Nairobi County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
4 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED KERUGOYA | 5763-00 NAIROBI | KERUGOYA | Comprehensive | |
7 | Central | EASTEND DENTAL CLINIC LIMITED | 48580-0 NAIROBI | KERUGOYA | Non-Comprehensive | |
33 | Central | QUEENS & KINGS ACCURATE HEALTH CENTRE | 743 10300 NAIROBI | 20 | KERUGOYA | Comprehensive |
46 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED KIAMBU | 5763-002 NAIROBI | 0 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
47 | Central | CARETECH MEDICAL LIMITED | 104863 NAIROBI | 74 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
53 | Central | MEDICROSS CLINIC JUJA MALL | 4459-005 NAIROBI | 0 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
55 | Central | NAZARETH HOSPITAL | 49682 NAIROBI | 210 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
58 | Central | RADIANT GROUP OF HOSPITALS-KIAMBU | 65973-0 NAIROBI | 72 | KIAMBU | Non-Comprehensive |
59 | Central | ROYAL SMILES DENTAL CLINIC LTD | 35334-00 NAIROBI | KIAMBU | Comprehensive | |
61 | Central | ST. PETER AND ANN MEDICAL CENTRE RUAKA | 6865 003 NAIROBI | 14 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
62 | Central | SUNVIEW MATERNITY AND NURSING HOME | 79430 00200 NAIROBI | 15 | KIAMBU | Comprehensive |
64 | Central | THE KAREN HOSPITAL LIMITED-THIKA CLINIC | 1500 005 NAIROBI | KIAMBU | Non-Comprehensive | |
66 | Central | ZAWENA TREATMENT CENTRE | 8513 002 NAIROBI | 54 | KIAMBU | Non-Comprehensive |
70 | Central | COMPLETE CARE DENTAL SERVICES | 69589 NAIROBI | LIMURU | Comprehensive | |
79 | Central | ULTIMATE DENTAL CENTRE | 24221-0 NAIROBI | LIMURU | Non-Comprehensive | |
82 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD MARALAL | 5763 NAIROBI | 0 | MARALAL | Comprehensive |
90 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARELIMITED MURANG’A | 5763-00 NAIROBI | MURANGA | Comprehensive | |
99 | Central | MURANGA HEALTHCARE SERVICES | 542 NAIROBI | 0 | MURANGA | Comprehensive |
100 | Central | PRIMECARE DENTAL ASSOCIATES | 22958 00 NAIROBI | MURANGA | Comprehensive | |
101 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED NANYUKI | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | NANYUKI | Comprehensive |
126 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE NYERI | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | NYERI | Comprehensive |
140 | Central | THE KAREN HOSPITAL LIMITED KARATINA CLINIC | 1500-00 KAREN,NAIROBI | NYERI | Non-Comprehensive | |
142 | Central | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED OL-KALAU | 5763 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | OLKALAU | Non-Comprehensive |
153 | Central | NAZARETH HOSPITAL RUIRU | 49682 NAIROBI -00100 | 45 | RUIRU | Comprehensive |
156 | Central | RUIRU WEMA COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES | 3970 002 NAIROBI | RUIRU | Comprehensive | |
160 | Central | EQUITY AFIA MEDICAL CENTRE THIKA | 754-0100 NAIROBI | THIKA | Comprehensive | |
164 | Central | GERTRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL THIKA CLI | 42325 NAIROBI | 0 | THIKA | Non-Comprehensive |
166 | Central | J. K. U. A. T. HOSPITAL | 62000 NAIROBI | 50 | THIKA | Non-Comprehensive |
174 | Central | THE MATER HOSPITAL – THIKA | 30325 00 NAIROBI | THIKA | Non-Comprehensive | |
178 | Nairobi | ABRAR HEALTH SERVICES LTD | 18501 00100 | 30 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
179 | Nairobi | AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL – RUAI | 30270-00 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive | |
181 | Nairobi | BAHATI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL | 88 BUNYORE | 8 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
182 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE BURUBURU CLINIC | 40195 NAIROBI | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive | |
183 | Nairobi | BURUBURU DENTAL CENTRE | 104205 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
184 | Nairobi | BURUBURU HEALTH CENTRE | 590 NAIROBI-00515 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
185 | Nairobi | DIVINE WORD PARISH HEALTH CENTER | 304 NAIROBI | 32 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
186 | Nairobi | EDELVALE TRUST JAMAA H$M HOSPITAL | 17153 NAIROBI | 46 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
187 | Nairobi | EMMANUEL MEDICAL CENTRE DONHOLM | 74558 00 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
188 | Nairobi | EQUITY AFIA BURUBURU | 184 BURUBURU | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive | |
189 | Nairobi | EURAKA MEDICAL CENTRE | 2539-00 NAIROBI | 15 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
190 | Nairobi | EXCELITE EYECARE | 22596-00 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
191 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES CHILDREN HOSPITAL BURUBURU | 42325 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
192 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL DOONHOLM | 42325 00100 – NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
193 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL KOMAROCK | 42325 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
194 | Nairobi | HAVEN HEALTHCARE | 54500-0 NAIROBI | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
195 | Nairobi | HUVANS MEDICAL CENTRE DONHOLM | 9746-00 NAIROBI | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
196 | Nairobi | JAMII WELLNESS HOSPITAL | 71756 0 NAIROBI | 20 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
197 | Nairobi | KAYOLE HOSPITAL | 67617 NAIROBI | 40 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
198 | Nairobi | KOMAROCK MEDICAL CENTRE | 26030 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
199 | Nairobi | KOMAROCK MODERN HEALTHCARE UTAWALA | 23728-0 NAIROBI | 69 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
200 | Nairobi | KOMAROCK MODERN MEDICAL CENTRE | 23728 NAIROBI -00100 | 24 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
201 | Nairobi | MARIA MAT. & NURSING HOME | 34736 NAIROBI | 20 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
202 | Nairobi | METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL | 33080 NAIROBI | 153 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
203 | Nairobi | MKUNGA MATERNITY & NURSING HOME | 14 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
204 | Nairobi | PHADAM HOSPITAL COMPANY LIMITED | 1183-00 NAIROBI | 16 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
205 | Nairobi | PHADAM HOSPITAL COMPANY LTD-NASRA | BOX 118 NAIROBI | 30 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
206 | Nairobi | PRIMED MEDICAL CENTRE | 3769-00 NAIROBI | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
207 | Nairobi | PRUDENT COTTAGE HOSPITAL | 2370-00 NAIROBI | 21 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
208 | Nairobi | RELIABLE MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES | 6425-00 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
209 | Nairobi | RFH SPECIALIST | 1050 NAIROBI-00520 | 100 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
210 | Nairobi | RUAI FAMILY MEDICAL CENTRE | 21006-0 RUARAKA | 25 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
211 | Nairobi | SAIKA NURSING HOME | 988 NAIROBI | 6 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
212 | Nairobi | SHALOM MEDICAL CLINIC BURUBURU | 20624 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
213 | Nairobi | SMILE EXPERTS DENTAL CLINIC | 53703 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
214 | Nairobi | SOS MEDICAL CENTRE | 40653 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
215 | Nairobi | SOWETO KAYOLE HEALTH CENTRE | 10469 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
216 | Nairobi | ST. JUDES MEDICAL CENTRE | 35120 NAIROBI | 10 | BURUBURU | Non-Comprehensive |
217 | Nairobi | ST. PATRICK HEALTH CARE | 9 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
218 | Nairobi | UMOJA HOSPITAL | 76480 NAIROBI | 13 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
219 | Nairobi | UMOJA THREE MEDICAL CENTRE | 304-0015 NAIROBI | 16 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
220 | Nairobi | UNITY MATERNITY AND NURSING HOME-UMOJA | 1852 00100 NAIROBI | 8 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
221 | Nairobi | UWEZO HEALTHCARE LIMITED | 43245 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
222 | Nairobi | VICTORY HOSPITAL LTD | 750 NAIROBI | 52 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive |
223 | Nairobi | VICTORY MEDICAL CENTRE | 0 | BURUBURU | Comprehensive | |
224 | Nairobi | ALIF MEDICAL CENTRE | 69086-0 NAIROBI | 0 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
225 | Nairobi | ALLIANCE MEDICAL CENTRE LTD | 20801-0 EASTLEIGH | 10 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
226 | Nairobi | BEIRUT PHARMACY & MEDICAL CENTRE | 44839 NAIROBI | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
227 | Nairobi | BURHAN NURSING HOME | 943-0061 NAIROBI | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
228 | Nairobi | CARE HOSPITAL LIMITED | 46041 NAIROBI | 60 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
229 | Nairobi | CITY POINT | 6648-00 BURUBURU | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive | |
230 | Nairobi | DAWASAFE MEDICAL CENTRE | 629-701 NAIROBI | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
231 | Nairobi | EDNAH MEDICAL CENTRE | 11091 NAIROBI | 20 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
232 | Nairobi | EDRIS PREMIERE HOSPITAL LIMITED | 0618-006 EASTLEIGH | 25 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
