Strathmore school, in Nairobi- Kenya. The school emerged top in the 2018 KCSE exams
Strathmore school, in Nairobi- Kenya. The school emerged top in the 2018 KCSE exams
Strathmore school from Nairobi dethroned  2017 top school, Sing’ore girls, to clinch position one in the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. With a performance index of 72.28. Strathmore, a private school from Nairobi, outclassed other giants to sit at the summit of this year’s KCSE list of top schools, Nationally. At the second position is another private school from Nakuru, Moi High school- Kabarak, which recorded a performance index of 72.12. Below, is the list of top performers, nationally, in the 2018 KCSE Exams.

·         StrathmorePrivateNairobi
·         Moi High Schl KabarakPrivateNakuru
·         Moi Tea GirlsExtra CountyKericho
·         Alliance GirlsNationalKiambu
·         Alliance HighNationalKiambu
·         Mang’u HighNationalKiambu
·         Kisima Mixed Sec.PrivateNyandarua
·         Precious Blood RirutaExtra CountyNairobi
·         Orero Boys Sec.Extra CountyHoma Bay
·         The Kenya HighNationalNairobi
·         Moi Girls, EldoretNationalUasin Gishu
·         Kianda SchoolPrivateNairobi
·         Segero AdventistPrivateUasin Gishu
·         Anestar Boys, LanetPrivateNakuru
·         Kapsabet BoysNationalNandi
·         Starehe Girls’NationalNairobi
·         Maryhill Girls’NationalKiambu
·         Pangani Girls’NationalNairobi
·         Light Academy, NairobiPrivateNairobi
·         Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed-NahyanPrivateMombasa
·         Starehe Boys’ CentrePrivateNairobi
·         Loreto  High, LimuruPrivateKiambu
·         Mary Mother of Grace  Sec. Schl.NationalLaikipia
·         Maseno SchoolNationalKisumu
·         Agoro Sare HighExtra CountyHoma Bay
·         Sunshine SecondaryPrivateNairobi
·         Kyeni Girls HighExtra CountyEmbu
·         Mutira Girls’ Sec.Extra CountyKirinyaga
·         St. Theresa’s Girls Sec.PrivateSamburu
·         Maranda HighNationalSiaya
·         Murang’a HighNationalMuranga
·         Riara Springs AcademyPrivateNairobi
·         Light Academy, MombasaPrivateMombasa
·         Pioneer SchoolPrivateMuranga
·         Metkei Sec. SchlExtra CountyElgeyo Marakwet