Nyamira County To Establish An Athletics Training Center
|Nyamira County To Establish An Athletics Training Center .
H.E. Amos Kimwomi Nyaribo received a delegation from Gusii Legends Welfare Association who paid him a courtesy call at his Boardroom.
He promised to partner with them so that they could nurture local talents for sports plays a big role in the unification of a nation through bringing different communities together.
“Sports plays a big role in the unification of a nation, thus, my administration is committed in supporting local talents, I believe this partnership will strengthen our efforts of unifying different communities” Said the Governor.
He further said, his administration will engage with the Gusii Legends Welfare Association,sports teachers and other stakeholders in the sports fraternity to improve sport in the region by setting up an Athletics Training Camp that would open up the region for more talent.
“Nyamira County has in the past produced world class athletes champions therefore, setting up a training facility would open up the region for more talent”, he said.
Governor Nyaribo said, the move will encourage young athletes in the region while at the same time be an opportunity for tapping revenue through sporting activities.
The delegation from Gusii Legends Welfare Association, was led by their director Alfred Anyega Momanyi who emphasized on the importance of nurturing young talents.
He promised to work with the County Government to ensure they will improve athletics in Gusii land.
They will also be organizing races in the year 2023 to honour the veteran athletes and have a special race dubbed “Hon. Amos Nyaribo Race”.
The CECM for Gender and Sports, Dr. Grace Nyamongo, supported the initiative of reviving sports in Nyamira County and also commended the unity of the welfare.