The registration of the 2019 KCPE and KCSE candidates ends tonight; Friday 15lh February, 2019.
Thereafter the process of verification of the candidates’ details commences
immediately. According to KNEC, Verification of registration data will take place between 18th and 28th February, 2019. The candidates, parents and guardians are required to verify the accuracy of registration details online by sending the candidate’s index number via SMS to 20076. Read more details here: How to confirm registration status for the 2019 KCPE, KCSE candidates
The SMS system will be activated on Saturday; 16th February, 2019 and candidates are encouraged to take advantage of the system to confirm their registration status online.
The Kenya National Examinations Council officers will be visiting all the Sub counties between 24th February, and 2nd March 2019 to sensitize the heads of institutions on issues relating to registration of candidates. During the visit they will issues the KNEC generated computer nominal rolls to heads institutions and later collect the downloaded signed nominal rolls.
The heads of institutions are required to download and print the nominal rolls from the KNEC registration portal and issue to the candidates to verify their details and append their signatures. Any error(s) detected should be corrected on the nominal with red ink. In case an error that concerns a photograph the candidate is expected to take another photograph and upload it on a CD. The CD should be submitted to KNEC officers during submission of registration materials.
The heads of institutions are therefore advised to ensure that candidates are thorough in verification of their details. The heads of institutions are expected to transfer the corrections made on school nominal roll to KNEC generated print out The Sub county directors of education will do the same for private candidates.
The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to remind all heads of institutions that they will be held personally responsible for any error found in the registration details of their candidates.
The instructions above are contained in a circular by KNEC Chief Executive, Dr. Mercy G. Karogo, dated 13th February 2019.
The registration of candidates for the 2019 KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education), KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) and KCSE QT (Qualifying Test) examinations started on 2nd January 2019 and ends today; 15th February, 2019,
As has been the case, there shall be no late registration of candidates in 2019. This means, candidates who shall have not registered by the 15th of February, 2019, will have to sit for their examinations in 2020. The government will continue meeting the examination fees for all candidates (in both public and private schools) except for foreign students and those who will be re-sitting the examinations, repeaters.
For any inquiries and/ or clarifications, please contact KNEC on:
- Telephone: +254-20 341098/50/71, +254-20 317419/12/13,341113
- Fax: (+254-20) 2226032
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