Introduction to Agriculture
Definition of Agriculture
- Agriculture is the science and art of cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock.
- As a science, it involves experimentation and application of scientific knowledge in such areas as;
- Soil analysis,
- Control of pests and diseases,
- Farm machinery and structures,
- Crop and livestock breeding.
- As an art, it involves the use of learned skills in;
- Tilling the land,
- Construction,
- Measurement,
- Harvesting of crops,
- Feeding and handling of livestock
Branches of Agriculture
Crop Farming (Arable Farming)
- The practice of growing crops on cultivated land.
It is subdivided into:
- Field crops Cultivation:
- maize, beans, potatoes, coffee, tea, cotton to name but a few.
- Horticulture:
- It involves the growing of perishable crops which have high value.
- It is further subdivided into:
- Floriculture – the growing of flowers.
- Olericulture – the growing of vegetables.
- Pomoculture – the growing of fruits.
Livestock Farming
- This branch deals with the rearing of livestock for various products.
It is further subdivided into:
- Pastoralism: This is the rearing of mammalian livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs and camels.
- Fish Farming (Aquaculture): This is the practice of rearing fish and other aquatic organisms , in ponds.
- Bee Keeping (Apiculture): This involves the rearing of bees in structures known as beehives.
- Poultry Keeping: This is the keeping of domesticated birds.
Agricultural Economics
- It deals with the allocation of scarce resources (land, labour, capital and management) for agricultural production.
Agricultural Engineering
- This branch of agriculture deals with the use and maintenance of farm tools, machinery and structures.
Farming Systems
- A farming system is the organization of the various enterprises in a farm.
It is determined by the following factors:
- Resources available (land, labour, capital and management).
- Skills of the farmer.
- Environmental factors such as climate, soil type and topography.
- Government policy.
- Farmer’s choice and preference.
- Enterprise requirement.
- Social-cultural factors.
The following are systems of farming:
Extensive System:
- It is a system where a large piece of land with low investment of resources per unit area is carried out.
- It is cheap.
- Does not require high level of management.
- Requires less labour.
- Low profit per unit area.
- Cannot be practiced where land is limited.
- Low output per unit area.
- The land is under-utilized,
Intensive Farming:
- This system utilizes the factors of production to the maximum and involves high level of management.
- Maximum utilization of the resources.
- Can be practiced even where land is a limiting factor.
- Results in high yields.
- Labour intensive.
- High capital investment is required.
- Requires high level of management.
- Can lead to high loses in case of poor management.
Large Scale Farming
- Refers to the farming practice under large areas of land over 20 hectares.
- It is used mainly for commercial purposes.
- The system is highly mechanized.
- Results in high yields.
- Due to economics of scale high profit is realized.
- Lack of diversification may lead to total failure in case of unfavorable conditions.
- High level of management is required.
- Heavy capital investment.
- Requires skilled and qualified manpower.
Small Scale Farming
- Refers to farming carried out on a small area of land less than 5 hectares.
- Family or casual labour can be engaged during the peak periods.
- Most of the Kenyan farmers are small scale due to unavailability of farmland.
- Requires low capital investment.
- Possible where land is a limiting factor.
- Does not require high management level unless under intensive system.
- Uneconomical 10 mechanize due to small size.
- Low production.
- Provides limited employment.
- Labour intensive.
- Difficult to specialize.
Methods of Farming
- A method of farming is an established way of carrying out farming activities.
- The following are the common methods of farming:
Mixed Farming
- It is the practice of growing crops and keeping of livestock on the same land.
- Its common in high potential areas.
- Mutual benefit between crops and livestock.
- Crops supply feed for animals while animals supply manure for crops.
- Acts as an insurance against total loss by the farmer.
- The farmer is assured of an income throughout the year.
- There is maximum utilization of the resources.
- Animals can be used in the farm activities particularly draught animals.
- Ensures proper utilization of labour and land throughout the year.
- High initial capital.
- Lack of specialization.
- Land can be a limiting factor if both enterprises are to be raised.
- Requires high level of management for both enterprises.
- This is the practice of livestock rearing whereby animals are moved from one place to another in search of water and pastures.
- It is practiced in the arid and semi-arid areas where in most cases beef animals are kept.
Nomadic pastoralism is gradually changing to ranching with the introduction of:
- Improved pasture species, improved livestock breeds and supplementary feeding.
- Efficient disease and parasite control measures.
- Improved infra-structure such as roads, water supply, cattle dipping facilities.
- Extension services.
- Serves as the backbone of beef industry in Kenya.
- Proper way of utilizing the arid and semi arid areas.
- Source of income to the pastoral communities.
- It encourages the spread of livestock pests and diseases due to communal watering points, grazing and dipping facilities.
- There is a tendency to increased soil erosion and land degradation.
- Source of conflicts and ethnic tension among the nomadic communities for the control of good pastures and water.
- Difficult to control breeding and breeding diseases.
- High rate of inbreeding leading to poor quality livestock.
- Low production of milk, meat, hides and skins due to wastage of energy in traveling from one place to another in search of pastures and water.
- High death rates as a result of walking for long distances.
Shifting Cultivation
- It is a traditional method of cultivating a piece of land until the soil is exhausted and crop yields decline.
- The land is abandoned and the farmer shifts to a new field as the previous land is left fallow to regain its fertility.
- Land is allowed to rest and regain its fertility.
- No build up of pests and diseases.
- Soil structure is restored.
- The cost of production is low since inorganic fertilizers and pesticides are not used.
- Crop produce are chemical free.
- Not practical where land is a limiting factor.
- Farm planning and acquisition of credits for land development is ‘not possible.
- It is a cumbersome method due to constant movement.
- Lack of soil conservation measures
- Not possible to grow perennial crops.
- Low output per unit area due to poor farming methods.
- Where fire is used to clear the land organic matter is destroyed.
Organic Farming
- It is a fanning method where crops are grown and livestock reared without the use of agrochemicals.
