Web hosting is where a business firm provides storage space and access for a website. There are so many web hosting companies but we will be looking at some of the best and cheapest web hosting companies. In some cases someone might think that any web hosting company is fine for hosting his website but you should know that each time your website is encountering problems and taking long to be resolved to will suffer a risk of loosing your customer. For a good web hosting company the following qualities should at least be met :
- Speed – since no one likes waiting in line to get the services they need,if your website loads slow your customers may want to seek those services somewhere else so its good you test the web host site first and some of the customer site to see how fast they load.
- Space and Reliability – It should provide you with sufficient space which is should be more than enough for what you plan to do with your website and provide guaranteed up-time for your site. With reality , the more customer the company has the better.
- Sufficient Email and secure location should also be guaranteed
- Support – the company should be able to help you if you facing any problem with your website .
- Superior features and technologies -Look into their control panel, number of allowed sub-domains, scripting language support, databases, and whether it is hosted on a Windows or Unix platform.
- Substantial Bandwidth – there enough resources allocation in case you need to buy more bandwidth.
Nevertheless even with all these good qualities it should be equal to Standard Pricing or Payment Plans. Well ,now you know how to choose a good web hosting company. Lets see some of the best.
Hostgator has three main pyment plans.
Hatchling plan
At a price of $2.75/month You will get :
- Single Domain.
- One Click Installs
- UnMetered Bandwidth.
- Free SSL certificate.
Baby plan
At a price of $3.95/month You will get :
- Unlimited Domain.
- One Click Installs
- UnMetered Bandwidth.
- Free SSL certificate.
Business Plan
At a price of $5.95/month You will get :
- Unlimited Domain.
- One Click Installs
- UnMetered Bandwidth.
- Free SSL certificate.
- Free Upgrade to Positive SSL
- Free Dedicated IP
- Free SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Tools
This is the most recommended payment plan.
2. Godaddy
It is the most popular webhosting company. It has several web hosting plan depending on the type of web hosting you need but we will be looking at the four web hosting plans.
Basic resources for starter sites. For as low as $5.99/month saving 25%($7.99/mo when you renew) you get :
- 24/7 support.
- 1 website.
- 100 GB storage.
- Unmetered Bandwidth.
- Free Business email for the first year
- Free Domain – With annual plan
More space and flexibility for multiple sites. For as low as $7.99/month saving 25%($10.99/mo when you renew) you get Economy features ,plus:
- 24/7 support.
- Unlimited website.
- Unlimited storage.
- Unmetered Bandwidth.
- Unlimited subdomians
More power for complex sites and heavy traffic.For as low as $12.99/month saving 23%($16.99/mo when you renew) you get Deluxe features, plus :
- 2x processing power & memory
- Free SSL Certificate – 1 year
- Free Premium DNS
- Unlimited databases
Supports multiple complex sites with high-res photos and video.For as low as $19.99/month saving 20%($24.99/mo when you renew) you getUltimate features, plus :
- 2x more power and memory
- 2x Maximum site traffic
- Free SSL Certificate for the full term
3. Hostinger
Has a unique hPanel, Execptional speed and WordPress Optimized.It has Three web hosting plans :
Premium Shared Hosting
At a price of $11.95/month you get :
- Unlimited Number of Websites.
- Unlimited*Email Accounts
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 2X Processing Power & Memory
- Weekly Backups
Single Shared Hosting
At $7.99/month you get :
- 1 Website
- 1 Email Account
- 100 GB Bandwidth
- 1X Processing Power & Memory
Business Shared Hosting
At $15.95/month you get :
- All Benefits From Premium
- Daily Backups
- Free SSL Certificate
- 4X Processing Power & Memory
4. Bluehost
If you are searching for a web hosting company for your online store , this ids the right one for you . It has three main Payment plans :
The most popular solution that provides everything you need to get you started. At a price of $7.99/month this plan is:
- Great for a new website or blog.
- Easy to use Dashboard.
- Fully managed solution.
This gives you power,control and flexibility to run a server the way you want. For a price of $29.99/month you get :
- Great Moderate traffic.
- Scalable with on-demand resources
- Full root access for additional control
Provides improved security and complete customization. At a price of $119.99/month the plan is great for:
- Websites with high traffic
- Resource-intensive needs
- Ultimate Security and Performance
For more details on any of the web hosting companes plan , you may check on their official websites.