233 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL – PANGANI CLINIC | 442325 00100 | 0 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
234 | Nairobi | HEALTHGATE HOSPITAL LIMITED | 1706 NAIROBI | 70 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
235 | Nairobi | INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CENTRE LIMITED | 41238 41238 00100 NAIROBI | 54 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
236 | Nairobi | JOY NURSING & MATERNITY EASTLEIGH | 52569 EASTLEIGH | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
237 | Nairobi | LABIB HOSPITAL | 71760- NAIROBI | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
238 | Nairobi | LADNAN HOSPITAL LIMITED | 2534 0200 NAIROBI | 50 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
239 | Nairobi | MADINA HOSPITAL LIMITED | 78370 NAIROBI | 18 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
240 | Nairobi | MAKKAH HOSPITAL LIMITED | 45807-0 EASTLEIGH | 25 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
241 | Nairobi | MARIE STOPES KENYA LIMITED | 59328 NAIROBI | 19 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
242 | Nairobi | MEDIHEAL HOSPITAL EASTLEIGH | 25665 EASTLEIGH | 70 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
243 | Nairobi | MOTHER & CHILD HOSPITAL | 77918 NAIROBI | 77 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
244 | Nairobi | NAIROBI EAST HOSPITAL LIMITED | 51863-0 NAIROBI | 50 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
245 | Nairobi | NEO-DENTAL CLINIC | 8332-006 NAIROBI | 0 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
246 | Nairobi | NEO-DENTAL CLINIC | 8332-006 NAIROBI | 0 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
247 | Nairobi | NZOIA NURSING HOME-PANGANI | 104-0010 NAIROBI | 25 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
248 | Nairobi | OASIS MENTAL HEALTH LIMITED | 14538 NAIROBI | 33 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
249 | Nairobi | RADIANT GROUP OF HOSPITALS | 48234 NAIROBI | 70 | EASTLEIGH | Non-Comprehensive |
250 | Nairobi | ST. BRIDGET DISPENSARY | 32513-0 NAIROBI | 0 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
251 | Nairobi | ST. TERESA’S PARISH DISPENSARY | 64830 00620 NAIROBI | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive | |
252 | Nairobi | STAREHE HEALTHCARE LIMITED | 6798 EASTLEIGH-00610 | 40 | EASTLEIGH | Comprehensive |
253 | Nairobi | NIMOLI MEDICAL SERVICES LIMITTED | 112-006 NAIROBI | EMBAKASI | Comprehensive | |
254 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE JOGOO ROAD CLINIC | 5763-00 NAIROBI | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive | |
255 | Nairobi | CHURCH ARMY DENTAL CLINIC | 25586 NAIROBI | 0 | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive |
256 | Nairobi | CHURCH ARMY MEDICAL CENTRE | 72584 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive |
257 | Nairobi | GREENCROSS MEDICAL & DENTAL SERVICES LTD | 38657 00623 NAIROBI | 0 | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive |
258 | Nairobi | JAMII YADAH MEDICAL CENTRE MAKADARA | 22329-0 NAIROBI | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive | |
259 | Nairobi | MARY IMMACULATE HEALTH CENTRE BAHATI | 46377 NAIROBI | 35 | GIKOMBA | Comprehensive |
260 | Nairobi | ACESS AFYA LTD SINAI | 29410 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
261 | Nairobi | AMREF MEDICAL CENTRE WILSON AIRPORT | 30125 00 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
262 | Nairobi | ARAWELO MEDICAL CENTER LTD | 54762-00 NAIROBI | 15 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
263 | Nairobi | BAHATI TASSIA MEDICAL CENTRE | 42256-00 NAIROBI | 12 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
265 | Nairobi | BELEVIEW SOUTH HOSPITAL LIMITED | 9527-00 NAIROBI | 40 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
266 | Nairobi | BIZET MEDICAL CENTER | 55848-00 NBI | 20 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
270 | Nairobi | BRISTOL PARK HOSPITAL | 9193 NAIROBI | 13 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
271 | Nairobi | BRISTOL PARK NURSING HOME-UTAWALA | 9193-00 NAIROBI | 12 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
274 | Nairobi | COUNTY CARE CLINIC | 6562 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
275 | Nairobi | DENTALDOC CLINIC | 50325-0 NAIROBI | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
276 | Nairobi | DENTOPTIC MEDICARE LIMITED | 997-0051 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
277 | Nairobi | FAMILY HEALTH DENTAL CLINIC | 15 00202 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
278 | Nairobi | FAMILY HEALTH OPTIONS | 30581 NAIROBI | 19 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
280 | Nairobi | IMARA HEALTH CARE CENTRE | 30 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
281 | Nairobi | JAMII MEDICAL CANTRE-EMBAKASI | 10856-0 NAIROBI | 24 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
282 | Nairobi | JAMII YADHA MEDICAL CENTRE | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
283 | Nairobi | KENYA AIRWAYS MEDICAL CENTRE-PRIDE | 19002 00501 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
284 | Nairobi | LENGO MEDICAL CLINIC | 9 NAIROBI | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
285 | Nairobi | MARIAKANI COTTAGE HOSPITAL | 12535 NAIROBI | 21 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
287 | Nairobi | MATER MISERICORDIAE HOSPITAL NAIROBI | 30325 NAIROBI | 174 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
289 | Nairobi | MEDIGOLD HEALTH SERVICES LIMITED | 49645 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
290 | Nairobi | MERIDIAN EQUATOR HOSPITAL | 44995 NAIROBI | 50 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
291 | Nairobi | MISSION CARE NURSING HOME | 19263 NAIROBI | 75 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
293 | Nairobi | MWATATE COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE | 10042-0 NAIROBI | 20 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
294 | Nairobi | NAIROBI WEST HOSPITAL | 43375 NAIROBI | 400 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
295 | Nairobi | OLIVE LINK HEALTHCARE | 67617 00200 NAIROBI | 10 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
296 | Nairobi | OM SHANTI MEDICAL CLINIC | 27598-0 NYAYO STADIUM | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
297 | Nairobi | PIPELINE HEALTH CENTRE | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | ||
298 | Nairobi | PIPELINE NURSING HOME | 629 NAIROBI | 12 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
299 | Nairobi | PLANET DENTAL CLINIC LTD | 28 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
300 | Nairobi | REINHA ROSARY HEALTH CENTRE | 716 00518 KAYOLE | 14 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
301 | Nairobi | RELIANCE HOSPITAL LIMITED | 4166 NAIROBI | 70 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
302 | Nairobi | RHEEMAH HOSPITAL | 10586 NAIROBI | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
303 | Nairobi | RUBEN MEDICAL CLINIC | 20094-0 NAIROBI | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
304 | Nairobi | SCION HEALTH CARE LTD | 11614 00400 NAIROBI | 20 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
305 | Nairobi | SOUTH B DENTAL CENTRE | 9133 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
306 | Nairobi | SOUTH BHOSPITAL | 49255 NAIROBI | 38 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
307 | Nairobi | ST. BAKHITA DISPENSARY | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
308 | Nairobi | ST. CLARE MEDICAL CENTRE | 6422-00 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
309 | Nairobi | SUVA DENTAL CARE CENTRE-FEDHA | 103637 00101 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
310 | Nairobi | TASSIA HOSPITAL | 24516 NAIROBI | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
311 | Nairobi | THE BALOZI HOSPITAL LIMITED | 3255 00506 NAIROBI | 20 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
312 | Nairobi | THE EASTERN DENTAL PRACTICE | 105950 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
313 | Nairobi | THE NAIROBI SOUTH HOSPITAL LIMITED | 74079 NAIROBI | 89 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Non-Comprehensive |
314 | Nairobi | TRANSAMI MEDICAL CENTRE | 5627-00 NAIROBI | 0 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive |
315 | Nairobi | UTAWALA ESTATE HEALTH CENTRE | 12 | INDUSTRIAL AREA | Comprehensive | |
316 | Nairobi | A.I.C KAJIADO DISPENSARY | 5 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive | |
317 | Nairobi | CEDAR MEDICAL CENTRE | 216 LOITOKITOK | KAJIADO | Comprehensive | |
318 | Nairobi | CITY POINT GROUP OF HOSPITALS LTD | 6648-006 KAJIADO | 50 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
319 | Nairobi | EQUITY AFIA ONGATA RONGAI | 19913 ONGATA RONGAI | KAJIADO | Non-Comprehensive | |
320 | Nairobi | FATIMA HEALTH CENTRE | 399-9013 HAMUD | 20 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
321 | Nairobi | FAVOUR MEDICAL SERVICES | 4982 NAIROBI | 17 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
322 | Nairobi | FR. ADRIANO BONFANTI CATHOLIC HEALTH CENTRE | 491 90132 S/HAMUD | 0 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
323 | Nairobi | KITENGELA MEDICAL SERVICES-KAJIADO | 352 00242 KITENGELA | 120 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
324 | Nairobi | MERRUESHI VILLAGE HEALTH CENTRE | 231-901 EMALI | 20 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
325 | Nairobi | NAMUNYAK MEDICAL CENTRE | 510 KAJIADO | 30 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
326 | Nairobi | ROMBO MISSION HOSPITAL | 2 LOITOKTOK | 25 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