- It is a method of farming which has been adopted to reduce the long term effect of the agro-chemicals on crops which may eventually end up in man and livestock.
- Agro-chemicals are also expensive thus organic farming reduces the cost of production. Organically produced goods fetch high market prices.
- Cheap and cost effective.
- Make use of the locally available materials
- Useful in improving the soil structures.
- No side effects from the crops and livestock products.
- No environmental pollution.
- This is the practice of integrating trees and crops on the same piece of land.
- With land resources becoming more scarce, agroforestry is becoming more important.
Examples of common agroforestry trees and shrubs include:
- Cajanus cajan
- Grevillea robusta
- Sesbania sesban
- Calliandra calothyrsus
- Casuarina equisetifolia
- Leucaena leucocephala
Trees selected for agroforestry should have the following characteristics:
- Able to grow fast.
- Deep roots to minimize competition for nutrients.
- Should be preferably leguminous.
- Trees reduce soil erosion in a given area.
- Leguminous trees add nitrates into the soil thus improving the soil fertility.
- Some trees can be used as livestock fodder to provide a high level of proteins.
- They are important sources of wood fuel and timber.
- There is maximum utilization of land.
Importance of Agriculture to the Economy of Kenya
- Provides food to the population to meet nutritional requirements and to enable man to engage in other activities of farming.
- Provides employment. This for example can be direct as a labourer in the farm, tea plucker or indirect for example, working in agricultural based industries.
- Source of raw materials for industries for example cotton lint for textile industry.
- Provides foreign exchange – through exporting agricultural produce.
- Provides market for industrial goods agriculture is a consumer of the finished goods from agro-based industries.
- Source of income – farmers as well as the government get revenue from the sale of agricultural produce and tax payment.
Factors Influencing Agriculture
Agricultural production is influenced by external factors:
- Human factors
- Biotic factors
- Climatic factors
- Edaphic factors.
Human Factors
These are human characteristics which affect the way decisions are made and operations carried out.
- Level of education and technology:
- Skills
- Technological ad van cements .
- Human health/HIV-AIDS:
- These affect the strength, the vigour, vision and the determination
to work.
- HIV/AIDS is the biggest threat to human health today and has long
lasting effects on agriculture, such as;
- Shortage of farm labour.
- Loss of family support.
- Low living standards leading to despondency and hopelessness.
- Increased criminal activities.
- More time spent by the Government and NGO’s in Carring for the sick.
- Economy;
- Stability in the countries’ economy affect agricultural production.
- Government Policy:
- These are governmental laws which have been enacted to protect farmers, land and livestock.
They include:
- Food policy
- Policies on control of livestock parasites and diseases.
- Policies on marketing of both local and export products and others.
- Transport and communication:
- For agricultural goods to move from the farm to the consumers.
- Cultural practices and religious beliefs:
- These activities hinder important changes in a society that may bring agricultural development.
- Market forces:
- Demand and supply forces which affect prices of commodities in a free market.
Biotic Factors
These are living organisms which affect agricultural production.
- Pests – Destructive organisms which destroy crops.
- Parasites – These are invertebrates which live in or on other living organisms.
- Decomposers – Organisms which act on plants and animal tissues to form
- Pathogens – Micro-organisms which cause diseases.
- Predators – Animals that kill and feed on other animals.
- Pollinators – They transfer pollen grains from the stamens to the pistil of a flower.
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria -They are micro-organisms which convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates ready for use by the plants.
Climatic Factors(weather elements).
- Rainfall,
- Temperature,
- Wind,
- Relative humidity
- Light.
Weather – Atmospheric conditions of a place at a given time period.
Climate – weather conditions of a place observed and recorded for a period of 30-40 years.
Supplies Water:
- Which is necessary for the life process in plants and animals.
- Which makes the plant turgid hence provides support.
- Acts as a solvent for plant nutrients.
- Cools the plant during transpiration.
- Which is used as a raw material in photosynthesis.
When plants lack enough water they respond in different ways as follows:
- By closing the stomata to restrict water loss.
- Hastens maturity.
- Some will roll their leaves.
Other plants have developed permanent adaptation to water stress such as:
- Growing needle like leaves.
- Develop fleshy leaves for water storage.
- Develop long roots.
- Wilting and death in extreme conditions.
Important Aspects of Rainfall:
- Rainfall reliability;
- This is the dependency on the timing of the onset of the rains.
- Amount of rainfall;
- Quantity of rain that falls in a given area within a given year.
- Rainfall distribution ;
- The number of wet months in a year.
- Rainfall intensity;
- Amount of rainfall that falls in an area within a period of 1 hour.
- This is the degree of hotness or coldness of a place measured in degrees Celsius.
- Cardinal range of temperature is the temperature required by plant to grow and thrive well.
- Optimum range of temperatures – the best temperature for the best performance of plants.
Effects of Temperatures on Crop Production:
Low temperatures:
- Slow the growth rate of crops due to slowed photosynthesis and respiration.
- High incidences of disease infection.
- Improves quality of crops such as tea and pyrethrum.
High Temperatures
- Increase evaporation rate leading to
- Wilting.
- Hastens the maturity of crops.
- Increase disease and pest infection.
- Improves quality of crops such as pineapples, oranges and pawpaws.
Wind is moving air.
Good effects of wind include:
- Seed dispersal
- Cooling of land
- Pollination in crops
- Brings rain bearing clouds
Negative effects of wind:
- Increases the rate of evaporation of water.
- Causes lodging of cereals and distorts perennial crops.
- Increases evapo-transpiration.
- Spreads diseases and pests.
- Destroys farm structures.
Relative humidity
- The amount of water vapour in the air
- Affects the rate of evapo-transpiration.
- Forms dew which supplies soil with moisture under dry conditions.
- High humidity induce rooting in cuttings.
- Increases disease multiplication and spread.
- Provide radiant energy harnessed by green plant for photosynthesis.
Important aspects of light:
- Light intensity ;
- The strength with which light is harnessed by chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
- Light duration;
- The period during which light is available to plants per day.
