Image- The Judiciary building.
Image- The Judiciary building.

The Judiciary is constructing ultra modern court facilities that will take the interests of breastfeeding mothers into consideration.

The following are new and upcoming court buildings with breastfeeding facilities:

Garissa Law Courts
Isiolo Law Courts
Kajiado High Courts
Kakamega Law Courts
Kapenguria High Courts
Makueni High Courts
Maralal Law Courts
Nanyuki Law Courts
Olkalou Law Courts
Siaya Law Court
Voi Law Courts
Wajir Law Courts
Chuka Law Courts
Mombasa Law Courts
Kwale Law Courts
Busia Law Court

Engineer Law Courts
Kangema Law Courts
Kibera Law Courts
Kigumo Law Courts
Kitui Court
Makindu Law Courts
Mukurwe-ini Law Courts
Molo Law Courts
Nyamira Law Courts
Oyugis Law Courts
Tamu Law Courts
Vihiga Law Courts
Nyando Law Courts