Time: 2 Hours 30 Mins


  1. Which blood vessel carries pure blood rich in oxygen from the lungs to the heart?
  2. Which of the following pairs of drugs consists only of illegal drugs in Kenya?
    1. Bhang and mandrax
    2. Tobbaco and tea
    3. Coffee and alcohol
    4. Inhalants and miraa
  3. Which one of the following minerals works 6. hand in hand with platelets in clotting after an injury?
    1. Iron
    2. Calcium
    3. Phosphorus
    4. Vitamin D
  4. Which one of the following stages of HIV/ AIDS infection does one look health with no visible signs but tests positive?
    1. Incubation
    2. Window period
    3. Symptomatic
    4. Full blown AIDS
  5. Which one of the following is not a function of the placenta?
    1. Nourishes the embryo
    2. Produces hormones that maintain pregnancy
    3. Facilitates the transfer of wastes
    4. Lubricates the birth canal during birth
  6. Which one of the following sexually transmitted infections has a painless sore on the genitals as one of the signs?
    1. Syphilis
    2. Gonorrhoea
    3. Chancroid
    4. Genital herpes
  7. Which of the following is the main constituent of a balanced diet obtained by animals when they feed on rice husks?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Proteins
    3. Vitamins
    4. Mineral salts
  8. Which one of the following is not an example of rotational grazing?
    1. Strip
    2. Paddocking
    3. Tethering
    4. Zero grazing
  9. Which one of the following is the cheapest material for modelling the solar system?
    1. Clay
    2. Softboard
    3. Plasticine
    4. Pins
  10. The following are some uses of components of air:
    1. manufacturing of electric bulbs
    2. supports burning
  • manufacture of soft drinks
  1. germination of seeds
  2. putting out fire

Which of the uses are for carbondioxide?

  1. A certain lever when in use, can work with load, effort and pivot at different positions as shown in the diagrams below.

Which one of the following levers is described by the diagrams shown above?

  1. Wheelbarrow
  2. Spade
  3. Crow bar
  4. Claw hammer
  1. Which method of separating mixtures can be used to separate wheat flour from husks?
    1. Picking
    2. Filtering
    3. Sieving
    4. Winnowing
  2. In a food chain, which organisms should be the most abundant?
    1. Producers
    2. Tertiary consumers
    3. Primary consumers
    4. Secondary consumers
  3. The transfer of heat through solids and gases respectively is
  4. Which one of the following statements is not true about the solar system
    1. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
    2. Jupiter is the largest planet.
    3. We use glue to mount the planets to the orbit
    4. Venus is the brightest planet
  5. Materials which allow some light to pass through them but one cannot see them clearly are called
  6. The largest component of the environment on the surface of earth is 18.Which water bone disease can be controlled covering pit latrine after use?
  7. Which type of soil erosion can be prevented by mulching?
  8. Which one of the following is a natural source of light?
    1. Moon
    2. Torch
    3. Electricity
    4. Firefly
  9. A ruler placed slanting in water appears broken. This is because light
  10. The diagram below represents a set-up that can be used to demonstrate a certain aspect of heat.

After some time, the wax melted due to;

  1. Which one of the following crop pests attacks and destroys crops by drilling holes in stored grains?
    1. White ants
    2. Weevil
    3. Stalk borers
    4. Cutworms
  2. Which one of the following plants stores food in the same part of the plant as sugarcane?
    1. Carrot
    2. sweet potato
    3. Irish potatoes
    4. Cassava
  3. A bean seed stores food in the
  4. The following are characteristics of certain animals:
    1. body covered with scales
    2. lay eggs
    3. cold blooded
    4. breath through lungs

Which one of the following pairs of animal has all the characteristics listed?

  1. Turtle and shark
  2. Lizard and tortoise
  3. Tilapia and frog
  4. Crocodile
  1. Which one of the following is true about friction. Friction can be
    1. Increased by streamlining
    2. reduced by treading
    3. used to make work easier
    4. measured using a spring balance
  2. Which one of the following food stuffs constitutes a balanced diet?
    1. Potatoes, beans, eggs
    2. Chicken, cabbage, beans
    3. Rice, chapati, beans         Peas, ugali, spinach
  3. Repairing leaking taps specifically helps in
  4. Given below are descriptions of a certain stage of HIV infection
  5. lt lasts between 6 weeks to 12 years
  6. If a medical test is done, the presence of HIV are discovered in the sample of blood.
  • The infected person looks normal and healthy Can infect other people

Which stage of HIV is described above?