- Plant response to light duration is known as
- Short-day plants – require less than 12 hours of daylight to flower and
- Long-day plants – require more than 12 hours of daylight to flower and seed.
- Day-neutral plants require 12 hours of daylight to flower and seed.
- Light wavelength;
- This is the distance between two – successive crests of a wavelength.
- It dictates the difference between natural and artificial light.
- Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light.
Edaphic Factors Influencing Agriculture
- These are soil factors.
- Soil is the natural material that covers the surface of the earth,
- Made of weathered rock particles and decomposed animal and plant tissues, and on which plants grow.
Importance of Soil
- Provides anchorage to the plants by holding their roots firmly.
- Provides plants with mineral salts/ nutrients which are necessary for their growth.
- Provide the plants with water.
- Contains oxygen necessary for respiration of the plants and soil micro-organisms.
Soil Formation:
- Soil is formed through weathering process.
- Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of the parent rock near the surface of the earth to a stable substance.
- Weathering process is a combination of disintegration (breakdown) and synthesis (build up) process.
- Weathering process is continuous.
Types of Weathering
- Physical weathering
- Chemical weathering
- Biological weathering
Agents of Weathering
Physical Agents of Weathering
- Include wind, water, moving ice and temperature.
- Wind – carry materials which hit against each other to break into fragments.
- Water – intensity of rainfall causes breakdown of rock.
- Moving ice – has grinding effects which tear off rock particles.
- Extreme temperature cause rocks to expand and contract suddenly peeling off their surface.
Chemical Weathering
- Affects the chemical composition and structure of the rock.
- Involves processes such as ;
- Hydrolysis,
- Hydration,
- Carbonation
- Hydration;
- The process by which soluble minerals in the rocks absorb water and expand weakening the rock thus leading to disintegration.
- Hydrolysis;
- The process whereby water dissolves soluble minerals in the rock weakening it.
- Oxidation;
- The reaction of rock minerals with oxygen to form oxides which break easily.
- Carbonation;
- The process whereby carbonic acids formed when rain water dissolves carbon dioxide,
- It reacts with calcium carbonates in limestone causing it to disintegrate.
Biological Weathering
This involves the action of living organisms, plants and animals on the rocks.
- Burrowing animals, for example, termites and moles bring soil particles to the surface exposing them to other agents of weathering.
- Big animals like, elephants, buffaloes, camels and cattle exert a lot of pressure on the rocks as they step on them due to their heavy weights causing the rocks to disintegrate.
- Earthworms take part in the decomposition of plant matter with the soil particles.
- Man’s activities like, mining and quarrying expose rocks to the surface during excavation. These activities breakdown large rocks into smaller rock particles.
- Plant roots force their way through the cracks in the rocks thus widening and splitting them.
- Humic acids formed when plant tissues decompose react with the rocks weakening them further.
- Plant remains-decompose adding humus into the soil.
Factors influencing soil formation
- Climate- (rainfall, temperature and wind)
- Biotic factors – living organisms.
- Parent material– Nature and properties of the original rock from which the soil is formed.
- Time – length of time during which the soil forming processes have taken
- Topography – influences the movement of disintegrated materials.
- It is the vertical arrangement of different layers of soil from the ground surface to the bedrock.
- These layers are also referred to as horizons.
- The layers show differences in their contents and physical properties such as colour, texture and structure.
- The layers include: organic matter region, top soil, sub-soil, weathered rocks and parent material.
Organic Matter Region
- First layer of the soil found on the surface.
- Made up of leaves and other plant remains at various stages of decomposition.
- Some soil organisms may also be found here.
Top Soil
- Has a dark colour due to the presence of humus.
- Is rich in plant nutrients and well aerated.
- It is a zone of maximum leaching (zone of eluviations)
- It is compact and less aerated.
- It is a zone of accumulation of leached material (zone of aluviation) from the top layers.
- Deep rooted crops have their roots growing up to this region.
- Hard pans normally form in this layer
Weathered Rocks
- It is also called substratum.
- Rocks at various stages of disintegration are found in this zone.
- Most of the materials found in this zone originate from the parent rock.
Parent Rock
- It exists as a solid mass which is un-weathered.
- It is the source of the inorganic composition of the soil.
- The water table is on the surface of this rock.
Soils Formed in Situ and Soils Deposited
- Soil formed in the same place and remains there is said to be in situ.
- However, soil can be formed due to deposition of soil particles carried from its original site of formation to another area which is usually in the lower areas of slopes.
- Such soils are said to have been formed through deposition.
Soil Formed in Situ | Soil Deposited |
l.Has the colour of the parent rock | 1. Has the characteristics of when: it came from. |
2. Shallower | 2. Deeper |
3. Less rich in plant nutrients | 3. Richer in plant nutrients |
4. Easily eroded | 4. Not easily eroded |
5. Less silty | 5. More silty |
6. Have the same chemical composition | 6. Differ in chemical composition from the |
as that of the underlying parent rock. | underlying parent rock. |
Soil Depth
- This is the distance between top soil layer and the bottom soil layer in a profile.
- It dictates root penetration and growth
- Deep soils are more suitable for crop growth since they contain more nutrients.
- Have a larger surface are for root expansion.
- Deep soils facilitate good drainage and aeration.
Soil Constituents
- Organic Matter – Dead and decaying plants and animal remains
- Living Organisms – Soil organisms and plant roots.
- Micro-organisms (bacteria, protozoa and fungi)
- Invertebrates -termites,
- Earthworms and molluscs.
- Higher animals – rodents and others.
- Inorganic or Mineral Matter
- Formed from the parent materials.
- Supply plant nutrients
- Form the skeleton and framework of the soil.
- Air
- Found in the pore spaces of the soil.
- Used for root and organism respiration
- Used for germination of seeds.
- Helps in decomposition of organic matter.
- Regulates soil temperature.
- Regulates the movement of water through capillary action.
- Water
- Dissolves mineral salts
- Maintain turgidity in plants.
- Used for germination of seeds
- Used by soil organisms.