327 | Nairobi | RONGAI ORTHOPAEDIC MEDICAL SERVICES NKOROI | 998-0050 NAIROBI | 50 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
328 | Nairobi | ST CRISPIN AFYA HOSPITAL LIMITED | 354 -01100 KAJIADO | 25 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
329 | Nairobi | TULAH MEDICAL SERVICES | 23 00207 NAMANGA | 21 | KAJIADO | Comprehensive |
330 | Nairobi | AMURT HEALTH CARE | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive | |
331 | Nairobi | CHIROMO LANE MEDICAL CENTRE ANNEX-BUSTAN | 1501 00606- NAIROBI | 30 | KANGEMI | Non-Comprehensive |
332 | Nairobi | EAGLE EYE LASER CENTRE LIMITED LAVINGTON | 76386-0 NAIROBI | KANGEMI | Non-Comprehensive | |
334 | Nairobi | GETRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-LAVINGTON | 42325-0 NAIROBI | 0 | KANGEMI | Non-Comprehensive |
335 | Nairobi | JEMINDAS NURSING HOME LIMITED | 19757-00 NAIROBI | 16 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
336 | Nairobi | LAVINGTON DENTAL SERVICES | 100766 0 NAIROBI | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
337 | Nairobi | LAVINGTON GREEN DENTAL SUITE LTD | 27501-00 NAIROBI | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
338 | Nairobi | MARIA IMMACULATE HOSPITAL | 57216 NAIROBI | 28 | KANGEMI | Non-Comprehensive |
339 | Nairobi | MARIE STOPES KENYA KANGEMI CLINIC | 57328-0 NAIROBI | KANGEMI | Comprehensive | |
340 | Nairobi | MEDICROSS LTD KAWANGWARE | 2455 KAWANGWARE | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
341 | Nairobi | MERCY MISSION MEDICAL CENTRE | 2179-00 NAIROBI | 10 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
342 | Nairobi | MUTEITHANIA NURSING AND MATERNITY HOME | 71935-0 NAIROBI | 8 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
343 | Nairobi | NYINA WA MUMBI HEALTH SERVICES | 56333- NAIROBI | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
344 | Nairobi | PENDA MEDICAL CENTRE KANGEMI | 22647-00 NAIROBI | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
345 | Nairobi | RIVERSITE MEDICAL CLINIC | 19757-0 NAIROBI | KANGEMI | Comprehensive | |
346 | Nairobi | ST. JAMES HEALTH CENTRE LTD | 344 20116 GILGIL | 0 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
348 | Nairobi | ST.ANGELA MERICI HEALTH CENTRE | 23176-0 NAIROBI | 10 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
349 | Nairobi | ST.JOSEPH THE WORKER DISPENSARY | 23627-0 NAIROBI | 12 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
350 | Nairobi | SUNBEAM MEDICAL CENTRE | 32977-00 NAIROBI | 20 | KANGEMI | Comprehensive |
351 | Nairobi | WEMA MATERNITY AND NURSING HOME | 8328-00 NAIROBI | 10 | KANGEMI | Non-Comprehensive |
352 | Nairobi | ADENVILLE MEDICAL CARE CENTRE LTD | 246 ATHI RIVER | 35 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
353 | Nairobi | ADORA CHILDREN CLINIC | 17665 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
354 | Nairobi | ASSISI NURSING HOME | 0519 MACHAKOS | 15 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
355 | Nairobi | ATHI COMPLEX & COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE | 13-0020 ATHI RIVER | 20 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
356 | Nairobi | ATHI RIVER MEDICAL SERVICES | 336 ATHI RIVER | 45 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
357 | Nairobi | ATHI-RIVER SHALOM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL | 1523 KAJIADO | 278 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
358 | Nairobi | BASPEN SYOKIMAU COTTAGE HOSPITAL | 131-0051 MLOLONGO | 22 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
359 | Nairobi | CAREMAX HEALTH LIMITED | 70310-06 JUJA | 0 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
360 | Nairobi | COOL SMILE DENTAL CLINIC | 38266-00 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
361 | Nairobi | DENSMILE DENTAL CLINIC-KITENGELA | 42069-0 NAIROBI | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive | |
362 | Nairobi | DENSMILE DENTAL CLINIC-KITENGELA | 42069-0 NAIROBI | KITENGELA | Comprehensive | |
363 | Nairobi | DENSMILE DENTAL CLINIC-MLOLONGO | 42069-0 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
364 | Nairobi | DENTMIND DENTAL CENTRE | 7816 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
365 | Nairobi | DENTMIND DENTAL CENTRE | 7816 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
366 | Nairobi | EDDMERC MEDICAL CENTRE | 12912-00 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
367 | Nairobi | FIRST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL MLOLONGO | 23467-00 NAIROBI | 50 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
368 | Nairobi | HALISI FAMILY HOSPITAL | 1151-002 KITENGELA | 25 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
369 | Nairobi | JOYLITE MEDICAL SERVICES | 30071-00 NAIROBI | 21 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
370 | Nairobi | KATANI HOSPITAL LIMITED | 137 MLOLONGO | 116 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
371 | Nairobi | KITENGELA MEDICAL CENTRE | 29720 NAIROBI | 120 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
372 | Nairobi | KITENGELA PONA SERVICES | 78780 00507-NAIROBI | 45 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
373 | Nairobi | KITENGELA WEST HOSPITAL | 43375 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
374 | Nairobi | MAIYAN MEDICAL CENTRE | 58641-00 KITENGELA | 22 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
375 | Nairobi | MAKADARA HEALTH CARE AND MATERNITY HOME | 81-0020 ATHI RIVER | 36 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
376 | Nairobi | MARIAKANI COTTAGE HOSPITAL MLOLONGO | 12535 00400 NAIROBI | 80 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
377 | Nairobi | MELDY MEDICAL CLINIC | 107-2016 MACHAKOS | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
378 | Nairobi | OLOIBON MEDICAL CENTRE | 666 ATHI RIVER | KITENGELA | Comprehensive | |
379 | Nairobi | S.U.C.O.S HOSPITAL | 547 KAJIADO | 50 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
380 | Nairobi | ST CATHERINE OF SIENNA MEDICAL CENTRE | 6248-001 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
381 | Nairobi | ST. PAULS HEALTH SERVICES LIMITED | 2679 10200 NAIROBI | 12 | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive |
382 | Nairobi | SYOKIMAU HEALTH CENTRE | 1445-00 KITENGELA | 12 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
383 | Nairobi | THE AGA KHAN HOSPITAL KITENGELA | 30270-0 NAIROBI | KITENGELA | Non-Comprehensive | |
384 | Nairobi | THE FORK HOSPITAL KENYA | 29803-0 KAJIADO | 63 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
385 | Nairobi | TOPCARE NURSING HOME | 365 00242-KITENGELA | 41 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
386 | Nairobi | UFALME MEDICAL CENTRE | 781 ATHI RIVER | KITENGELA | Comprehensive | |
387 | Nairobi | VANTAGE MEDICAL CENTRE | 19718 00 NAIROBI | 0 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
388 | Nairobi | WILKISTA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | 220-0062 NAIROBI | 35 | KITENGELA | Comprehensive |
389 | Nairobi | BAHATI HOSPITAL JOSKA BRANCH | 58274 NAIROBI | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
390 | Nairobi | BISHOP U KIOKO CATHOLIC HOSPITAL | 2240 MACHAKOS | 140 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
391 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD MACHAKOS | 5763-002 NAIROBI | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
392 | Nairobi | BRISTOL PARK HOSPITAL MACHAKOS | 9193 NAIROBI | 70 | MACHAKOS | Non-Comprehensive |
393 | Nairobi | GERMAN MEDICAL CENTRE | 76208-00 NAIROBI | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
394 | Nairobi | GLOBAL OPTICAL WEAR | 72405 00200 | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
395 | Nairobi | JAMII REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CLINIC | 29 MACHAKOS | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
396 | Nairobi | LIFESPRINGS HEALTHCARE LIMITED | 12215-0 MACHAKOS | 45 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
397 | Nairobi | MACHAKOS DOCTORS PLAZA LTD | 398-901 MACHAKOS | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive | |
398 | Nairobi | MACHAKOS MEDICAL CLINIC | 424 MACHAKOS | 12 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
399 | Nairobi | MASII MEDICAL CENTRE | 155 MASII-VYULA WEATHER | 15 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
401 | Nairobi | MATUU MISSION HEALTH CENTRE | 207-9011 MATUU | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
402 | Nairobi | ODYSSEY OPTICIAN LTD- TALA | 35597-00 NAIROBI | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
403 | Nairobi | RELIABLE HEALTHCARE SERVICES LIMITED | 16442-06 MASINGA | 20 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
404 | Nairobi | RIMAAL PRIME COMMUNITY HOSPITAL | 29956 00 NAIROBI | 0 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
405 | Nairobi | RUAI FAMILY HOSPITAL-TALA | 1050 00520 TALA | 20 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
406 | Nairobi | SHALOM HOSPITAL | 1513 MACHAKOS | 220 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
407 | Nairobi | UNIVERSAL FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES | 2947-90 MACHAKOS | 60 | MACHAKOS | Comprehensive |
408 | Nairobi | AFRICARE LIMITED NHIF BUILDING | 66680-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
409 | Nairobi | ALL SMILES DENTAL PRACTICE | 686 00606 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
410 | Nairobi | ARROW DENTAL LIMITED | 6526 00200 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
411 | Nairobi | BEN AMMI MEDICAL CENTRE | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
412 | Nairobi | BETTER LIVING HOSPITAL | 48629 NAIROBI | 30 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