  1. Which one of the following is not a way of using water sparingly?
    1. Reusing domestic water for irrigation
    2. Use of drip irrigation
    3. Closing taps that are not in use
    4. Repairing leaking pipes
  2. Which one of the following food stuffs contain mainly fats?
    1. Milk
    2. Beans
  3. The following are characteristics of certain types of clouds
    1. white in colour
    2. appear like bundles of cotton
  • dark grey in colour          mountainous in shape

Which pair of features are for cumulus clouds?

  1. Which one of the following is not an effect of livestock diseases?
    1. Blood in the stool.
    2. Reduced yield.
    3. Low quality products.
  2. Which one of the following activities can be used to demonstrate sheet erosion pouring water?
    1. Different positions on a slanting surface
    2. In channels of soil on slanting surface
    3. On a flat surface soil
    4. On a flat surface using a tin with many holes
  3. Which one of the following pairs consists only of materials that are non-magnetic?
    1. Copper and aluminium
    2. Steel and zinc
    3. Silver and steel
    4. Iron and aluminium
  4. Which one of the following activities will make a bottle top that was floating to sink in water?
    1. Increasing the amount of water
    2. Raising the container with water
    3. Changing the water into another container
    4. Crushing the bottle top
  5. Which one of the following ways of improving soil fertility will take the longest time for plants to get nutrients using?
    1. Compost manure B. Compound fertilizer
    2. Farmyard manure D. Green manure
  6. Which type of soil easily drains water?
  7. Which one of the following is not a practice for maintaining simple tools?
    1. Oiling
    2. Using for the right purpose
    3. Sharpening
    4. Storing in a safe place
  8. Newton is a unit for measuring?
  9. Which one of the following consists only of sexually transmitted infections?
    1. Bilharzia and cholera
    2. Anaemia and malaria
    3. Syphilis and typhoid
    4. Gonorrhoea and syphilis
  10. Which one of the following is not a feature of plants that grow in wet areas?
    1. Feathery roots
    2. Floating flowers
    3. Deep roots D. Air sacs
  11. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of carnivores?
    1. Well spaced teeth
    2. Long and sharp canines
    3. Presence of carnassial teeth
    4. Presence of a diastema
  12. Corrugated iron sheets can be damaged when they come into contact with
  13. Which one of the following is a modern method of food preservation?
    1. Salting B. Smoking
    2. Use of honey
    3. Canning
  14. Which one of the following groups consists of only cash crops?
    1. Maize, tea, yams
    2. Coffee, tea, cocoa
    3. Banana, orange, carrot
    4. Coconut, maize, beans
  15. The purpose of using rollers to move a load is to
  16. The following are activities followed when making a simple beam balance but not in the correct order
    1. fix the stand to the base
    2. suspend the arm to find the balancing point
  • make the arm, stand and base
  1. suspend the tins using strings
  2. fix the arm to the stand

Which one of the following is the correct order of activities?

  1. (iii), (ii), (i), (v), (iv)
  2. (iii), (ii), (v), (iv), (i)
  3. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv), (v)
  1. Which one of the following is not a source of electricity?
    1. Dynamol
    2. Dry cells.
    3. Solar panel
    4. Torch
  2. All drugs below are NARCOTICS except
    1. khat B. bhang
    2. cocaine D. heroin
  3. Which one of the blood component below helps to stop bleeding after an injury? A.Red blood cells.
    1. White blood cells.
  4. The diagram below shows a mammalian heart.

Which blood vessel above carries oxygenated blood to the heart?

  1. The male sex cells in a human being are produced in the ___________________
  2. Which pair of small animals below belong to the same group as a spider? A.Tick and tsetse fly.
    1. Mite and crab.
    2. Ants and termites.
    3. Scorpion and mite.
  3. Excessive taking of alcohol causes a disease of the liver called:
  4. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.

Which statement is not correct about the above instrument? A.Its narrow end points where the wind blowing to.