- Regulate soil temperature
- Dictates the amount of air in the soil.
Water in the soil exists in three forms namely:
- Superfluous/Gravitational Water
- Found in the large spaces (macro-pores) in the soil particles.
- Held by gravitation forces.
- When the pores are saturated, the soil is said to be waterlogged.
- It moves and may cause leaching.
- Hygroscopic Water
- Water found in thin films on the soil particles.
- Held by strong adhesive forces between water and soil particles.
- Does not move and hence not available for plant use.
- Capillary Water
- Occupy micro-pores in the soil particles.
- Held by cohesive forces between water molecules.
- Moves through capillary action
- Available to plants for use.
Soil Structure
- This is the arrangement of soil particles in a soil horizon.
- Types of Soil Structure –
- Single-grained
- Crumby
- Granular
- Prismatic
- Columnar
- Platy
- Blocky
Importance of Soil Structure on Crop Production
Soil Structure Influences
- Soil aeration
- Soil drainage and water holding capacity.
- Plants root penetrability and anchorage.
- Microbial activities in the soil.
- Circulation of gases in the soil.
Farming practices which improve the soil structure are:
- Application of inorganic manure into the soil.
- Tilling the land at the right moisture content.
- Crop rotation.
- Minimum tillage.
- Cover cropping.
Soil Texture
- It refers to the relative proportion of the various sizes of the mineral particles of soil.
Importance of Soil Texture on Crop Production;
- Influences soil fertility
- Affects the organic matter content
- Influences the drainage of the soil.
- Influences soil aeration.
- Influences water holding capacity.
- Influences the capillarity or movement of water in the soil.
Soil Textural Classes
Sandy Soils
- Made up largely of sand particles.
- Have large pore spaces hence poor in water retention.
- Easy to till (light soils).
- Freely draining.
- Low fertility due to leaching of minerals.
- Easily erodible.
Clayey Soils
- Made up largely of clayey particles.
- Have small pore spaces hence good in moisture retention.
- Difficult to till (heavy soils).
- Poorly ‘drained.
- Expand when wet, crack when dry.
- High capillary.
- Rich in plant nutrients.
Loam Soils
- About equal amounts of sand and clay.
- Moderately good in both moisture and air retention.
- Fertile soils.
Soil Colour
- This depends on the, mineral composition of the parent rock and the organic matter content.
- Soils containing a lot of iron are brownish, yellowing and reddish in colour.
- Soils with a lot of silica are white.
- Soils with a lot of humus are dark or grey.
Soil pH
- This refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil solution/the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil solution.
- Soil pH is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) or the hydroxyl ions (OH) in the soil solution.
- A pH of less than 7 means that the soil is acidic.
- A pH of more than 7 means that the soil is alkaline.
- As the hydroxyl ions (OH) in the soil increase the soil becomes more alkaline.
Influence of Soil pH Crop Growth
- It determines the type of crop to be grown in a particular area.
- Most crops are affected by either very acidic or very basic soil pH.
- Soil pH affects the choice of fertilizers and the availability of nutrients to crops.
- At low pH the concentration of available iron and aluminium in the soil solution may increase to toxic levels, which is harmful to plants.
- Very acidic or low pH inhibit the activity of soil micro-organisms.
Farm Tools and Equipment
- Farm tools and equipment perform specific jobs in the farm.
- They make work easier and more efficient.
- They can be classified according to their uses as follows:
Garden Tools and Equipment
Tools | Uses | |
1. | Panga | Cutting and shallow cultivation, making holes. |
2. | Jembe/hand hoe | Cultivation, digging, shallow planting holes and trenches. |
3. | Fork iembe | Cultivation, digging out roots, harvesting of root crops. |
4. | Rake | Collecting trash, breaking large clods, levelling, removing stones |
from a seedbed and spreading organic manure. | ||
5. | Spade | Scooping and carrying of soil, sand, concrete mixture and |
manure. | ||
6. | Spring balance | Measuring weight. |
7. | Trowel | Scooping seedlings during transplanting and .digging planting |
holes for seedlings. | ||
8. | Pruning hook | Bending tall branches when pruning. |
9. | Secateur | Cutting young stems and pruning branches. |
10. Tape measure | Measuring distances. | |
11. Axe | Cutting big trees and roots and splitting logs of wood. | |
12. Soil auger | Making holes for fencing posts. | |
13. mattock | Digging hard soils | |
14. sprinklers | Overhead irrigation. | |
15. Watering can | Watering plants in nursery bed. | |
16. Wheel barrow | Transportation of soil, fertilizers, farm produce, tools and equipment. | |
17. Levelling board | For levelling a nursery bed. | |
18. Pruning saw | Cutting old wood stems and pruning big branches. | |
19. Hose pipe | For conveying water from a tap to where it is need. | |
20. Knap sack sprayer | Applying agro-chemical by spraying. | |
21. Garden shear | Trimming hedges. | |
22. Pruning knife | Removal of small shoots. | |
23. Meter ruler | Measuring distances. | |
24. Garden fork | Shallow digging. |
Livestock Production Tools and Equipment
Tools | Uses | ||
1. | Drenching gun | Administering liquid drugs to animals orally. | |
2. | Bolus gun/dosing gun | Administering solid drugs or tablets to animals orally. | |
3. | Wool Shears | Cutting off wool from sheep. | |
4. | Hypodermic syringe | Administering drugs by injection for example in vaccination. | |
5. | Stirrup (bucket) pump | Application of acaricide by hand spraying. | |
6. | Thermometer | Taking body temperatures of farm animals. | |
7. | Burdizzo | Used in bloodless method of castration. | |
8. | Halter | Rope designed to restrain the animal. | |
9. | Trimming knife | Cutting short the overgrown hooves. | |
