruaki Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012023065 | Rukenya Mixed Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012023044 | Kangai Mixed Sec | Geo/Bst |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012033057 | Kaganda Sec | Geo/Bst |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012033010 | Mugoiri Girls | Geog/Bst |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012033064 | Wahundura Mixed Sec | Geo/Bst |
Central | Nyandarua | 147012033038 | Kiangunyi Girls | Geo/Bio |
Central | Nyeri | 147012053109 | Kihuti Sec | Geo/Bst, |
Central | Nyeri | 147012053050 | Gatugi Girls | Geo/Kisw |
Central | Nyeri | 147012053162 | Kiahagu Mixed Day | Geo/Bst |
Coast | Lamu | 147013033025 | Manda Air Port Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Lamu | 147013033005 | Witu Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Mombasa | 147013043009 | Changamwe Mixed Day Sec Sch | Geo/Hist |
Coast | Kilifi | 147013073004 | Kakuyuni Boys Day/Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Kilifi | 147013013091 | Mtomondoni Mixed Day Sec Sch | Geo/Hist |
Coast | Kilifi | 147013013079 | Makomboani Mixed Day Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Kilifi | 147013073049 | Burangi Mixed Day Sec sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Taita Taveta | 147013053003 | Murray Girls Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Coast | Taita Taveta | 147013053050 | Mzwanenyi Mixed Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Embu | 147014073007 | Mariari Girls | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Embu | 147014013037 | Kithegi Day Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Embu | 147014013042 | Kiangungi Baptist | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Embu | 147014013050 | St.Boniface Mugui | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053143 | Miwani Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053093 | Kitheuni Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053303 | St Charles Uvouni Sec | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053200 | Mumbuni Girls | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053170 | Mbusyani Mixed | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053031 | St. Mary’s Mukunike Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053207 | Kikaso Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053098 | Miseleni Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053306 | Kauti Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Machakos | 147014053159 | Iiani Kivaa Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043255 | Kasue Girls | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043118 | St Marys Kinyambu | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043213 | A.I.C Mwaani Sec | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043052 | Ikalyoni Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Makueni | 14701173279 | Mutantheeu Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043005 | Kaumoni Boys Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043083 | Kasunguni Sec Sch | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043294 | Mituvu Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043329 | Kinyee Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043149 | Kamuthini Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043021 | Kikumini Sec | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Makueni | 147014043139 | Kilili Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Marsabit | 147014093002 | Moyale Girls | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083034 | Ruiri Girls | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113153 | Akuune Day Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113084 | Mathiandui Sec Sch | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113054 | K.K Baithai Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113038 | Kathanga Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113043 | Naathu Girls Sec | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083035 | Thuura Boys | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083071 | Mikumbune Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083054 | Gaitu Sec | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083048 | Kinjo Girls. | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Meru | 147014083013 | Kithirune Girls’ Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113159 | DEB Kiguma Mixed Day Sec | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113166 | MCS Kirima Mixed Day Secondary | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Meru | 147014113039 | Miathene Mixed Day | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Tharaka Nithi | 147014123018 | Karocho Sec. School | Geo/Hist |
Eastern | Tharaka Nithi | 147014133012 | Igwanjau Sec Sch | Geo/Maths |
Eastern | Tharaka Nithi | 147014133044 | Ndumbini Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Eastern | Tharaka Nithi | 147014133059 | St.Anne Girls’ | Geo/Hist |
Nairobi | Nairobi | 147011013017 | Dr. Ribeiro Parklands Boys Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Hist |
Nairobi | Nairobi | 147011013007 | Huruma Girls Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
Nairobi | Nairobi | 147011013010 | Ofafa Jericho Sec Sch | Geo/Hist |
North Eastern | Wajir | 147015033011 | Hon. Khalif Girls Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw, Arabic/IRE |
North Eastern | Wajir | 147015033005 | Habaswein Boys Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw, Eng/Lit |
North Eastern | Wajir | 147015033048 | Sheikh Omar Mixed Day Sec Sch | Geo/IRE |
North Eastern | Wajir | 147015033008 | Khorofa Harar Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Wajir | 147015033036 | Eldas Girls Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw, Bst/Maths |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023006 | Moi Mandera Girls Sec. Sch. | Geo/Maths, Hist/Kisw |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023011 | Arabia Boys Sec. Sch. | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023033 | Gari Boys Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023045 | Olla Boys Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023043 | Banisa Girls Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Mandera | 147015023044 | Kiliweheri Boys Sec Sch | Geo/Kisw |
North Eastern | Garissa | 147015013023 | Nanighi Boys Boarding Sec Sch | Geo/Maths |