  1. It measures the strength and direction of wind.
  2. It has black and white stripes.
  3. It can be made with pole, wire and a mosquito net.
  1. Which component of environment is found in all other components?
  2. The addictive element in cigarette is called:
  3. Digestion of cooked beans starts in the:
  4. Which statement below is true about immunization of the infants?
    1. DPT protects the child against diptheria polio and tetanus
    2. BCG is given at the age of birth and 9 months
    3. Anti-measles is given through injection
    4. Anti-polio is administered through an injection
  5. Which one of the following is not a social effect of drugs? A.Accidents.
    1. Impaired judgement.
  6. All the following are common communi- cable diseases which one is not?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Tetanus
    3. Malaria
    4. Typhoid



  1. Which one of the following is not an importance of HIV-testing? To A.Decide on marriage.
    1. Change behaviour.
    2. Campaign for HIV/AIDS spread.
    3. Plan for the dependant.
  2. Std 6 pupils did the experiment below to investigate a certain property of light.

The property of light investigated is: 66.The diagram below shows a flower

Which part above represents parts of a stamen?

  1. Which one of the food crops below represents cereals only?
    1. Oats, maize, peas
    2. Groundnuts, grams, peas
    3. Ovacado, sugarcane, maize
    4. Millets, sorghum, barley
  2. Beans seeds can germinate without, ___________________________
  3. Which drug is stimulant when abused in small amount and depresant when abused in large amount?
  4. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain water borne disease

i.fever ii.abdominal pains iii. skin rashes iv.     joint and muscle aches

The above diseases is likely to be:

  1. Which is the 4th and 6th planet in the solar system from the sun?
    1. Earth and Jupiter
    2. Mars and Jupiter
    3. Mars and Saturn
    4. Jupiter and Uranus
  2. Which of the following pair of methods of food preservation makes both modern and traditional methods of food preservation
    1. Drying and freezing
    2. Low temperature and drying
    3. Smoking and drying
    4. Salting and smoking
  3. Which one of the following is not a function of leaves of a green plant?
    1. Breathing
    2. Transpiration
    3. Absorption
    4. Photosynthesis
  4. Which one of the following is not a myth and misconception about HIV/AIDS?
    1. AIDS victims are always thin
    2. Sex with a virgin cares AIDS
    3. AIDS is a curse from God
    4. AIDS has no cure
  5. The type of soil erosion that can be prevented by building porous dams is the
  6. Which property of soil determines the rate of drainage in soil?
  7. Which lever below has the effort between load and fulcrum?
    1. Fishing rod
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Bottle opener
  8. Which one of the following is not a function of all leaves in green plants?
    1. Making food
    2. Losing excess water
    3. Exchange of gases
    4. Food storage
  9. After fertilization in a female the implan- tation takes place in the:
  10. Which stage of HIV infection does the patient test negative but can infect others?
  11. The type of teeth used for tearing off meat also:
    1. have rough tops
    2. are sharp pointed C.have two roots

D.are chisel-shaped

  1. A brightly coloured flower
    1. has feathery stigma
    2. produces light pollen grains C. are small in size
    3. has few heavy pollen grains
  2. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by
  3. The force that resists motion is measured in
  4. Which one of the following shows correctly the excretory organ and the wastes excreted

Organ wastes

  1. Skin water,urea,carbondioxide
  2. Kidney water, salt,carbondioxide
  3. Lungs carbon dioxide,water,salt
  4. Kidneys water,urea,salt
  1. Which one of the following is not a use of water in the industries? A.Making fountains.
    1. Cleaning coffee berries.
    2. Cooling machines.
  2. Which one of the following is correct about bat, frog and snake?
    1. They have scales
    2. They lay eggs
    3. Have varying body temperature
    4. Breath through lungs.
  3. Boat racing is a use of water in
  4. Which one of the following is not true about the concentrates as animal feeds?
    1. Contains high nutrient contents
    2. Have high moisture content
    3. Supplement other feeds
    4. Are generally bought from shops
  5. The following are uses of heat except
    1. ironing
    2. cooking
    3. keeping pests away
    4. drying
  6. Which one of the following is the BEST method of controlling weeds in a nursery bed
    1. Digging out
    2. Using chemicals
    3. Uprooting
    4. Slashing
  7. Which group of material below does not allow the light to pass thorugh?
    1. Mirror, titnted glass, milk
    2. Air, dirty water, stone
    3. Skylight, oiled paper, frosted glass
    4. Mirror, milk, dirty water.
  8. Which type of weed has very strong smell and can be used as a pesticide?
  9. In a human breathing system when the diaphragm flattens:
  10. Which of ,the followinig physical changes in adolescence tatakes place in boys only?
    1. Increase in weight and height
    2. wet dreams
    3. produce sex cells
    4. hips broadens
  11. Which group of plants below are green non-flowering plants only?
    1. Pine, sugarcane, cactus
    2. Yeast, mould, mushrooms
    3. Cider, algae, ferns
    4. Banana,sugarcane,grass
  12. Wires of the same material and thickness but of different lengths labelled R,T, S and M were fixed on a wooden plunk as shown below.

