Form 1 Business Studies Exams and Marking Schemes Free
|Form 1 Business Studies Exams and Marking Schemes Free
NAME: ………………………………………………… ADM NO.: ……………………
SCHOOL: ………………………… DATE: ………………… SIGN: ….……….
- Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
- This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Students should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
QUESTION NO. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
QUESTION NO. | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
- List FOUR disciplines studied in business studies. (4mks)
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- State the type of utility created by each of the following activities. (4mks)
a) Keeping money in the bank | |
b) Baking a loaf of bread | |
c) Importing vehicles from Japan | |
d) Selling medicine to patient |
- List FOUR characteristics of free goods. (4mks)
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- State FOUR types of business activities. (4mks)
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- Outline FOUR documents used in home trade. (4mks)
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- Muiga wants to start a business. State FOUR reasons why he would start one. (4mks)
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- State FOUR equipment that facilitate mailing in an office. (4mks)
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- Highlight FOUR advantages of automatic vending machines. (4mks)
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- Mention FOUR reasons why a consumer wouldsatisfy basic wants before secondary wants. (4mks)
- Name the factor of production that each of the following resources relate to. (4mks)
Resource | Factor of production |
a) Manager | |
b) Motor Vehicle. | |
c) Water | |
d) Owner |
- Outline FOURsources of business idea. (4mks)
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- List down FOUR external factors of environment that affect the business negatively. (4mks)
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- State FOUR characteristicsof direct production . (4mks)
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- List down circumstances under which a cheque may be dishourned. (4mks)
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- Highlight FOUR importance of entrepreneurship to Kenyan Economy. (4mks)
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- Outline FOUR advantages of division of labour and specialization. (4mks)
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- State down FOUR advantages of engaging e-commerce in business activities. (4mks)
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- List FOUR causes of business failure. (4mks)
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19.Highlight FOUR small scale retailers without shops. (4mks)
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- List FOUR classification of economic resources (4mks)
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21.Outline FOUR different rewards for labour as a factor of production. (4mks)
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- Highlight FOUR measures that can be taken by an office to safeguard the property of the organization. (4mks)
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23.Classify each of the following activities into appropriate level of production. (4mks)
Activity | Level of production |
a) Wholesaling | |
b) Mining | |
c) Maize milling | |
d) Insurance |
24.State FOUR differences between goods and services. (4mks)
25.Daudi sold crates of soda to Otis at sh.1000 on credit. He gave him a quantity discount of 10%. He also gave him cash discounts of;
10% if payment was made before 1 week.
5% if payment was made after 2 weeks
2% if payment was made after 1 month
Otis made the payment by the end of 2nd week. Calculate;
- Quantity discount (1mk)
- Cash discount (2mks)
c.Amount he paid (1mk)
- List FOUR disciplines studied in business studies. (4mks)
- Economics
- Commerce
- Accounting
- Office practice
- Entrepreneurship
- State the type of utility created by each of the following activities (4mks)
a) Keeping money in the bank | Time utility |
b) Baking a loaf of bread | Form utility |
c) Importing vehicles from Japan | Place utility |
d) Selling medicine to patient | Possession utility |
- List FOUR characteristics of free goods. (4mks)
- They are gifts of nature
- they are plenty in supply/abundant
- they are priceless/have no money value
- they have utility
- State FOUR types of business activities (4mks)
- Manufacturing
- processing of raw materials
- Extraction
- Construction
- provision of services
- trade
- Distribution of goods
- Outline FOUR documents used in home trade (4mks)
- Credit note
- Debit note
- statement of account
- receipts
- letter of inquiry
- catalogue
- quotation
- price list
- order
- delivery note
- invoice
- pro-forma invoice
- Muiga wants to start a business. State FOUR reasons he would start one (4mks)
- to earn profit
- To provide goods and services
- to create employment
- to be own boss
- as an outlet for new innovation
- to utilize spare time
- to utilize available resources
- State FOUR equipment that facilitate mailing in an office (4mks)
- folding machine
- franking machine
- addressing machine
- sorting machine
- letter opener
- composite
- Highlight FOUR advantages of automatic vending machines (4mks)