413 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE COLLEGE | 5763 00200 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
414 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE TELEPOSTA CLINIC | 5762-00 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
415 | Nairobi | BLUE RIDGE MEDICAL LTD | 28654-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
416 | Nairobi | BRO ANDRE MEDICAL CENTRE | 58078 00 NAIROBI | 42 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
417 | Nairobi | CITY EYE HOSPITAL | 19744-0 NGONG ROAD | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
418 | Nairobi | COPTIC HOSPITAL | 21540 NAIROBI | 200 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
419 | Nairobi | CRESCENT MEDICAL AID | 33041-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
420 | Nairobi | CRESENT MEDICAL AID KENYA-JAMIA | 33041-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
421 | Nairobi | CUSPID LLP DENTAL CLINIC | 59262 00100 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
422 | Nairobi | DENTAL CARE LIMITED NAIROBI CBD | 344 200116 GILGIL | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
423 | Nairobi | DENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS LIMITED – MENELIK HOSPITAL | 19320 00202 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
424 | Nairobi | DENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS LIMITED-GREEN HOUSE | 19320 00202 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
425 | Nairobi | DENTALACCESS NAIROBI CLINIC | 51215-0 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
426 | Nairobi | EAGLE EYE LASER CENTRE | 76386 NAIROBI 00508 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
427 | Nairobi | EAST AND CENTRAL AFRICA HEALTH LINK | 57698-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
428 | Nairobi | EMERALD DENTAL SURGERY LIMITED | 29522 00 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
429 | Nairobi | EQUITY AFIA KAWANGWARE | 2058-101 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
430 | Nairobi | EXECUTIVE DENTAL CLINIC | 21328 00505 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
431 | Nairobi | FOREST JAPAN MEDICAL CENTRE | 23260 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
432 | Nairobi | FREMO MEDICAL CENTRE | 16245 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
433 | Nairobi | GARDEN SPECIALIST HOSPITAL | 19567 NAIROBI | 20 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
434 | Nairobi | GERMAN MEDICAL CENTRE | 76208 NAIROBI 00508 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
436 | Nairobi | GITHOGORO BAPTIST CLINIC | 42325 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
437 | Nairobi | IVORY HEALTH SOLUTIONS LTD | 17658 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
438 | Nairobi | JAHMII KIPAWA MEDICAL CENTRE | 54012 NAIROBI | 28 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
439 | Nairobi | JANICE CHOLERTON MEDICAL & CANCER CENTRE | 19526 00 NAIROBI | 20 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
440 | Nairobi | JUJA ROAD HOSPITAL | 10006 00400 NAIROBI | 24 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
442 | Nairobi | KIDNEY AID DIALYSIS CENTRE | 7642-001 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
443 | Nairobi | KILIMANI DENTAL CLINIC | 29719 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
444 | Nairobi | KIMATHI STREET MEDICAL CENTRE LIMITED | 9721-00 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
445 | Nairobi | KINANI FAMILY MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE | 28381-0 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
446 | Nairobi | MARIE STOPES KENYA KENYATTA MARKET CLINIC | 59328 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
447 | Nairobi | MEDI-HUB HEALTHCARE LTD | 9686-00 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
448 | Nairobi | MEKAM MEDICAL CENTRE | 2898 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
449 | Nairobi | MELCHIZEDEK HOSPITAL | 20085 NAIROBI | 30 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
450 | Nairobi | MENELIK MEDICAL CENTER | 55164 NAIROBI | 13 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
451 | Nairobi | MIDHILL MATERNITY & NURSING HOME | 21138 NAIROBI | 28 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
452 | Nairobi | MILE DENTAL CLINIC | 24135 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
453 | Nairobi | MOI AVENUE OUTPATIENT CENTRE LTD | 2632-002 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
454 | Nairobi | MOONLIGHT DENTAL CENTRE | 7883-00 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
455 | Nairobi | MUMTAZ EYE CARE LIMITED | 1997-006 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
456 | Nairobi | MY DENTIST ENTERPRISE | 103883- NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
457 | Nairobi | NAIROBI EAR, NOSE & THROAT CLINIC | 29740 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
458 | Nairobi | NAIROBI HOSPITAL | 30026 NAIROBI | 356 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
459 | Nairobi | NAIROBI SPINE AND ORTHOPAEDIC CENTRE | 29710 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
460 | Nairobi | NAIROBI WOMEN’S HOSPITAL | 10552 NAIROBI | 120 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
461 | Nairobi | NAIROBI WOMENS HOSPITAL | 10552 NAIROBI | 120 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
462 | Nairobi | NILE MEDICAL CLINIC | 24456-0 NAIROBI | 20 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
463 | Nairobi | ODEON MEDICAL CENTRE LIMITED | 4081-00 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
464 | Nairobi | ODYSSEY OPTICIANS LTD | 35597 00100 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
465 | Nairobi | OMEGA OPTICIANS LIMITED | 61441 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
466 | Nairobi | ONE HEALTH LIMITED | 50531 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
467 | Nairobi | PARKROAD NURSING HOME (NAIROBI) | 19850 NAIROBI | 25 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
468 | Nairobi | PRIMECARE DENTAL ASSOCIATES | 29716-0 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
469 | Nairobi | PROGRESSIVE DENTAL CARE LTD | 17265 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
470 | Nairobi | SAVANNAH COUNTY HEALTH CARE | 103161 NAIROBI 00101 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
471 | Nairobi | SAVANNAH HEALTH CARE SERVICES LTD | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | ||
473 | Nairobi | SILENT HILL MEDICAL CLINIC LTD | 69-10106 | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
474 | Nairobi | SMARTMILE DENTAL CARE CLINICS (K) | 13586 00400 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
475 | Nairobi | SMILE CARE DENTAL & MAXILLOFACIAL CLINIC | 19552 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
476 | Nairobi | SMILE STUDIO DENTAL CLINIC | 104364 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
477 | Nairobi | SUPREME DENTAL CARE | 51410-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
478 | Nairobi | THE KAREN HOSPITAL LTD CITY CENTRE CLINIC | 150 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
479 | Nairobi | THE NAIROBI WOMENS HOSPITAL – ADAMS | 10552 NAIROBI | 200 | NAIROBI | Non-Comprehensive |
480 | Nairobi | THE WESTSIDE DENTAL PRACTICE | 38481-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
481 | Nairobi | TOOTH FAIRY DENTAL CLINIC | 427-00 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
482 | Nairobi | TRUST OPTICIANS | 62452 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
483 | Nairobi | UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI HEALTH SERVICES | 30197 00100 NAIROBI | 12 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
484 | Nairobi | V.I.PS HEALTH SERVICES | 24548- NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
485 | Nairobi | VIMAK DENTAL CENTRE | 49067 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
486 | Nairobi | VITALRAY HEALTH SOLUTIONS LIMITED | 12981-0 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
487 | Nairobi | VOSTRUM KENYA LIMITED TOI CLINIC | 9301-00 NAIROBI | NAIROBI | Comprehensive | |
488 | Nairobi | YAYA COLLINS DENTAL CLINIC | 54682-0 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIROBI | Comprehensive |
489 | Nairobi | AURORA HEALTHCARE | 23835-00 NAIROBI | 0 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
490 | Nairobi | BEACON OF HOPE | 4326-00 NAIROBI | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive | |
491 | Nairobi | DR TEETH RONGAI DENTAL CARE | 6218-001 NAIROBI | 0 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
492 | Nairobi | ENKITOK JOY NURSING HOME | 285 KISERIAN | 12 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
493 | Nairobi | FATIMA MATERNITY HOSPITAL | 15588 00503 | 32 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
494 | Nairobi | GARLANDS MEDICAL CENTRE RONGAI | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive | ||
496 | Nairobi | HOPE CARE MEDICAL CENTRE | 17074-00 NAIROBI | 0 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
497 | Nairobi | KAREN HOSPITAL LTD | 74240 NAIROBI | 102 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
498 | Nairobi | KING DAVIDS HOSPITAL | 424 KAJIADO | 28 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
499 | Nairobi | LANGATA HOSPITAL | 934 NAIROBI | 33 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
500 | Nairobi | MAGADI SODA COMPANY HOSPITAL MAGADI | 10 MAGADI | 40 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
501 | Nairobi | MATASIA NURSING HOME | 185 KISERIAN | 23 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