Which wire produced the highest sound when plucked?

  1. What is the main use of fibre in the diet
  2. When soil is strongly burnt in a tin to produce smoke, it shows that soil
  3. Which two forms of energy requires a medium to be transferred from one point to the other?
  4. Which one of the following is not a necessary condition for seeds to germinate? A.Moisture.
  5. The pests that burrow in the maize plant while it is growing are
  6. Which one of the following is the best method for Lucy to use to control weeds on a very small piece of land with vegetables? A.Using herbicides.
    1. Digging out.
    2. Burning them.
  7. The loudness or softness of sound is its
  8. When light moves from one medium to another, it A.bounces.
    1. is absorbed.
  9. The materials which allow some light to pass through improve privacy.
    1. enable one to see clearly.
    2. are said to be transparent.
    3. are used to make car windscreens.
  10. In order to increase the rate at which a substance dissolves in a solvent, one shouldn’t
  11. Which statement below does not describe cumulus clouds? They A.are dark grey in colour.
    1. are white and cotton like.
    2. form high in the sky.
    3. have a flat base.
  12. Which substance below has a definite mass but no definite shape? A.Flour.
    1. Office glue.
  13. The diagram below shows the composition of air.

The part which makes bulbs glow without blowing is labelled

  1. The vaccines given to a baby at birth prevents them against
  2. Which one of the following is not a reason for preserving food? To avoid wastage of the food.
    1. sell the food when prices are favourable.
    2. consume the food when nutrients are plenty.
    3. keep the food for future use.
  3. Which one of the following human intestinal worms can one get by eating raw meat?
  4. Which one of the following methods of preserving food is modern? A.Smoking.
    1. Using honey.
  5. Which of thee following sets of foodstuffs is suitable for a child suffering from marasmus?
    1. Apples, eggs, oranges, meat.
    2. Beans, kales, mangoes, sweet potatoes.
    3. Rice, bananas, maize, cabbage.
    4. Sausages, potatoes, chicken, cooked bananas.
  6. Which one of the following is not an effect of heat on matter? A.Expansion.
  7. The following are activities that take place during breathing:
  8. Volume of the chest cavity decreases. ii. Ribs move upwards and outwards.
    • Lungs shrink.
  1. The diaphragm muscles relax.

Which of the activities take place during breathing out?

  1. The diagram below shows the approximate percentages of the gases that make up air.

Which one of the following processes does not require the part labelled L? A.Combustion.

  1. Making plant food.
  1. When the arrow head of a windvane points to the south, it shows that wind is the blowing from
  2. Which one of the following levers has the position of the load between the effort and the fulcrum when in use?
    1. Claw hammer.
  3. Which one of the following statements is not correct about liquids?
    1. Some liquids expand when frozen.
    2. Liquids contract when heated.
    3. Liquids expand when heated.
    4. Liquids expand more than solids when heated.
  4. Which one of the following is not a way or reducing the force that opposes motion?
    1. Making treads.
    2. Using rollers.
    3. Using grease and lubricating oil.
  5. Which of the pairs below shows major non-living components of the environment?
    1. Light and sound.
    2. Animals and plants.
    3. Air and water.
    4. Soil and heat.
  6. Which one of the following is not a source of electric current?
    1. Car battery.
    2. Water fall.
    3. Wind turbines. 125.Weeds should be
  7. Which of the following animals are kept mainly for mutton production?
    1. Sheep and pigs.
    2. Goats and sheep.
    3. Cattle and camels.
    4. Goats and camels.
  8. Which one of the following is not a method of rotational grazing?
    1. Zero grazing.
    2. Paddocking
    3. Strip grazing.
  9. The most appropriate method of controlling the type of erosion commonly experienced along the roofs is
  10. Which small animals below is not classified in the same group as spider?
    1. Mite
    2. Scorpion
    3. Tick
    4. Crab
  11. Which one of the following is the function of fibre in the diet? Fibre
    1. helps in digestion of food.
    2. adds more nutrients to the body.
    3. helps in the removal of undigested food.
    4. helps in absorption of digested food.
  12. Which one of the following is not likely to increase the pressure of a liquid in a container?
    1. Increasing the amount of liquid.
    2. Reducing the diameter of the container.
    3. Using a narrow container.
    4. Raising the container.
  13. Which one of the following plants does not manufacture its own food?
  14. The following are the processes of germination of a seed but not in order:
  15. Emergence of the plumule. ii.  Absorption of water and air.
    • Bursting of the testa.
  1. Emergence of the radicle.