Elastrator | Stretching rubber ring during castration, dehorning and docking | ||
of lambs. | |||
Iron dehorner | Applies heat on the horn bud to prevent growth of horns. | ||
Nose ring | Fixed into the nose of a bull to restrain it. | ||
Strip cup | Detecting mastitis in milk products. | ||
Trocar and cannula | Relieving a bloated animal of gases particularly ruminants. | ||
Hard broom | For scrubbing the floor. | ||
Ear notcher | Making ear notches in livestock. | ||
Bucket | For holding milk during milking. | ~ | |
Milk chum | For holding milk after milking. | ||
Milk strainer/sieve | Removing foreign particles from milk for example hairs and sediments. | ||
Rope | Tying or tethering animals. | ||
Milking stool | Used by the milker to sit on while milking. | ||
Weighing balance | Weighing milk after milking. | ||
Teeth clipper | Removal of canine teeth of piglets soon after birth. | ||
Chaff cutter | Cutting fodder into small bits. | ||
Dehorning wire | Cutting grown horns. | ||
, |
Workshop Tools and Equipment
Tools | Uses | ||||
1. | Spanner | Tightening and loosening nuts and bolts. | |||
2. | Pliers | Cutting small wires and thin metal and gripping firmly. | |||
3. | Files | Sharpening tools, smoothening or shaping edges of metals, | |||
4. | Rasps | Smoothening and shaping of wooden structures. | |||
5. | Chisels (wood) | Making grooves in wood. | |||
6. | Cold chisel | Cutting and shaping metal. | |||
7. | Screw drivers | Driving screws in or out of wood or metal. | |||
8. | Saws | .- | |||
Cross cut saw | Cutting across the grain of wood. | ||||
Rip saw | Cutting along the grain of wood. | ||||
Hack saw Bow saw | Cutting metals. | ||||
Tenonlback saw | Cutting branches of trees. | ||||
Coping saw | Cutting Joints on wood and fine sawing. | ||||
Compass/keyhole saw | Cutting curves on thin wood. | ||||
Cutting either along or across the grain of wood especially | |||||
when cutting key holes. | |||||
9. | Tin snip | Cutting metal sheets. | |||
10. | Braces and bits. | Boring holes in wood. | , | ||
11. | Drill and bits | Boring holes in metal work and woodwork. | = | ||
12. | Hammer | ||||
Claw hammer | Driving in, removing and straightening nails. | ||||
Ball pein | Driving in nails, rivets and straightening metal. Also used | ||||
on cold chisel | |||||
13. | Mallet | Hammering or hitting wood chisel. | |||
14. | Jack plane | Fine finishing of wood. | |||
15. | Scrappers/spokeshave | Smoothening curved surfaces of wood such as handles of | |||
jembes, axes. | |||||
16. | Measuring equipment | ~ | |||
Metre ruler | Measuring short length -. | ||||
Try square | |||||
Measuring length angles and to ascertain squareness. | |||||
17. | Marking gauge | Marking parallel lines to the edge of wood. | |||
18. | Fencing pliers | Cutting wires, hammering staples when fencing. | |||
19. | Vice and clamps | Firmly holding pieces of work together. |
Tools | Uses | |
20. | Spirit level | Measuring horizontal or vertical levels. |
2l. | Soldering gun | Melting soldering rods when repairing or fabricating metal |
sheets. | ||
22. | Wire brush | Brushing rough surfaces. |
23. | Divider | Marking and laying out. |
24. | Centre punch | Marking the point of drilling. |
25. | Paint brush | Applying paint on surfaces. |
26. | Sledge hammer | Ramming hardware, breaking stones. |
27. | Wire strainer | Tightening wires during fencing. |
28. | Riveting machine | Fix rivets when joining pieces of metal. |
29. | Claw bar | Removing long nails from wood, straining fencing wires and |
digging fencing holes. |
Plumbing and Masonry Tools
Tools | Uses | |
l. | Pipe wrench | Holding, tightening and loosing metallic pipes. |
2. | Pipe cutter | Cutting PVC pipes. |
3. | Levelling rod | Levelling the floor during construction. |
4. | Mason’s trowel | Placing mortar between construction stones and bricks. |
5. | Wood float | Create a level surface on walls and floors. |
6. | Mason’s square | Ascertain verticalness. |
7. | Plumb bob | Spreading screed over floors and walls. |
8. | Shovel | Mixing and scooping concrete or mortar, measuring cement. |
Care and Maintenance of Tools and Equipment
Reasons for Maintenance
- To increase durability.
- To increase efficiency.
- Reduce costs of replacement.
- For safety of the user/avoid accidents.
- Avoid damage to the tool.
- Use tools for the right work.
- Proper handling when using tools or equipment.
- Clean and oil tools after work.
- Keep tools in there right place.
- Replace and repair worn-out parts
- Sharpen cutting or digging edges
- Grease moving parts to reduce friction
- Use safety devices in the workshop to reduce accidents and breakages
(Land Preparation)
- A piece of land which is prepared is known as seedbed.
- A seedbed is a piece of land that is prepared ready to receive planting materials.
Seedbed Preparation
Reasons for Seedbed Preparation;
- To enable water to infiltrate.
- To kill weeds
- To improve soil aeration.
- To destroy pests and diseases.
- To incorporate organic matter in the soil.
- For easy planting.
- To facilitate root penetration.
Operations in Land Preparation
Land Clearing
- Clearing of land is necessary when:
- Opening up a virgin land.
- A stalk growing crop was previously plan
- There is long interval between primary and secondary cultivation.
- Land was left fallow for a long time.
- Tree felling and removal of stumps and roots.
- Burning
- Slashing
- Use of chemicals.
Note: Burning should be avoided where possible since it;
- Leads to loss of organic matter,
- Kills soil organisms
- Destroys soil structure and plant nutrients.
Primary Cultivation
- This is the initial breaking of land.
- It is done early before the onset of the rains to:
- Give time for soil organisms to act on organic matter.
- Allow gaseous exchange to take place, thus carbon dioxide diffuses out of the soil while oxygen enters into the soil.
- Allow other operations to take place in time.
Reasons for primary cultivation:
- Remove weeds.
- Burry organic matter.
- Open up soil for infiltration of water and air.