502 | Nairobi | MERIDIAN HOSPITAL KISERIAN | 50443-0 KAJIADO | 18 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
503 | Nairobi | MOUNT OLIVE SINAI HOSPITAL LIMITED | 52874-0 NAIROBI | 32 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
504 | Nairobi | NAIROBI WOMENS HOSPITAL | 10552 ONGATA RONGAI | 77 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
505 | Nairobi | NGONG’ RAPHA HOSPITAL | 87 00502 KAREN | 5 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
506 | Nairobi | SHREE SWAMINARAYAN HOSPITAL | 15977-00 NAIROBI | 60 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
507 | Nairobi | SINAI HOSPITAL RONGAI | 52874 NAIROBI | 32 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
508 | Nairobi | ST.IRENEAUS MEDICAL SERVICES | 63565-00 NAIROBI | 0 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
509 | Nairobi | ST.MARY’S MISSION HOSPITAL | 3409 00506 NAIROBI | 320 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
510 | Nairobi | ST.PETER CLAVER RC DISPENSARY | 751-002 KISERIAN | 5 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
513 | Nairobi | THE RETREAT LTD NGONG ANNEX | 1501 006 NAIROBI | 35 | ONGATA RONGAI | Non-Comprehensive |
514 | Nairobi | TRINITY CARE CENTRE – NGONG TOWN | 1226 002 NGONG HILLS | 0 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
515 | Nairobi | TRINITY CARE CENTRE LIMITED | 1226-00 NGONG HILLS | 29 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
516 | Nairobi | WAMA NURSING HOME | 241 0051- ONGATA RONGAI | 20 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
517 | Nairobi | WANANCHI JAMII MATERNITY & NURSING HOME | 51015 NAIROBI | 36 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
518 | Nairobi | ZAMZAM MEDICAL SERVICES | 220 NGONG HILLS | 15 | ONGATA RONGAI | Comprehensive |
520 | Nairobi | BARAKA SMILES DENTAL CLINIC | 60754 00 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
521 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE GITHURAI | 5763- 00 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
522 | Nairobi | BRIDGING OUTPATIENT CLINIC | 711 MAUA | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
523 | Nairobi | CELESTIAL DENTAL CENTRE | 23427-0 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
524 | Nairobi | CENTRES FOR COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE ACCESS | 43411-00 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
525 | Nairobi | DANDORA MEDICAL CENTRE | 71956-0 NAIROBI | 10 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
526 | Nairobi | DENSMILE DENTAL CLINIC ROYSAMBU | 42069 00 NAIROBI | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
527 | Nairobi | EQUATOR MEDICAL AND NUTRITION CENTRE | 8213-002 | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
528 | Nairobi | EQUITY AFIA MEDICAL CENTRE-KAHAWA WEST | 754-0100 THIKA | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
529 | Nairobi | FAMILY ACCESS MEDICAL CENTRE | 1445-00 NAIROBI | 10 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
530 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL THIKA ROAD MALL | 42325 00 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
531 | Nairobi | GIOVANNA E-SYLVIA MEDICAL CENTRE | 21390-0 NAIROBI | 15 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
532 | Nairobi | GURU NANAK RAMGARHIA SIKH HOSPITAL | 33071 NAIROBI | 63 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
533 | Nairobi | HOPE MEDICAL CLINIC | RUARAKA | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
534 | Nairobi | HURUMA HOSPITAL MATHARE NORTH ANNEX CLINIC | 72934 NAIROBI | 30 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
535 | Nairobi | HURUMA NURSING & MATERNITY HOME | 72934 NAIROBI | 60 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
536 | Nairobi | INDEX MEDICAL SERVICES | 6868-00 NAIROBI | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
537 | Nairobi | JACARANDA MATERNITY HOSPITAL | 52595-0 NAIROBI | 18 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
538 | Nairobi | JESSE KAY CHILDRENS HOSPITAL | 63660- NAIROBI | 50 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
539 | Nairobi | JUMUIA HOSPITAL HURUMA | 30016 NAIROBI | 132 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
540 | Nairobi | KASARANI CLAY CITY MEDICAL CENTRE | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | ||
541 | Nairobi | KASARANI NURSING & MAT. HOME | 31524 NAIROBI | 60 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
542 | Nairobi | LIFEBRIDGE COTTAGE HOSPITAL LIMITED | 1079 006 NAIROBI | 70 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
543 | Nairobi | MEDIANT DIAGNOSTICS MEDICAL CENTRE | 2928-010 THIKA | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
544 | Nairobi | MEDIPOINT CLINIC | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | ||
545 | Nairobi | MILELE DENTAL CARE LIMITED | 23427 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
546 | Nairobi | MILELE INTERGRATED MEDICAL SERVICES | 1190 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
547 | Nairobi | MIMOSA COTTAGE HOSPITAL | 52458-00 NAIROBI | 14 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
548 | Nairobi | MISSION OF HOPE INTERNATIONAL | 71481 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
549 | Nairobi | MWANGAZA ULIO NA TUMAINI CLINIC-KOROGOCHO | 79596-0 KOROGOCHO | 12 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
550 | Nairobi | NEEMA HOSPITAL | 32183-0 NAIROBI | 24 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
551 | Nairobi | NELLY MEDICAL CENTRE | 75284 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
552 | Nairobi | NEWLIGHT MEDICAL CENTRE | 74945-0 NAIROBI | 10 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
553 | Nairobi | NGARA COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH SERVICES LTD | 48234-00 NGARA | 20 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
554 | Nairobi | NGUMBA MEDICAL AND LABORATORY SERVICES | 412 RUARAKA | 15 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
555 | Nairobi | NOOR EYECARE | 40822- NAIROBI | 12 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
556 | Nairobi | PENDA MEDICAL CENTRE KAHAWA WEST | 22647-0 NAIROBI | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
557 | Nairobi | PLAZA MEDICAL SERVICES | 542 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
558 | Nairobi | PRECISION COUNSELLING AND REHAB HOME | 48418 NAIROBI | 28 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
559 | Nairobi | PRIME HEALTH SERVICES | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | ||
560 | Nairobi | PROACT SERVICES HEALTH CENTRE | 38121 NAIROBI | 70 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
561 | Nairobi | RADIANT GROUP OF HOSPITALS KASARANI SPORTSVIEW | 65973-00 NAIROBI | 100 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
562 | Nairobi | RAPHA PARADISE HEALTH CENTRE | 19981-00 NAIROBI | 8 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
563 | Nairobi | RUARAKA UHAI NEEMA HOSPITAL | 65122-0 NAIROBI | 40 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
564 | Nairobi | SHEKINAH MEDICAL CENTRE | 34521-0 NAIROBI | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
566 | Nairobi | SILOA MEDICAL CENTRE | 51608 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
567 | Nairobi | SMILESTAR DENTAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES | 805-002 RUIRU | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
568 | Nairobi | ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL LTD | 51754 NAIROBI | 40 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
569 | Nairobi | ST. MARY HEALTH SERVICES | 70-0020 NAIROBI | 6 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
570 | Nairobi | ST. SCOLASTICA UZIMA HOSPITAL | 68280 NAIROBI | 16 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
571 | Nairobi | ST.FRANCIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL | 62676 NAIROBI | 140 | RUARAKA | Non-Comprehensive |
572 | Nairobi | ST.JOSEPH MUKASA DISPENSARY | 6608-00 NAIROBI | RUARAKA | Comprehensive | |
573 | Nairobi | STAR GENERAL MEDICAL CENTRE | 1445-00 NAIROBI | 12 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
574 | Nairobi | THE LIFELINE GROUP OF HOSPITALS LIMITED | 15506 0010 NAIROBI | 56 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
575 | Nairobi | THE MANOR HEALTH SERVICES (KENYA) LIMITED | 53304-00 NAIROBI | 0 | RUARAKA | Comprehensive |
576 | Nairobi | AFRICARE LIMITED | 66680 00800-NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
577 | Nairobi | ASTRADENTAL CLINIC | 2031-00 SARIT | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive | |
578 | Nairobi | AVENUE HEALTHCARE LTD | 45280 NAIROBI | 140 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
579 | Nairobi | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED WESTLANDS | 5763-00 NAIROBI | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive | |
580 | Nairobi | BRAIN SPINE AND REHABILITATION | 2488-00 NAIROBI | 18 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
581 | Nairobi | CHIROMO LANE MEDICAL CENTRE | 73749 NAIROBI | 150 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
582 | Nairobi | DR AGARWALS EYE HOSPITAL | 41198-00 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
583 | Nairobi | EYE-AND U OPTHALMICS LIMITED | 2656-00 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
584 | Nairobi | GERTRUDES GARDEN CHILDRENS HOSPITAL NBI | 42325 NAIROBI | 100 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
585 | Nairobi | H.H. AGAKHAN HOSPITAL (NAIROBI) | 30270 NAIROBI | 280 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
586 | Nairobi | IVORY DENTAL CARE | 58733-00 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