Which one of the following is the correct order?

  1. Which one of the following pairs of diseases can be controlled through draining away stagnant water?
    1. Bilharzia and malaria.
    2. Bilharzia and typhoid.
    3. Cholera and typhoid.
    4. Cholera and malaria.
  2. Which one of the following is a way of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth?

A.Using condoms.

  1. Sticking to one faithful uninfected partner.
  2. Creating awareness.
  1. In which of the following is the force of friction least needed? A.Closing the door.
    1. Walking downhill.
    2. Writing on the chalkboard.
    3. Stopping a speeding motor cycle.
  2. Which one of the following groups has animals with similar characteristics?
    1. Beetle, scorpion, ant.
    2. Mite, wasp, spider.
    3. Termite, tick, grasshopper
    4. Wasp, ant, housefly
  3. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation can be used effectively to control the type of sail erosion shown below?


  1. Contour farming
  2. Terracing
  3. over cropping
  1. Which of the following prevents a baby from shock and bumps? A.Umbilical cord.
    1. Amniotic sac.
    2. Amniotic fluid.
  2. Which of the following components is found in all environments?
  3. Which one of the following does not lead to air pollution?
    1. Smoking bhang in public.
    2. Spraying farm chemicals and aerosols.
    3. Vehicle exhaust fumes.
    4. Use of excessive fertilizers.
  4. Which of the following statements is not correct about separation of mixtures?
    1. Picking is used to separate big solid particles.
    2. Winnowing is suitable for separating a mixture of light and heavy solid particles.
    3. Sieving separates a mixture of small and large solid particles.
    4. A mixture of magnetic materials can be separated using a magnet.
  5. Which one of the following is an effect of excessive use of fertilizer as a water pollutant?

A.Excessive growth of water weeds

  1. Water-borne diseases
  2. Suffocation of water animals
  3. Increase of water animals
  1. Which one of the following mammals does not give birth to a live young one? A.Whale.
    1. Nile perch.
  2. Repairing leaking taps specifically helps in water well

B.harvesting rain water

C.using water sparingly

  1. A metallic nail sinks in water while a metallic ship floats on water. This is due to the difference in
  2. Which one of the following is not a source of electricity?
    1. Dynamol
    2. Dry cells.
    3. Solar panel
    4. Torch
  3. Which statement about vertebrates is correct?

A.Fish and amphibians are warm blooded.

B.Mammals and birds give birth to live young ones.

C.Reptiles and birds have internal fertilization.

D.Fish and birds have external fertilization.




  1. Which pair of blood vessels is correctly matched with the nature of blood in it?
  Deoxygenated   Oxygenated
 A.  Aorta venacava
 B. Venacava pulmonary artery
 C. Pulmonary artery aorta
 D. Pulmonary vein aorta


  1. During a science lesson pupils setup the experiment as shown below to investigate factor that affect sinking and flowing.

Both material floated because of their

  1. When breathing in;
  2. An empty metallic ship floats on water because of
  3. The blood vessels that carries blood from the lungs to the heart and from the heart to the body respectively are
  4. In the female reproductive system, a zygote is formed in the
  5. Which one of the following vaccines is administered at birth?
    1. BCG
    2. Anti-measles
    3. DPT
    4. Anti-malaria
  6. Which one of the following animals does not breast feed its young ones?
    1. Whale
    2. Bat
    3. Shark
    4. Seal
  7. The windvane below was made by pupils using materials found in their school.

Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the instrument above? A.It shows the wind direction.

  1. The arrow head should be small than the tail.
  2. It should be place away from buildings.
  3. Its arrowhead points the direction where the wind is blowing to.
  1. Which one of the following livestock parasites attacks the livestock without living on it?
    1. Tick
    2. Tsetse fly
    3. Flea
    4. Mite
  2. Which type of teeth below is incorrectly matched with its function?
    1. Canine – cutting
    2. Incisors – biting
    3. Premolar – chewing
    4. Molar – grinding
  3. What is cross pollination?
  4. Which one of the following explains the function of white blood cells? A.Combine with oxygen.
    1. Fight the disease causing germs.
    2. Carry digested food materials.
    3. Clothing the blood.
  5. Which animals provides mutton and dairy?
  6. Children born to a smoking mother during pregnancy are least likely to be
  7. Which one of the process following takes place immediately after sperms cell and ovum unite?
    1. Fertilization
    2. Ovulation
    3. Implantation Menstruation 165.    The chart below shows the classification of plants.