North Eastern | Garissa | 147015013011 | Boys Town Sec Sch | Geo/Maths, Bst/Geo, |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016013109 | Nyabite DOK Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016013107 | Omobera Girls | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016013171 | St Augustine Magenche Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016013002 | Nyamagwa Boys | Geo/Bst, Eng/Lit |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033134 | Nyankororo SDA Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033103 | Bogeka P.A.G Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033047 | Manyansi DOK Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033156 | Nyangonyi ELCK Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033165 | Rianyabaro COG Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033017 | St. Pauls Igonga Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Kisii | 147016033057 | Hema – Chitago Sec. | Geo/Bst, Eng/Lit,chem/math |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083049 | Saye Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083048 | Got Rateng Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083216 | Harambee Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083047 | Otondo Mixed | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083008 | Our Lady of Mercy -Ringa Boys | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083183 | George Agola Owuor Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083204 | Kamwala Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083162 | St Joseph Kobuya Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016083064 | St Mary’s Nyakango Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023034 | Langoromo Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023025 | Gul-Kagembe Mixed | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023067 | Ludhe Dongo Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023020 | Olare Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023109 | Oluso Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023121 | Alara Mixed Sec. | Geo/Math |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023058 | Got Kojowi Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023124 | Kaguria Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016023052 | Okok Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016103049 | Nyakiya Mixed(sindo) | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016103029 | Sena Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Homa Bay | 147016103042 | Wasamo Girls | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063103 | Bondo Nyironge Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063085 | Oruba Mixed | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063021 | St. Peters Abwao Sec | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063009 | St Paul’s Ageng’a Boys | Geo/Bst, Kisw/CRE |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063018 | St. Michael Nyandema Sec. | Geo/Math |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063116 | Sota SDA Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063198 | St. Jacobs Kolanya Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063205 | St. Gabriels’ God Kwach Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063041 | Kanyasrega Nyokal Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063038 | Oruba Girls | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016063141 | St. Zablon Ondome Mixed | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016053001 | Taranganya Boys High | Geo/CRE, Bio/Agric |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016053131 | St. Mathias Nyamosense Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016053034 | Sakuri Girls | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Migori | 147016053132 | Kwiho Mixed | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016043192 | Got Nyabondo Sec. | Geo/Kisw |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016043045 | Ongalo Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016043181 | Bishop Abiero Oruga | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016043018 | St Pauls Barkorwa Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016123048 | Katolo Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016123008 | Andingo Opanga Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016123046 | Nyabondo Boys | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Kisumu | 147016123083 | Odowa Sec. | Geo/Math |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016113044 | Bar Chando Girls | Geo/CRE |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016113048 | St. Pauls Mitiro | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016113005 | Nyakongo Girls | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016113104 | St Mark Ndwara Mixed | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093002 | St Mary’s Lwak Girls | Geo/Hist, Bio/Chem, Kisw/CRE |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016113080 | Tanga Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093040 | Agoro Oyombe Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093029 | Boro Sec. | Geo/Kisw |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093094 | Rambo Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093072 | St. Charles Humwend | Geo/Bst, Kisw/CRE,Maths/Chem |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093148 | St Peters Ukalama Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093097 | B.A.Ohanga Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093111 | Ndegwe Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Nyanza | Siaya | 147016093122 | Wagwer Mixed | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073197 | Esanige Mixed | Geog/Bst, |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073005 | Kiabonyoru Boys | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073179 | St. Tiberius Nyamotentemi Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073100 | St. Patricks Kahawa Sec. | Geo/Kisw |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073198 | Magura Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073078 | Sungututa | Geo/Kisw |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073029 | St. Danes Eronge Sec. | Geo/Bst |
Nyanza | Nyamira | 147016073077 | St.Francis Nyatieko Sec. | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013090 | Kesetan Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013094 | St. Mary’s Tenges Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013124 | Tuluongoi Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Math |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013097 | Kilingot Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Math |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017063045 | Lebolos Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017063032 | Uhuru Kabiyet Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013107 | Marigat Integrated Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017063005 | Kisanana Boys Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017063070 | Mogotio Township Secondary school | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017013081 | A.I.C. Churo Girls Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023024 | Kiplokyi Girls Secondary School | Geo/Kis |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023074 | Kitoben Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023082 | Singorwet Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023002 | Tenwek High School | Geo/Math |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023033 | Chemaner Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023063 | Kiplabotwa Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023020 | Kong’otik Girls Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023018 | Mulot Boys Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023180 | Ndubai Secondary School | Geog/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023189 | Norera Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023104 | Chebanyiny Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023207 | Koroitik Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023176 | Siomo Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Baringo | 147017023164 | Sironet Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017033023 | Anin Secondary Secondary School | Geo/Kisw, |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017033036 | Kessup Day Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017033015 | Our Lady of Glory Kaptagat Girls Secondary | Geo/CRE, Kisw/Hist, |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017083009 | Chesewew Boys Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017083012 | St. Pauls Kapkondot Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017083052 | St. Stephen Koitugum Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017043063 | Ilmarba Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Elgeyo Marakwet | 147017043008 | Enoomatasiani Girls Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017183059 | Chemoiben Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017183093 | Kabusienduk Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053056 | Kibolgong Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017183051 | Mabasi Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017183024 | Masubeti Girls Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053009 | Ainamoi Boys Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053075 | Buchenge Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst, |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053022 | Kapsoit Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst, Math/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053005 | Kericho Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053141 | Kaplelit Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053318 | Kimologit Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053323 | Jubilee Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053124 | Kapsenda Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053092 | Kedowa Girls Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053066 | Kaplelartet Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053059 | Kebeneti Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Kericho | 147017053050 | Kipsitet Day Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Laikipia | 147017073080 | Kalalu Girls Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Laikipia | 147017073072 | Nkando Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Laikipia | 147017073054 | St. Jude Girls Nturumuka Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093147 | Kamwaura Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093250 | Ogiek Kwanza Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093200 | Nyakiambi Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093231 | Moi Ndabi Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093213 | Larmudiac Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093130 | Taita Mauche Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093136 | Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093351 | Solai Day Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Rift Valley | Nakuru | 147017093293 | Arash Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Nandi | 147017103009 | Lelmokwo High School | Geo/Bst, Kisw/CRE |
Rift Valley | Nandi | 147017103003 | St. Joseph’s Chepterit Girls Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Nandi | 147017193031 | Koitalel Samoei Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Nandi | 147017193035 | Maraba Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Narok | 147017113150 | Limanet Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Narok | 147017113041 | Senchura Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Narok | 147017113047 | Ongata Oloirien mixed day | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Narok | 147017133140 | Kurongurik Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Samburu | 147017123031 | Kirimon Mixed Day Secondary School | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Samburu | 147017123015 | Longewan Day Secondary School | Geo/Math |
Rift Valley | Samburu | 147017123033 | Baragoi Girls Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143040 | St. Mary’s Nai Boys Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143193 | St. Veronica Girls High School Kokwo | Geo/CRE, Eng/Lit |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143072 | Friends Mufutu Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143207 | Hill Mixed Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143044 | Masaba Mixed Secondary School | Geo/CRE |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143174 | Maziwa Day Secondary School | Geo/Bst, Math/bio |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143126 | St. Patrick’s Secondary School – Makunga | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143188 | Our Lady of Africa Chepkoiyo Mixed Secondary | Geo/Hist |
Rift Valley | Trans Nzoia | 147017143035 | St. Paul’s Sinoko Boys Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Turkana | 147017153044 | Talent High School | Geo/Bst |
Rift Valley | Turkana | 147017163107 | K.A.G. Bwayi Secondary School | Geo/Bst, |
Western | Busia | 147018023012 | St. Cecilia Namenya Girls Sec School | Geo/Hist |
Western | Busia | 147018023024 | Our Lady Of Mercy Girls Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Busia | 147018023201 | Canon Awori Nambale A.C Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Western | Busia | 147018023029 | St. Paul’S Igara Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013054 | Chiliba Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013217 | Khayo Mmk Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013053 | St Judes Girls High School Napara | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013181 | St Marys Magdaline Kimatuni | Geo/Hist |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013177 | Friends Secondary School Musembe | Geo/Hist |
Western | Bungoma | 147018033015 | Chepkube S. A Sec School | Geo/Math |
Western | Bungoma | 147018033002 | Cheptais S.S. | Geo/Hist |
Western | Bungoma | 147018033012 | Kim Girls Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013157 | Friends Sec Sch Chebukwabi | Geo/Math |
Western | Bungoma | 14701393126 | New Hope Kamukuywa | Geo/Bst |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013098 | St theresa’S Girls’ Kimilili | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018033014 | Chemoge Sec. | Geo/Hist |
Western | Bungoma | 147018033019 | J. B Serut Chemweisus Sa Sec | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013313 | Nyange Pag Sec | Geo/Math, HSc/͙ |
Western | Bungoma | 147018013169 | Friends Sec Sch Nambani | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Vihiga | 147018073141 | Matsigulu Friends Secondary School | Geo/Bst |
Western | Vihiga | 147018073001 | Bunyore Girls High School | Geo/Math,HSc/͙ |
Western | Vihiga | 147018072015 | St. Clares Ebukhaya Sec For Hearing Impaired | Geo/Hist/KSL |
Western | Vihiga | 147018073134 | Ebukoolo Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018043084 | Shikomari S S | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018083055 | Eshibinga K Secondary | Geo/Hist |
Western | Kakamega | 147018043391 | Friends School Murhanda Mixed Sec. Sch. | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018043039 | Shabwali | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018083114 | St. Stephen’s Ebubaka Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053030 | Ivugwi Sec | Geo/Hist |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053164 | Mapera Secondary School | Geo/Math |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053045 | Friends Sch Chenjeni | Geo/Hist |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053047 | Lumama Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053038 | Mufutu Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |
Western | Kakamega | 147018053039 | St Augustine’S Mlimani Secondary School | Geo/Kisw |