- Expose pests and disease causing organisms.
- Soften the soil for easy planting.
Operations in primary cultivation
- Hand digging ;
Use of hand tools ;
- Jembes,
- Mattocks,
- Fork-jembes.
- Mechanical cultivation ;
Use of mouldboard ploughs;
- Disc ploughs,
- Chisel ploughs,
- Subsoilers
- Rippers.
- Use of Ox–Ploughs ;
Which can be drawn by;
- Oxen,
- Donkeys,
- Camels
Depth of Cultivation
Depends on:
- The type of crop to be planted/size of seed.
- The implements available.
- The type of soil.
Choice of Implement
Determined by:
- The condition of land.
- The type of tilth required/type of crop.
- Depth of cultivation.
Secondary Tillage
- These are refinement practices on the seedbed that follow primary cultivation.
- It is also known as harrowing.
Reasons for secondary Tillage:
- To remove the germinating weeds.
- To break soil clods to produce required tilth.
- To level the seedbed for uniform planting.
- To incorporate organic matter/manure into the soil.
Factors determining number of secondary cultivation:
- Soil moisture content.
- Size of the planting materials.
- Condition of the soil after primary cultivation.
- Slope of the land.
Tertiary Operations:
- Ridging ;
- The process of digging soil on a continuous line and heaping on one side to produce a furrow and a bund (ridge).
- It is important for root crops, to allow root expansion and for soil and water conservation.
- Rolling:
- It is the compaction of the soil to produce a firm surface which increases seed-soil contact and prevents wind erosion.
- Levelling;
- Production of an even, uniform surface which promotes uniform planting.
- This is deep cultivation into the subsoil layer to break up any hardpan which might have developed.
It is done for the following reasons:–
- To facilitate drainage.
- Bring up leached nutrients to the surface.
- Increase aeration of the soil.
- To improve root penetration.
- The implements used include chisel plough and subsoilers.
Minimum Tillage:
- This is the application of a combination of farming practices with the aim of reducing the disturbance of the soil.
Examples of which include:
- Use of herbicides.
- Mulching and cover-cropping.
- Timely operations to prevent weed infestation.
- Strip cultivation.
- Uprooting and slashing of weeds.
Reasons for Minimum Tillage
- To reduce cost of cultivation.
- To control soil erosion.
- To preserve soil moisture.
- To prevent root exposure and damage.
- To reconstruct destroyed soil structure.
Water Supply, Irrigation and Drainage
- Water is a very important natural resource.
- It is necessary for both crops and livest
Uses of water in the farm;
- Cleaning equipment.
- Irrigation in dry areas.
- Processing farm produce, for example, co
- Drinking by livestock and m
- Mixing agro-chemicals such as acaricide, fungicides and herbicides.
- Providing power in water mills to grind grain crop
- Cooling engines.
- Construction work.
Sources of Water in the Farm
Three major sources of water in the farm:
- Surface water:
Includes water from;
- Rivers,
- Streams
- Dams.
- Ground water:
Includes water from;
- Springs,
- Wells
- Borehole
- Rain water:
This is water tapped in various ways such as;
- Rooftops
- Rock surface, when it is raining and stored in various ways.
Collection and Storage of Water
- Dams:
- These are structures constructed across rivers and channel
- They collect and store water for use during the dry season.
- Weirs:
- These are structures constructed across rivers to raise the water level for easy pump
- Unlike in the dams water flows over the barrier created across the river.
- Water Tanks:
- These are structures made of concrete, stone, metal sheets and plastics.
- They store water from rain or that which has been pumped from other sources.
- Tanks should be covered to prevent contamination from dust.
Pumps and Pumping of Water
- Pumping is the lifting of water from one point to another by use of mechanical force.
- Water is pumped from the various sources and then conveyed to where it is required for use or storage.
Types of Water Pumps
Used to lift water from its source.
- Centrifugal pumps
- Piston or reciprocating pumps
- Semi-rotary pumps and
- Hydram
Conveyance of Water
- This is the process of moving water from one point, usually the source or point of storage to where it will be used or stored.
- Piping;
- This is where water is moved through pipes.
The common types of pipes include:
- Metal pipes
- Plastic pipes
- Hose pipes
- Use of Containers:
- In this case water is drawn and put in containers .
- drums, jerry cans, pots, gourds, tanks and buckets .
- Which are carried by animals, bicycles, human beings and vehic
- Use of Containers:
- Use of Canals:
- In this case water is conveyed from a high point to a lower one along a gradual slope to avoid soil erosion.
- Water conveyed through this way is mostly used for irrigation and livestock.
Water Treatment
- Raw water contains impurities which may be dissolved, floating or suspended in water.
These impurities are grouped into three categories, namely:
- Physical impurities: these are dissolved impurities detected by colour, taste and smell.
- Chemical impurities: these are dissolved impurities detected by use of chemical analysis.
- Biological impurities: these are microorganisms in water such as bacteria, viruses and algae.
Importance of Treating Water
- To kill disease causing microorganisms such as cholera and typhoid bacteria that thrive in dirty water.
- To remove chemical impurities such as excess fluoride which may be harmful to human beings.
- To remove smells and bad taste.
- To remove sediments of solid particles such as soil, sand and sticks.
Methods of Treating Water
- Aeration: this is the removal of smell and odour from water by fine spraying or bubbling of air.
- Sedimentation: this is where water is put in large containers so that solid particles such as sand, metal and others can settle at the bottom.
- Filtration: this is passing water through fine granular materials to remove solid particles and biological substances.
- Coagulation: addition of chemicals which precipitate impurities and help in softening of hard water.
- Chlorination: Sterilization to destroy disease causing organisms.
- It is the artificial application of water to crops in dry areas or where water is not enough.
- It is one of the methods of land reclamation in case of arid and semi arid areas.
Factors to Consider in Identifying and Assessing the Potential of Land for Irrigation Development
- Topography of the land
- Soil type
- Type of crop to be grown
- Water availability
- Human factors such as skill, capital availability and economic activities.