587 | Nairobi | KILELESHWA MEDICAL PLAZA | 63592 00619 NAIROBI | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive | |
588 | Nairobi | LIONS SIGHT FIRST EYE HOSPITAL | 66576 NAIROBI | 118 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
589 | Nairobi | MEDIHEAL HOSPITAL PARKLANDS | 48 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive | |
590 | Nairobi | MEDITEST DIAGNOSTICS SERVICES | 40715-0 NAIROBI | 30 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
591 | Nairobi | NAIROBI ADVENTIST HOSPITAL | 41352-00 NAIROBI | 90 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
592 | Nairobi | PARK EYE CENTRE | 39498 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
593 | Nairobi | S.S. LEAGUE M.P SHAH HOSPITAL | 14497 NAIROBI | 207 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
594 | Nairobi | SPINE AND SPECIALITY HOSPITAL | 10259-00 NAIROBI | 20 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
595 | Nairobi | stima afya clinic Ltd | 22358 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive |
597 | Nairobi | THE MESU CENTRE | 59424 NAIROBI | 0 | WESTLANDS | Non-Comprehensive |
598 | Nairobi | WESTLANDS MEDICAL CENTRE | WESTLANDS | Comprehensive | ||
602 | Northern | HOPE CURE MEDICAL CLINIC | 591 00400 NAIROBI | CHUKA | Comprehensive | |
604 | Northern | KOMAROCK MODERN HEALTHCARE -KATHAWANA | 23728-00 NAIROBI | 98 | CHUKA | Comprehensive |
615 | Northern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED EMBU | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | EMBU | Comprehensive |
620 | Northern | EASTEND DENTAL CLINIC LIMITED | 48580-0 NAIROBI | EMBU | Comprehensive | |
628 | Northern | GENERATION AND VISIONARY MEDICAL CENTRE | 28760-00 NAIROBI | 35 | EMBU | Comprehensive |
637 | Northern | OPTIDENT DENTAL CARE | 103597 NAIROBI | 0 | EMBU | Comprehensive |
680 | Northern | SUNNA HEALTHCARE DENTAL SERVICES | 9279 001 NAIROBI | GARISSA | Comprehensive | |
733 | Northern | MANDERA DENTAL SERVICES | 39 70300 NAIROBI | 0 | MANDERA | Comprehensive |
736 | Northern | MANDERA WELLNESS CENTRE | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 80 | MANDERA | Comprehensive |
738 | Northern | MEDICYL HOSPITAL CARE LIMITED | 68832-00 NAIROBI | 40 | MANDERA | Comprehensive |
763 | Northern | WAYAM NURSING HOME | 198-9961 NAIROBI | 30 | MANDERA | Comprehensive |
766 | Northern | AIC GATAB HEALTH CENTRE | 21028 NAIROBI | 11 | MARSABIT | Comprehensive |
767 | Northern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD MARSABIT | 5763 NAIROBI | 0 | MARSABIT | Comprehensive |
775 | Northern | BLISS GVS HEALTH CARE LIMITED MAUA | 5763 NAIROBI | 0 | MAUA | Comprehensive |
816 | Northern | MEDICROSS MERU | 4458 005 NAIROBI | 0 | MERU | Comprehensive |
833 | Northern | THE KAREN HOSPITAL MERU CLINIC | 1500-00 NAIROBI | MERU | Non-Comprehensive | |
851 | Northern | ANKARA NURSING HOME | 16265-00 NAIROBI | 30 | WAJIR | Comprehensive |
854 | Northern | BUNA NURSING HOME | 16317-0 NAIROBI | 30 | WAJIR | Non-Comprehensive |
855 | Northern | BUNA NURSING HOME | 16317-0 NAIROBI | 30 | WAJIR | Non-Comprehensive |
856 | Northern | BUTE NURSING HOME | 26 102180 NAIROBI | 40 | WAJIR | Comprehensive |
884 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD ZION MALL | 5763 002 NAIROBI | 0 | ELDORET | Comprehensive |
885 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE,ELDORET | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | ELDORET | Comprehensive |
895 | Rift | EQURA HEALTH KENYA | 76491 00508 NAIROBI | 0 | ELDORET | Non-Comprehensive |
896 | Rift | EQURA HEALTH KENYA | 76491 00508 NAIROBI | 0 | ELDORET | Non-Comprehensive |
928 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD ITEN | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | ITEN | Comprehensive |
935 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE ELDAMA RAVINE | 5763 5763 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | KABARNET | Comprehensive |
936 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE KABARNET | 5763- 00 NAIROBI | 0 | KABARNET | Comprehensive |
953 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD KAPENGURIA | 5763 00200 NAIROBI | KAPENGURIA | Comprehensive | |
981 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD-KERICHO | 5763 002 NAIROBI | 0 | KERICHO | Non-Comprehensive |
991 | Rift | MARIE STOPES KENYA KERICHO CLINIC | 59328 NAIROBI | 0 | KERICHO | Non-Comprehensive |
1001 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE KITALE | 5763 5763-00200 NAIROBI | 0 | KITALE | Comprehensive |
1015 | Rift | MARIE STOPES KENYA-KITALE CLINIC | 59328-0 NAIROBI | KITALE | Comprehensive | |
1023 | Rift | SOLANAMU MEDICAL CENTRE | 10935-0 NAIROBI | 0 | KITALE | Comprehensive |
1054 | Rift | BENTA AND LEON (B&L)HEALTHCARE LIMITED | 2844-002 NAIROBI | 56 | NAIVASHA | Comprehensive |
1056 | Rift | BINGWA AFYA CLINIC LTD | 27610 00 NAIROBI | 0 | NAIVASHA | Comprehensive |
1057 | Rift | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD- NAIVASHA | 5763 00200 NAIROBI | NAIVASHA | Comprehensive | |
1058 | Rift | CELESTIAL DENTAL CARE-NAIVASHA | 23427-00 NAIROBI | NAIVASHA | Comprehensive | |
1072 | Rift | MEDIQUEST DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE LIMITED | 52088-00 NAIROBI | NAIVASHA | Comprehensive | |
1107 | Rift | GTB SCAN LAB NAKURU LIMITED | 26999 20100 NAIROBI | NAKURU | Comprehensive | |
1145 | Rift | THE KAREN HOSPITAL LTD-NAKURU CLINIC | 1500 NAIROBI | 0 | NAKURU | Comprehensive |
1146 | Rift | THE NAIROBI WOMENS HOSPITAL NAKURU CBD | 10552 NAIROBI | 27 | NAKURU | Non-Comprehensive |
1147 | Rift | THE NAIROBI WOMENS HOSPITAL-NAKURU | 4698-20 NAKURU | 65 | NAKURU | Non-Comprehensive |
1164 | Rift | AFRICA MISSION SERVICES COMMUNITY CLINIC | 15514 NAIROBI | 13 | NAROK | Comprehensive |
1167 | Rift | FREE THE CHILDREN BARAKA HEALTH CENTRE, NAROK | 883 00621 NAIROBI | 0 | NAROK | Comprehensive |
1169 | Rift | KISHON HEALTH CENTRE | 883 00621 NAIROBI | NAROK | Comprehensive | |
1175 | Rift | NAROK COTTAGE HOSPITAL | 25485-0 NAIROBI | 39 | NAROK | Comprehensive |
1210 | Southern | AFYA BORA CLINIC MUTOMO | 1630-00 NAIROBI | KITUI | Comprehensive | |
1213 | Southern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD KITUI | 5763 NAIROBI | 0 | KITUI | Comprehensive |
1247 | Southern | AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, NAIROBI-MALINDI | 30270 00 NAIROBI | 0 | MALINDI | Comprehensive |
Region | Hospital Name (Inpatient) | Postal Address | Beds | NHIF Branch | Category | |
1248 | Southern | AMURT HEALTH CARE CENTRE MALINDI- MUYEYE CLINIC | 29049 NAIROBI | 0 | MALINDI | Comprehensive |
1251 | Southern | MEDICROSS LIMITED-MALINDI | 4458 NAIROBI | 0 | MALINDI | Comprehensive |
1253 | Southern | RANDAS MEDICAL SERVICES LTD | 37704-00 NAIROBI | 0 | MALINDI | Comprehensive |
1267 | Southern | ST CORNELS MEDICAL CENTRE | 64765-00 NAIROBI | 20 | MARIAKANI | Comprehensive |
1276 | Southern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED MOMBASA | 5763-00 NAIROBI | MOMBASA | Comprehensive | |
1303 | Southern | NAIROBI HOMES NURSING HOME | 16650-8 MOMBASA | 16 | MOMBASA | Non-Comprehensive |
1304 | Southern | NYALI BRIDGE MEDICAL CENTRE | 43375-0 NAIROBI | MOMBASA | Comprehensive | |
1320 | Southern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED MTWAPA | 5763-00200 NAIROBI | 0 | MTWAPA | Comprehensive |
1358 | Southern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED EMALI | 5763-002 NAIROBI | 0 | WOTE | Comprehensive |
1359 | Southern | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD WOTE | 5763 5763-00200 NAIROBI | 0 | WOTE | Comprehensive |
1369 | Southern | NEO-SOLUTIONS MEDICAL CENTRE | 26271 00 NAIROBI | 12 | WOTE | Comprehensive |
1379 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED KIMILILI | 5763 00200 NAIROBI | BUNGOMA | Comprehensive | |
1380 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD WEBUYE | 5763 5763 00200 NAIROBI | 0 | BUNGOMA | Comprehensive |
1415 | Western | BUMALA CFW CLINIC | 1630 NAIROBI | 0 | BUSIA | Comprehensive |
1420 | Western | FAHELMA CFW COMMUNITY CLINIC | 1630-00 NAIROBI | 0 | BUSIA | Comprehensive |
1425 | Western | NAMENYA C.F.W CLINIC | 1630 NAIROBI | BUSIA | Comprehensive | |
1464 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD KAKAMEGA | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | KAKAMEGA | Comprehensive |
1470 | Western | JUMUIA HOSPITAL KAKAMEGA CLINIC | 45009 00100 NAIROBI | 0 | KAKAMEGA | Comprehensive |
1479 | Western | MARIE STOPPES CLINIC KAKAMEGA | 59328 NAIROBI | 0 | KAKAMEGA | Comprehensive |
1484 | Western | SONAR IMAGING CENTRE KAKAMEGA | 48981 00 NAIROBI | 0 | KAKAMEGA | Comprehensive |
1515 | Western | MARIE STOPS KENYA KISII CLINIC | 59328 NAIROBI | 0 | KISII | Comprehensive |
1531 | Western | ROMIEVA MEDICAL CENTRE | 36232 NAIROBI | 80 | KISII | Comprehensive |
1538 | Western | THE NAIROBI FAMILY AND MATERNITY HOSPITAL KISII | 1798 40200 KISII | 30 | KISII | Comprehensive |
1551 | Western | BLOOM SURGICAL CENTRE LIMITED- KISUMU | 1730-006 NAIROBI | 15 | KISUMU | Comprehensive |
1578 | Western | MEDICROSS MEGACITY | 4458 00506 NAIROBI | KISUMU | Comprehensive | |
1705 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED BONDO | 5763-00 NAIROBI | SIAYA | Comprehensive | |
1706 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LTD SIAYA | 5763 002 NAIROBI | 0 | SIAYA | Comprehensive |
1717 | Western | JAMII YADAH MEDICAL CENTRE -YALA | 22329 00 NAIROBI | 0 | SIAYA | Comprehensive |
1744 | Western | UGUNJA CFW CLINIC | 1630-00 NAIROBI | 0 | SIAYA | Comprehensive |
1747 | Western | BLISS GVS HEALTHCARE LIMITED MBALE | 5763-00 NAIROBI | 0 | VIHIGA | Comprehensive |