Which one of the following correctly shows the plant represented by letters M, N, and P?

A  Maize  Ferns  Cypress
B Lichen  Algae Mushroom
C  Beans Cactus  Puff balls
  1. Which one of the following shows major non-living components of environment? A.Animals, plants.
    1. Sound, light, heat.
    2. Soil, stones, plants.
    3. Soil, air, water.
  2. The most effective method of controlling the spread of HIVIAIDS among the youth is by
  3. Miraa, tobacco and alcohol have one thing in common which one is it? They are
  4. Which one of the following does not show how plants and animals depend on each other?

A.Animals getting shade B.Birds sheltering on trees.

  1. Animals getting carbon dioxide from green plants.
  1. The diagram below shows an improvised simple liquid thermometer.

Which one of the following would make it measure slight changes in temperature? A.Tightening the cork.

  1. Making the straw and small narrower.
  2. Raising the temperature.
  3. Adding more coloured water.
  1. In a food chain, cabbages can be classified under
  2. When carrying out an experiment on drainage in soil, what does not need to be the same?
  3. The illustration below shows the changes of states in matter.

Liquid Which two processes require an increase in temperature?

  1. Heat from the sun reaches the leaves of the plants through a process called
  2. Below are characteristics of matter,

i.Definite shape. ii.Definite size. iii.Definite mass.

Which one of the above best describe paraffin?

  1. The second and seventh planets in the solar system respectively are:
  2. Wires of the same material and thickness but of different lengths labelled R,T, S and M were fixed on a wooden plunk as shown below.

Which wire produced the highest sound when plucked?

  1. Which one of the following is not a function of leaves of a green plant?





  1. Which one of the following is not a cereal crop?
    1. Maize
    2. Oats
    3. Beans
    4. Sorghum
  2. Which crop pest below is not correctly matched with the part of the plant it attacks?

A.Aphids – All kinds of grains

B.Weaver birds – Grains of cereals

C.Stalk borers – Inside of the stems

D.Cut worms – Stem of young plants.

  1. Weeds should be
  2. Which parts of a flower makes the male parts?
  3. Which one of the following weeds has thorns and green fruits which turn yellow when ripe?


B.Sódom apple

C.Wondering jew

D.Black jack

  1. Which one of the following is not an effect of livestock diseases? A.Blood in the stool.

B.Reduced yield.

C.Low quality products.


  1. Which small animals below is not classified in the same group as spider?





  1. Which one of the following is not a use of water in the industries? A.Making fountains.
  2. Cleaning coffee berries.

C.Cooling machines.


  1. When fertilizer is used excessively to improve the quality of the soil, it may lead to
  2. Sheet erosion can be controlled by
  3. What is the importance of adding manure when preparing compost manure? 190. Which one of the following methods of food preservation dehydrates food?



C.Use of low temperature


  1. Which one of the following is the BEST method of controlling weeds in a nursery bed

A.Digging out

B.Using chemicals



  1. During a class experiment, pupils mixed all the liquids below in one glass bottle.
  2. Water F. Milk
    1. Kerosene
    2. Cooking oil

How many layers were formed after mixing?

  1. Which one of the following is the most effective methods of separating a mixture of insoluble solid from liquid?





  1. Below is a pie chart that shows different air components in their relative amounts

Which one of the following is NOT function of the part of the air labelled Z on the pie chart?

A.Supporting burning

B.Good for photosynthesis

C.Preserves soft drinks

D.Making fire extinguishers

  1. The soil that holds the least amount of water

A.has the highest capillarity

B.makes the longest ribbons

C.has the largest air spaces sticky when wet.

  1. The force that opposes movement is measured using
  2. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation can be used effectively to control the type of sail erosion shown below?


B.Contour farming


D.Cover cropping

  1. Which one of the following is not a source of electricity?


B.Dry cells.

C.Solar panel


  1. During a science lesson pupils setup the experiment as shown below to investigate factor that affect sinking and flowing.

Both material floated because of their 200.  What is convection?