Types of Irrigation
- Surface irrigation:
- This includes flood irrigation and basin irrigation.
- It is used in flat areas.
- The problem with this method is loss of water through seepage.
- It also increases soil salinity.
- Sub-surface Irrigation:
- This involves the use of porous pipes or perforated pipes.
- It is used in slopy areas and where water is inadequate.
- Overhead or Sprinkler Irrigation:
- It is used in any area which is not steep.
- Drip or Trickle Irrigation:
- It is used where water is little and in relatively sloppy and flat areas.
- This is a method of removing excess water or lowering the water table from a marshy water-logged land.
- It is also a method of land reclamation.
Importance of Drainage as a Method of Land Reclamation
- To increase soil aeration.
- To raise soil temperature.
- To increase microbial activities in the soil.
- To reduce toxic substances from the soil.
- To increase soil volume for exploitation by plant roots.
Methods of Drainage
- Use of open ditches.
- Use of underground drain pipes.
- French drains.
- Cambered beds.
- Pumping out water from the soil.
- Planting tree species which absorb a lot of water for example eucalyptus.
Water Pollution
- This is the process by which harmful substances get into the water.
- The harmful substance is referred to as a pollutant.
Agricultural practices which pollute water include:
- Use of inorganic fertilizers.
- Use of pesticides.
- Poor cultivation practices such as over cultivation, cultivating along the river banks.
- Overgrazing which leads to erosion of soil thus causing siltation in water sources.
Methods of Preventing Water Pollution
- Soil conservation measures which minimize soil losses through erosi
- Fencing off the water sour
- Adopting organic farming practices for example controlling pests and weed using non-chemical techniques.
- Planting grass along river banks to minimize siltation in rivers.
- Proper disposal of empty chemical containers.
Soil Fertility I
(Organic Manures)
- Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to provide crops with the required nutrients in their proper proportions.
Characteristics of a Fertile Soil
- Good depth – Good soils give roots greater volume to obtain plant nutrients and provide strong anchorage.
- Good aeration – for the respiration of plant roots and use by soil organisms.
- Good water holding capacity – ensures provision of adequate water for plant growth.
- Proper drainage – ensures provision of adequate air for plant growth.
- Correct soil pH – different crops have different soil pH requirements.
- Adequate nutrients supply – it should supply the required nutrients in the correct amounts and in a form available to plants.
- Free from excessive infestation of soil borne pests and diseases.
How soil loses fertility
- Leaching: vertical movement of dissolved minerals from the top to the lower horizons of the soil profile.
- Soil erosion – The removal and carrying away of the top fertile soil from one place to another.
- Monocropping – This is the practice of growing one type of crop on a piece’ of a land over a long time.
- Continuous cropping – crops take away a lot of nutrients from the soil which are never returned.
- Growing crops continuously without giving the soil time to rest makes the soil infertile.
- Change in soil pH – changes in soil pH affect the activity of soil microorganisms as well as the availability of soil nutrients.
- Burning of vegetation – burning of vegetation cover destroys organic matter. It also exposes the soil to the agents of soil erosion.
- Accumulation of salts – soils with a lot of salts are said to be saline. State of having too much salt in the soil is referred to as soil salinity.
- Salts accumulation cause water deficiency in plants. It may also lead to change in soil pH.
Maintenance of Soil Fertility
Soil fertility is maintained through the following methods:
- Control of Soil Erosion ;
- Terracing,
- Contour cultivation,
- Strip cropping,
- Cut off drains
- Planting cover crops.
- Crop Rotation ;
- Practice of growing different crops on the same field in different seasons in an orderly sequence.
- Control of Soil pH :
- Application of liming materials such as limestone, quicklime, magnesium carbonate and slaked lime if the soil is acidic.
- Application of acidic fertilizers if the soil is alkaline.
- Application of manures.
- Proper drainage;
Done through:
- Breaking hard pan.
- Construction of water channels.
- Growing crops on cambered bed
- Pumping out water from the soil.
- Weed control:
- Use of herbicides.
- Slashing
- Mulching
- Use of proper farming practices such as early planting, correct spacing and cover crops.
- Intercropping –
- Farming practice where different crops species are grown together in the field.
- Minimum Tillage;
- Use of herbicides.
- Uprooting of weeds.
- Slashing weeds
- Mulching
- Strip cultivation.
- Use of Inorganic Fertilizer ;
- Chemical compounds manufactured to apply specific plant nutrients for example calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN).
- Use of Manure;
- Well decomposed manures release nutrients into the soil and increase its water holding capacity.
Organic Manures
- Manures are derived from plants and animal remains.
- They supply organic matter to the soil which after decomposition releases plant nutrients.
- The end product of this decomposition is known as humus.
- It influences soil chemical properties and soil temperature.
- Manures supply a wide range of essential plant nutrients.
Importance of Organic Matter in the Soil
- Increases the soil water holding capacity of the soil.
- Improves soil fertility by releasing a wide range of nutrients into the soil.
- Provides food and shelter for soil micro-organisms.
- Improves the soil structure.
- Buffers soil pH/moderates soil pH.
- Reduces the toxicity of plant poisons in the soil.
- Moderates soil temperature by its dark colour.
Limitations in the Use of Manure
- They are bulky – low nutritive value per unit volume.
- Laborious in application and transport.
- They spread diseases, pests and weeds.
- Loss of nutrients if poorly stored.
- If not fully decomposed crops may not benefit from them.
Types of Organic Manures
- Green manure.
- Farm yard manure.
- Compost manure
Green Manure
- Made from green plants which are grown for the purpose of incorporating into the soil.
Characteristics of plants used for preparation for green manure:
- Have fast growth rates.
- Have high nitrogen content.
- Capable of rotting quickly.
- Capable of growing in poor conditions.
Preparation of Green Manure
- Plant the green manure crop in the field.
- Allow the crop to grow up to flowering stage.
- Incorporate it into the soil through ploughing.
- Allow the crop to decompose for two weeks.