1763 | Western | WHITEFLUTE VIHIGA PRIVATE GENERAL & MATERNITY | 41171-00 NAIROBI | VIHIGA | Comprehensive |
How to select Hospital Online- NHIF Ultimate Guide
Go to NHIF Portal then Select NHIF Self Care which is the member’s portal.
Enter your national ID number. You will receive a password through SMS to your phone number that you used in registration of your NHIF number. Use that password to log in to your account.
Click ‘Choose Outpatient Facility’. Choose the county and facility you prefer to get your Outpatient services.
Marsabit County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Marsabit County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts How to select Hospital Online- NHIF Ultimate Guide Go to NHIF Portal then Select NHIF Self Care which is the member’s…
Mandera County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
How to select Hospital Online- NHIF Ultimate Guide Go to NHIF Portal then Select NHIF Self Care which is the member’s portal. Enter your national ID number. You…
Wajir County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Wajir County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 844 Northern A.I.C WAJIR DISPENSARY 110-702 WAJIR 0 WAJIR Comprehensive 845 Northern AFYA MEDICAL CLINIC AND NURSING HOME 277 HABASWENI 40 WAJIR Comprehensive 846 Northern AL HUDA NURSING HOME LTD 396…
NHIF registration portal online
NHIF Self Registration National ID Year of Birth Continue CLICK HERE FOR FASTER REGISTRATION. Already Registered? Click here to Login For queries ,Call NHIF Toll Free Line 0800 720 601…
NHIF change of facility, hospital form
NHIF change of facility, hospital form APPENDIX3 NHIF 38 ISSUE No. 2 NATIONAL HOSPITAL INSURANCE FUND P .O. BOX 30443 – 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA. E-Mail: [email protected] Website: CHOICE OF OUTPATIENT MEDICAL…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Kitui)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF membership – How to join, requirements
NHIF MEMBERSHIP Eligibility The following are eligible for the cover: Civil Servants at the National Government, Staff performing functions devolved to the Counties. Declared spouse by…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Busia)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Registration Form
NHIF Registration Form APPENDIX1 NOT FOR SALE NHIF 2 (Revised 2015 ) Folio No: ……………………… NATIONAL HOSPITAL INSURANCE FUND P. O. Box 30443 – 00100, NAIROBI, KENYA Website:…
WELCOME TO THE NHIF ONLINE PORTAL. Login Create new account Log in Request new password Email/Username * Password * Log in HOW TO REGISTER, CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. BASIC INFO PROFESSIONAL INFO …
NHIF Payment Reminder and How to Pay Monthly Subscriptions by Mpesa
NHIF wishes to remind members that the DUE DATE for paying monthly NHIF contributions is before 9th of every Month. Pay BEFORE the 9th to…
How To Pay NHIF Penalties Via MPESA (Simplified Procedure)
It is now pretty easy to pay NHIF Penalties Via MPESA. A monthly penalty of KES 250 is surcharged for any payment made after…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Nandi)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Kajiado)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Choice Of Outpatient Medical Facility PDF Form
Download the NHIF Choice Of Outpatient Medical Facility PDF Form, below; CHOICE OF OUTPATIENT MEDICAL FACILITY FORM Guidelines: 1. Principal Members are required to forward a duly…
How To Register Your Biometrics For NHIF Efficient Services (Simplified Process)
NHIF has embarked on a mass biometric registration exercise of its members. Previously, members used their National ID card and NHIF card as a mode of identification, which…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Tana River)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
The New NHIF Self-care Mobile App: How to download and use the App
Did you know that the National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, has developed an easy to use self mobile application? Well. You can download the…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Isiolo)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Kakamega)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
How to choose and change facility, hospital- NHIF latest news
NHIF CHOICE AND CHANGE OF FACILITY Choice or selection of preferred outpatient facilities is done every June and December of the contract year. NHIF will…
How to pay for NHIF by Mpesa (Simplified process)
It is now very easy to pay for NHIF monthly subscriptions by mpesa. Simply follow the simple steps below. To pay via your mobile phone…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Migori)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
Mass NHIF Biometric Registration Drive Launched Countrywide
The mass biometric registration drive for the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) health scheme has been launched. The exercise seeks to provide affordable, accessible and…
NHIF Website, Services, Portals, Contacts, Hospitals
HOME(CURRENT) MOBILE APP USSD WEB PORTAL SELECT HOSPITAL NEED HELP? CALL 0800 720 601 TOLL FREE SMS 21101 Use NHIF Mobile APP to chat with the support team or send a…
NHIF Portal, Online Registration, Payments, Benefits and Contacts
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) is the leading health insurance institution in the country. It is mandated to ensure all Kenyans have access…
NHIF introduces new changes on medical scheme, limits number of beneficiaries
The National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, has introduced a raft of measures on management of the fund. In the new changes, new members will…
How to pay NHIF via M-Pesa : Simplified procedure
Did you know that it is now easy to pay NHIF subscription via Mpesa? See the simplified procedure below. What are the requirements to register…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Nyandarua)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Outpatient Claim Form Free PDF Download
Here is the NHIF Outpatient Claim Form Free PDF Download for members. Download and fill the form correctly. Get the form below. DETAILS ON THE…
Kilifi County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Kilifi County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 1197 Southern BAMBA MATERNITY NURSING HOME 7 GANZE 6 KILIFI Comprehensive 1198 Southern CHAMALO MEDICAL CLINIC 459-801 KILIFI 7 KILIFI Comprehensive 1199 Southern DZITSONI MEDICAL CLINIC 543 KILIFI 0 KILIFI Comprehensive 1200 Southern HURUMA TELE MEDICAL CLINIC 48-80205…
How To Add A Dependent to Your NHIF Card – Simplified process
How To Add A Dependent to Your NHIF Card Fill the NHIF amendment form which you can get from any of the NHIF branches, Huduma…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Mombasa)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Machakos)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF EDUAFYA Cover for all students – Requirements, benefits, application guide
When the government unveiled the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) to manage our enormous education sector, there was just too much anticipation that…
How do I check my NHIF Dependants online
It is now possible for you to check your NHIF subscription status. You can easily check your NHIF Status online by visiting NHIF portal…
All NHIF members asked to register biometrically (See procedure and deadlines)
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) is registering all members afresh. The new registration will now be done biometrically. There will be no manual…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Narok)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Offices- Contacts, Physical Locations in all counties
NHIF Offices- Contacts, Physical Locations in all counties NHIF BRANCHES WITH THEIR SATELLITES No. COUNTY BRANCH LOCATION ADDRESS TELEPHONE 1. Baringo Kabarnet Mart Properties Ltd 310-30400 Kabarnet (053)8000312 (053)21844 Eldama Ravine Tandui Building, 2nd floor Mercy Hosp. Road 1048-20103 Eldama Ravine (051)752122 2. Bomet Sotik Bureti Tea Growers Sacco…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Baringo)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Uasin Gishu)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Membership – How to join
NHIFMEMBERSHIP Eligibility The following are eligible for the cover: Civil Servants at the National Government, Staff performing functions devolved to the Counties. Declared spouse by…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Tharaka Nithi)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF claim for last expense and group life form
NHIF claim for last expense and group life form APPENDIX4 REPUBLIC OF KENYA The Chief Executive Officer, National Hospital Insurance Fund, NAIROBI. CLAIM FOR LAST EXPENSE AND GROUP…
NHIF List of Hospitals Offering specialized treatment: Dialysis, Radiology, Cancer treatment
Here is the latest list of all Hospitals Offering specialized treatment (Dialysis, Radiology and Cancer treatment) under NHIF. NHIF Accredited Hospitals Offering Dialysis Services Hospital NHIF Branch County AFRICARE…
NHIF to include orphaned and vulnerable children, widows and widowers as well as the…
The government is planning to reform the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to accommodate more vulnerable groups, even as it seeks to implement Universal…
How to add NHIF dependants – Simplified process
You only need a copy of your ID and a coloured passport-size photo to register with NHIF. To add dependants, you will also need a…
NHIF frequently asked questions and answers
