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New Salaries For President, Deputy, Speaker, CS 2022 to 2027

Remuneration and Benefits for State Officers in the Executive of the National Government

IN EXERCISE of the mandate of Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) as set out under Article 230 (4) (a) of the Constitution, SRC has reviewed the remuneration and benefits for State officers in the Executive of the National Government under the Third Remuneration and Benefits Review Cycle that covers Financial Years (FY) 2021/2022-2024/2025. Consequently:


  1. Monthly Remuneration for State officers in the Executive of the National Government for FY 2022/2023


State Officer Basic Salary House Allowance Commuter Allowance Salary Market Adjustment Gross Salary
President of the Republic of Kenya 866,250 350,000 Official 227,500 1,443,750
Deputy President 736,313 300,000 Official 190,875 1,227,188
Cabinet Secretary 554,400 200,000 Official 169,600 924,000
Attorney-General 554,400 200,000 Official 169,600 924,000
Secretary to the Cabinet/Head of Public Service 554,400 200,000 Official 169,600 924,000
Principal Secretary 459,113 150,000 Official 156,075 765,188
Inspector-General, National Police Service 459,113 150,000 Official 156,075 765,188
Director General, National Intelligence Service 459,113 150,000 Official 156,075 765,188
Deputy  Inspector  General,  Kenya  Police












Deputy  Inspector  General,  Administration

Police Service











Director of Criminal Investigations 372,750 100,000 Official 148,500 621,250


  1. Benefits for State officers in the Executive of the National Government
    • Official Transport:
      • The Presidency: Shall be provided with official transport in line with prevailing government transport
      • Other State officers in the Executive of the National Government: Shall be provided with an official car of engine capacity not exceeding
    • Medical Benefit: An annual medical cover shall be provided to the State officer, one spouse and up to four children below the age of twenty-five years fully dependent on the State officer, as follows:

Inpatient: KES 10 million Outpatient: KES 300,000

Maternity: KES 150,000

Dental: KES 75,000

Optical: KES 75,000



State officer Car Loan Mortgage
Cabinet Secretary

Attorney General Secretary to the Cabinet


Up to KES 10 million


Up to KES 40 million

Principal Secretary Up to KES 8 million Up to KES 35 million



State officer Car Loan Mortgage
Director General, National Intelligence Service Inspector General, National Police Service Up to KES 6 million Up to KES 30 million
Deputy Inspector, General Kenya Police Service

Deputy Inspector General Administration Police Service

Up to KES 5 million Up to KES 25 million


Note: The Annual leave entitlement shall be thirty (30) days excluding weekends and public holidays.

  1. Any remuneration and benefits not specified in this Gazette Notice is not payable unless set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission. Effective date: 9th August, 2022.
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