The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has extended the deadline for the Third and Final Revision of Choices for placement to universities and colleges. According to the placement agency, the deadline has been extended to July 23, 2021.
All the 2020 KCSE exam candidates who have not yet applied for courses are invited to apply before the deadline.
KUCCPS online Revision of Courses for placement procedure
This is the new KUCCPS Revision of courses procedure for placement: The KUCCPs portal will be used by students for application of university, college and TVET programme choices
STEP 1: ACCESSING 2020/2021
- Visit:
Enter your index number, the year that you sat for KCSE examination and plus your
birth certificate number according to the information given to KNEC. In case the birth certificate number was not provided during registration tyout should use their KCPE index number as the password.
- For you to access a particular programme click on the group within which the programme falls in e.g. if it is education click on it.
- Click on the particular programme that you want to pursue i.e. if it is Bachelor of Education (Arts), click on it.
- Note down the 7 digit programme codes for programmes you are interested in so you can fill them in later.
To access Programme Application Form, you MUST pay the required amount through your mobile phone by Mpesa following the instructions below:
- Go to M-PESA on your phone
- Select Pay Bill option
- Enter Business no. 820201
- Enter KCSE Examination year followed by 11 Digit INDEX NO e.g.201601234567891 as your account number
- Enter the Amount
- Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send
Use the link titled Programme Application to complete your application/revision as follows:
- Enter the Programme codes for the revised programme choices that you recorded and save
- The choices you have made will be displayed if you have completed the form without errors. If you find errors indicated in red, correct and save again.
STEP 4: Last Procedure
You MUST Log out when you have finalized with application. This is necessary so as to keep your application information safe.
For more KUCCPS revision inquires for government sponsored students contact contact telephone : 0723954927, 0734879662 or Email : [email protected]
New Deadline: July 23, 2021
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