- Commodities can be brought anytime because no attendant is required
- They save the owner the cost of employing a shop attendant
- They can be put strategically to boost sales e.g institution
- They are not affected by weather changes
- Provide good in cash basis protecting the owner from burden of bad debts
- They are fast and accurate
- Mention FOUR reasons why a consumer would satisfy basic wants before secondary wants (4mks)
- They cannot be postponed
- They are felt needs
- one cannot do without them/necessary for life/essential for survival
- They may be satisfied at individual level
- Name the factor of production that each of the following resources relate to (4mks)
Resource | Factor of production |
a) Manager | Labour |
b) Motor Vehicle. | Capital |
c) Water | Land |
d) Owner | Enterpreneurship |
- Outline FOUR sources of a business idea
- Listening to what people say
- Hobbies
- Surveys
- Newspapers
- Journals
- Waste materials
- Spotting the market gap
- Shows and exhibition
- List down FOUR external factors of environment that affect the business negatively. (4mks)
- unfair competition
- Inadequate technology
- Natural calamities
- Unfair government policies
- Political instability
- Unfavorable socio-cultural practice
- poor infrastructure
- State FOUR characteristics of direct production (4mks)
- Production of low quality goods
- Encourage individualism
- lead to low standards of living
- can be very tiring
- Does not encourage invention and innovation
- cheap/simple tools are used in production
- it is mostly used on small scale
- the rate of production is low
- A lot of time is wasted from one job to another
- List down circumstances under which a cheque may be dishourned (4mks)
- In case of insufficient funds in the account
- When the signature of the account holder differs from the specimen in the bank
- When the cheque is post dated
- if the cheque has been altered
- if the account holder is dead ,insane or bankruptcy
- Highlight FOUR importance of entrepreneurship to Kenyan Economy (4mks)
- Creates employment
- Contributes to formation of capital
- Reduces rural-urban migration
- Raises standards of living
- improves infrastructure
- Reduces foreign dominance in the economy
- make use of local resources
- promotes technology
- promotes entrepreneurial culture
- saves on imports
- Outline FOUR advantages of division of labour and specialization. (4mks)
- Outpt per worker is greatly increased
- encourage invention and innovation
- makes it possible for greater use use of machine which makes production fast& efficient
- Enables worker to acquire skills in a particular field
- High quality goods and services are produced
- Worker spend less mental and physical effort
- saves on time
- State down FOUR advantages of engaging in e-commerce in business activities. (4mks)
- facilitates access to large market
- Creates conducive environment for business to transact without discriminations
- reduces paperwork since dealings are done online
- reduces cost of sending receiving and storing information
- Enables one to access important information that will enable him improve the running of his business
- it is a faster way of doing business as it facilitates urgent transactions
- List FOUR causes of business failure. (4mks)
- poor management of people
- Poor location/Lack of customers
- Lack of raw materials
- Inadequate finance
- Stiff competition
- Poor infrastructure
- Lack of commitment to the business
- Poor financial management
- poor debt management
- poor public relations
- poor market research
- low level of creativity and innovation
- Highlight four small scale retailers without shops (4mks)
- Itinerant traders
- Roadside sellers
- open air market traders
- Automatic vending machines
- List FOUR classification of economic resources (4mks)
- Natural resources
- Man-made resources
- Human resources
- Renewable resources
- Non –renewable resources
- Outline FOUR different rewards for labour as a factor of production (4mks)
- wages
- salaries
- commissions
- tips
- Highlight FOUR measures that can be taken by an office to safeguard the property of the organization. (4mks)
- Enhancing security against theft i.e by employing watchmen, installing security lights and fencing business premises
- Ensuring physical care by people using the property
- keeping records of movement and usage of the property
- Physical stock taking of each property
- Taking insurance cover
- proper repairs and servicing
- Classify each of the following activities into appropriate level of production (4mks)
Activity | Level of production |
Wholesaling | Tertiary |
Mining | Primary |
Maize milling | Secondary |
Insurance | Tertiary |
- State FOUR differences between goods and services. (4mks)
Goods | Services |
Tangible | Intangible |
Can be stored | Hard to be stored |
Can be standardized | Difficult to be standardized |
Can change possession | inseparable from the provider |
Not all goods are perishable | Are highly perishable |
Most can be seen | Services are invisible |
25.Daudi sold crates of soda to Otis at sh.1000 on credit.He gave him a quantity discount of 10%.He also gave him cash discounts of;
10% if payment was made before 1 week.
5% if payment was made after 2 weeks
2% if payment was made after 1 month
Otis made the payment by the end of 2ndweek.Calculate;
- Trade discount (1mk)
10/100×1000=sh 100
- Cash discount (2mks)
c.Amount he paid (1mk)
1000-145=sh 855