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TSC 2021 CBC training dates and venues

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC- Kenya. Latest transfers, delocalization news.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, latest news.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a circular on the 2021 training of teachers on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). According to the latest circular from the Commission, the training will kick off on May 25th to 4th June, 2021.

TSC will use both the face to face and virtual blended model to train the teachers.


The teachers will be trained for five (5) days in the dates shown below;

Training Date Training Mode Venue Activities
25/05/2021 to 27/05/2021 Virtual Virtual Training of CSO and CBC champions using Microsoft teams (regular) and Training of SNE CSO and SNECBC Champions using Microsoft teams.
31/05/2021 to 04/06/2021 Face to Face Zonal level Zonal training of Teachers (Regular)
31/05/2021 to 04/06/2021 Face to Face Zonal level Zonal training of Teachers (SNE)

The Mode of training

The training will be conducted in three stages as follows;

The specific teachers to be trained

The target groups for the training will be 2 teachers and the Head teacher from each public primary school as follows;

The Regional and County TSC Directors will do the following:

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