Remuneration and Benefits for State Officers in the Executive of the National Government
IN EXERCISE of the mandate of Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) as set out under Article 230 (4) (a) of the Constitution, SRC has reviewed the remuneration and benefits for State officers in the Executive of the National Government under the Third Remuneration and Benefits Review Cycle that covers Financial Years (FY) 2021/2022-2024/2025. Consequently:
- for the period 2021/2022, the remuneration and benefits were retained as set by SRC in Gazette Notice 6516 of 7th July 2017;
- for the period 2022/2023, SRC has set the remuneration and benefits as published in this Gazette Notice; and
- for the period 2023/2024 – 2024/2025, SRC shall set the remuneration and benefits on or before the commencement of FY 2023/2024.
- Monthly Remuneration for State officers in the Executive of the National Government for FY 2022/2023
State Officer | Basic Salary | House Allowance | Commuter Allowance | Salary Market Adjustment | Gross Salary |
President of the Republic of Kenya | 866,250 | 350,000 | Official | 227,500 | 1,443,750 |
Deputy President | 736,313 | 300,000 | Official | 190,875 | 1,227,188 |
Cabinet Secretary | 554,400 | 200,000 | Official | 169,600 | 924,000 |
Attorney-General | 554,400 | 200,000 | Official | 169,600 | 924,000 |
Secretary to the Cabinet/Head of Public Service | 554,400 | 200,000 | Official | 169,600 | 924,000 |
Principal Secretary | 459,113 | 150,000 | Official | 156,075 | 765,188 |
Inspector-General, National Police Service | 459,113 | 150,000 | Official | 156,075 | 765,188 |
Director General, National Intelligence Service | 459,113 | 150,000 | Official | 156,075 | 765,188 |
Deputy Inspector General, Kenya Police
Service |
372,750 |
100,000 |
Official |
148,500 |
621,250 |
Deputy Inspector General, Administration
Police Service |
372,750 |
100,000 |
Official |
148,500 |
621,250 |
Director of Criminal Investigations | 372,750 | 100,000 | Official | 148,500 | 621,250 |
- A serving State officer and a State officer appointed on or after the effective date of this Gazette Notice shall be paid the monthly remuneration set herein.
- The monthly remuneration set herein is fixed for the term of office of the State officer, unless reviewed and set by the Salaries and Remuneration
- Salary Market Adjustment is a salary modification that takes into account market positioning, and constitutional and statutory principles on review of remuneration and benefits.
- For purposes of gratuity and pension, the pensionable emolument shall be based on the monthly basic salary set
- The basic salary set herein is 60 percent of the gross salary set
- The deconsolidated remuneration structure set herein is in compliance with the Judgment of the Court in Nairobi ELRC Petition 29 of
- Benefits for State officers in the Executive of the National Government
- Official Transport:
- The Presidency: Shall be provided with official transport in line with prevailing government transport
- Other State officers in the Executive of the National Government: Shall be provided with an official car of engine capacity not exceeding
- Medical Benefit: An annual medical cover shall be provided to the State officer, one spouse and up to four children below the age of twenty-five years fully dependent on the State officer, as follows:
- Official Transport:
Inpatient: KES 10 million Outpatient: KES 300,000
Maternity: KES 150,000
Dental: KES 75,000
Optical: KES 75,000
- Retirement Benefit:
- The President: The Presidential Retirement Benefits Act, 2003 shall
- The Deputy President: The Retirement Benefits for Deputy President and Designated State Officers Act, 2015 shall
- There shall be two types of retirement benefits for State officers, pension and gratuity as follows:
- A State officer serving or appointed on permanent and pensionable terms shall be eligible to pension benefit in line with existing
- A State officer serving or appointed for a fixed term of office shall be paid a service gratuity at the rate of 31 percent of the annual pensionable emoluments for the term served.
- Where an employer establishes a pension scheme for its State officers appointed for a fixed term of office, SRC shall review and set the rate of the employer’s contributions to the scheme and any other financial retirement benefits.
- No State officer shall benefit from both pension and gratuity benefits from the same public body for a similar
- Group Life Insurance: A State officer shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times of the annual pensionable
- Group Personal Accident: A State officer shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times of the annual pensionable
- Car Loan and Mortgage Benefit: State officers in the Executive of the National Government shall be eligible to a car loan and mortgage, as follows:
State officer | Car Loan | Mortgage |
Cabinet Secretary
Attorney General Secretary to the Cabinet |
Up to KES 10 million |
Up to KES 40 million |
Principal Secretary | Up to KES 8 million | Up to KES 35 million |
State officer | Car Loan | Mortgage |
Director General, National Intelligence Service Inspector General, National Police Service | Up to KES 6 million | Up to KES 30 million |
Deputy Inspector, General Kenya Police Service
Deputy Inspector General Administration Police Service |
Up to KES 5 million | Up to KES 25 million |
- The applicable rate of interest shall be three (3) percent per annum on a reducing balance, for the duration of the
- The car loan shall be recoverable within the contract term of a State
- The car loan and mortgage shall be administered and managed centrally by the National Treasury, within existing applicable regulations to govern the schemes and subject to availability of funds.
- Daily Subsistence Allowance for local and foreign travels: Shall be paid to State officers in the Executive of National Government as per the rates reviewed and set by SRC from time to time.
- Airtime: Shall be paid up to a maximum of KES 20,000 per
- Official Residence: The President and Deputy President shall be provided with an official residence together with commensurate home utilities and attendants by the State. The official residence shall be a physical building/house owned by government. The benefit shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of an official residence.
- Security: Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector General of Police and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of
- Annual Leave Allowance: Shall be paid at the rate of KES 50,000 per annum and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of
Note: The Annual leave entitlement shall be thirty (30) days excluding weekends and public holidays.
- Special Responsibility Allowance: Shall be paid to designated offices as set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission from time to
- Any remuneration and benefits not specified in this Gazette Notice is not payable unless set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission. Effective date: 9th August, 2022.