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q1. What happens in case of Emergency and away from facility chosen? You will be treated in the NHIF accredited health…
NHIF services: Guide on how to select and change outpatient facilities/ hospitals
The National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, provides various medical covers to members. NHIF provides outpatient services to members based on their medical needs, convenience…
How to add NHIF Dependants Online – Simple process
NHIF Kenya is the only medical coverage in the country that permits the principal individual to add beneficiaries at no extra fee. Besides, the process…
NHIF Benefits and how to get them- Latest NHIF news
NHIF BENEFITS PACKAGE The scope of benefits includes comprehensive outpatient and inpatient medical treatment both within the country and overseas for the principal member and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Murang’a)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
How to change your out-patient facility- Latest NHIF News
NHIF Guide- How to change your out-patient facility Hello NHIF Member, facility/hospital choice/change is no longer being done at NHIF offices, to select or change…
NHIF selfcare login
NHIF SELF-CARE PORTAL Use NHIF self care to access NHIF services. Service you will access include ,choice/change of facility ,view contributions ,pay arrears and much…
NHIF Mass Biometric registration procedure and requirements
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has embarked on a mass biometric registration exercise for its members and also deployed Electronic Claims Management System…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Kisii)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
Garissa County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Garissa County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 645 Northern AFNAAN HEALTHCARE SERVICES 486-701 GARISSA 0 GARISSA Comprehensive 646 Northern AL-IBRAHEEM THERAPEUTIC LTD 74-70100 GARISSA 0 GARISSA Comprehensive 647 Northern ALJEZEERA HOSPITAL 1016-76 GARISSA 15 GARISSA Non-Comprehensive 648 Northern ALLIANCE MEDICAL CENTRE-GARISSA 1808 70100 GARISSA 20 GARISSA Non-Comprehensive 649 Northern ANFAC NURSING…
NHIF Self care Online Platforms For All Kenyans (How to get NHIF Services Online)
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) is committed to ensuring members access outpatient services based on their medical needs, convenience and preference. NHIF has introduced…
NHIF roles- Members, NHIF and Hospitals
OBLIGATIONS The scheme has three parties the member, NHIF and the Health Care Facility, whose roles are outlined below;- Obligations of the Member The member…
Download all NHIF forms here free
The National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, provides medical insurance cover to all Kenyans. You can get all NHIF forms here: NHIF Membership Registration Forms NHIF…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Lamu)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Kiambu)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Siaya)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Wajir)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Taita Taveta)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
How to Make NHIF Contributions Using MPESA (Simplified Process)
Every registered NHIF self-employed member is required to make a monthly contribution of KES 500 to their accounts. Existing members are required to pay…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Elgeyo Marakwet)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
Service Portal National Health Insurance Fund Dedicated to providing quality health care Login English Swahili menuOnline Application brightness_7 Certification cloud_download Download Login Sign In to your account account_box username lock Password visibility_off CLICK HERE FOR FASTER ACCESS, LOGIN Sign In National Health Insurance Fund.
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Vihiga)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Comprehensive Medical Insurance Scheme – Full details
On 1st of January, 2012, the Government introduced a Comprehensive Medical Insurance Scheme for Civil Servants and Disciplined Services together with their eligible dependants….
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Garissa)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Kirinyaga)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Nyeri)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Nyamira)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Marsabit)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF self care portal – Easy, Quick login
Log into the National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, portal here. The NHIF Self Care portal allows you to access choice/change of facility ,view contributions and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Nakuru)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Kilifi)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF contributions to be changed- President Ruto announces
PRESIDENT WILLIAM RUTO-WE WILL REVIEW NHIF TO CATER FOR MORE KENYANS The contribution structure of the National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, will be reviewed to…
NHIF Frequently Asked Questions And Their Answers
Do you have any burning questions on NHIF? Well. Look no further. Here are all your answers to any NHIF questions that you may…
NHIF Branches and Offices Countrywide (Location and Contacts)
NHIF offices are spread across the country as indicated. Services can also be accessed at all Huduma Centres across the country. See the exact…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Bomet)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (West Pokot)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Mandera)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Biometric Registration And Electronic Claims Management System For UHC (Full details)
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) under the guidance of the Ministry of Health has made strides in digitizing its processes to hasten the…
NHIF Outpatient Services (Where to get the NHIF Services)
The NHIF Outpatient are available to all members and their declared dependants at their preferred out-patient hospital. Members can choose, change, or confirm their…
Nyamira County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Nyamira County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 1676 Western BONYUNYU PRIME HEALTH CARE MATERNITY &NURSING HOME 42-4051 IKONGE 18 NYAMIRA Comprehensive 1677 Western CHASHLEEDA MEDICAL CENTRE 292-4020 KEROKA 15 NYAMIRA Comprehensive 1678 Western E.L.C,K MATONGO HEALTH CENTRE 58-40…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Meru)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Homa Bay)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Registration (Simplified Guide For New Members)
NHIF registers all eligible members from both the formal and informal sector. For those in the formal sector, it is compulsory to be a…
Mombasa County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Mombasa County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 1259 Southern BOMBOLULU DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL CENTRE 3383-801 MOMBASA 8 MARIAKANI Comprehensive 1263 Southern JAKABA MEDICAL CLINIC 40385-80100 MOMBASA 15 MARIAKANI Comprehensive 1266 Southern SEASIDE MARIAKANI NURSING HOME 252 8010 MOMBASA 13 MARIAKANI Non-Comprehensive 1268 Southern TUDOR HEALTHCARE…
NHIF self care Portal Login and Services Online
Welcome to the NHIF self care Portal Login. Use NHIF self care to access NHIF services. Service you will access include ,choice/change of facility ,view…
NHIF hospitals and their codes Per County (Makueni)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Monthly Contributions Rates
NHIF Monthly Contributions Rates The rates depends on the salary scale, the more you earn the more contribution you make. Salary Bracket in Ksh Monthly Contribution In…
NHIF Cover For Secondary School Students, Edu- Afya (Full details)
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has implemented a comprehensive medical cover to cater to students in public secondary schools. Through the cover dubbed ‘Edu-…
National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF – Account, Login, Registration, Contacts, Benefits
The National hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, is a State Parastatal that was established in 1966. Our core mandate is to provide affordable, accessible &…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Kericho)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…
NHIF Selfcare, Registration Portal Login
NHIF SELFCARE PORTAL LOGIN Home Employer Employee Self Employed How To Admin Log In Email address Password LOGIN | FORGOT PASSWORD CLICK HERE FOR A QUICK LOGIN. NHIF CONTACTS P.O. Box: 30443…
Lamu County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts
Lamu County NHIF Inpatient Hospitals, Location, Contacts Region Hospital Name (Inpatient) Postal Address Beds NHIF Branch Category 1240 Southern ANIDANS PABLO HORTSMAN PAEDIATRIC HEALTH CENTRE 249 LAMU 10 LAMU Comprehensive 1241 Southern HONGWE CATHOLIC DISPENSARY 137-805 MPEKETONE 0 LAMU Comprehensive 1242 Southern IBNUSINA NURSING HOME 159 LAMU 20 LAMU Non-Comprehensive 1243 Southern LANGONI NURSING…
NHIF hospital codes Per County (Turkana)
Listed below please find the updated outpatient healthcare providers who will offer outpatient care to members of the Civil Service and Disciplined services and…