- Prepare the field for planting the major crop.
Reasons why green manure is not commonly used/limitations:
- Most of the plants used as green manure are food crops.
- Green manure crops may use most of the soil moisture.
- Most of the nutrients are used up by soil micro-organisms in the process of decomposing the green manure.
- Planting of the major crop is delayed.
Farm Yard Manure (FYM)
- Is a mixture of animal waste and crop residues used as beddings in animal houses.
Factors that Determine the Quality of FYM
- The types of the animals used.
- Types of food eaten
- Types of litter used.
- Method of storage.
- Age of farmyard manure.
- Age of the animals used.
Preparation of FYM
- Provide beddings in the houses of farm animals.
- Animals deposit their droppings and urine on the beddings.
- Animals mix them through trampling.
- The beddings together with dung are removed and heaped under shed to decompose.
- After sometime, the materials decompose and FYM is formed.
- It can then be used in the farm
Compost Manure
- Is manure prepared from heaped (composted) organic materials.
Factors to consider in selecting site for making compost manure:
- A well drained place.
- Direction of the prevailing wind.
- Size of the farm.
- Accessibility.
Preparation of Compost Manure
Two methods:
- Four heaps method
- Indore Method (Pit Method)
Indore Method (Pit Method)
Procedure ;
- Select a sheltered place with a shade and near the field.
- Dig a pit with the dimension 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m.
- Place the materials in the following order:
- Hedge cuttings or maize stalks to a depth of 30cm as a foundation
- A layer of grass, green weeds or leaves and kitchen wastes to 30cm.
- A well rotten manure/poultry droppings.
- Wood ash and phosphatic fertilizers.
- A layer of topsoil to introduce microorganism for the decomposition of organic remains.
- Note: Some water should be sprinkled to the materials to initiate the decomposition process and regulate temperatures.
Four heaps method:
- Clear the site.
- Level the site
- Four posts 2m high are fixed 1.2m apart from four corners of the heap.
- Fix wood planks on the sides.
- Materials are placed in two heaps as in the pit method,
- The two heaps make up heap 1.
- After 3-4 weeks, the decomposed material from heap 1 is transferred to heap II.
- After another 3 – 4 weeks the material is transferred to heap III.
- After 3-4 weeks it is ready for use in the farm.
Indicators of well decomposed manure
- Absence of bad odour.
- Materials are lighter.
- Manure is brown in colour.
Advantages of Compost Manure
- One does not have to own livestock in order to prepare it.
- A lot of manure can be produced within a short time.
- A variety of materials can be used in its preparation.
- Uses locally available materials thus cheaper than the artificial fertilizers.
- Improves the soil structure.
Limitations of Compost Manure
- It releases nutrients slowly into the soil.
- Large quantities of compost manure are required to supply enough plant nutrients.
- Its preparation is labour intensive.
- It may induce soil-borne pests and diseases.
Livestock Production:
(Common Breeds)
- The term livestock is used to refer to all domesticated animals.
- These animals include cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs, rabbits, camels, bees, fish and donkeys.
The importance of keeping livestock:
- Source of food.
- Source of income.
- Cultural values.
- Source of animal power.
- Provision of raw materials for industries.
- Farmyard manure from the animals is used in maintaining soil fertility.
- Cattle dung is used in the production of biogas.
Cattle Breeds
- Cattle can be classified into two groups based on their origin.
These are;
- Indigenous cattle.
- Exotic cattle.
Indigenous Cattle
- Zebus –
They are small in size and with a distinct hump and include:
- Nandi,
- Bukedi
- Maasai cattle.
- The Borana
- These are the cattle kept in the Northern parts of Kenya.
- They are larger than the Zebus.
- Indigenous cattle are hardy hence able to tolerate the harsh environmental conditions in the tropics.
- They are the major suppliers of beef in Kenya.
Exotic Cattle
- Foreign cattle from the temperate regions.
- They have distinct breed characteristics and are classified into various breeds.
General characteristics:
- They have no humps.
- They have low tolerance to high temperatures hence popular in cool climates of the Kenya highlands ..
- They are highly susceptible to tropical diseases.
- They have fast growth rates leading to early maturity.
- They are good producers of both meat and milk.
- They cannot walk for long distances.
- They have short calving intervals of one calf per year if well managed.
Exotic cattle breeds fall under the following groups:
- Dairy cattle breeds.
- Beef cattle breeds.
- Dual purpose breeds.
Dairy Cattle Breeds
- They include;
- Friesian,
- Ayrshire,
- Guernsey
Characteristics of Dairy Cattle
- Wedge or triangular in shape.
- Large stomach.
- Docile with mild temperament.
- Large, well suspended udders and teats.
- Lean bodies.
- Lean and smooth neck.
- Large and long mammary milk wells and veins.
- Cylindrical; uniform and well spaced teats.
- Wide and well set hindquarters to accommodate the udder.
Friesian-Holstein (largest of all dairy breeds)
- Origin: Holland
- Colour: Black and white
- Size: Cow weighs 550-680kgs Bull weighs 950 kg.
- Highest milk producers of all dairy breeds about 9150 kg per lactation but with least butterfat content; 3.5%
- Origin: Scotland
- Colour: White with brown markings.
- Size: Cow weighs 360-590kgs Bulls weighs 500-720kg.
- Straight top lines, horns are long and face upwards.
- Milk production is second to Friesian about 61OOkg per lactation with butter content of about 4%.
- Origin: Guernsey Island off the coast of France.
- Colour: Yellowish brown to red with white legs, switch and girth ..
- Size: Bulls 540-770kg. Cow weighs 450- 500kgs
- Udders are less symmetrical.
- Average milk production is about 5185kg per lactation with a butterfat content of 4.5% hence the yellow colour of milk.
Jersey (smallest of all the dairy breeds)
- Origin: England
- Colour: Yellow brown with black muzzle and switch.
- Size: Bulls weigh 540-700kg. Cow weighs 350-450kgs
- Dished forehead, have straight top-line and level rumps with sharp w
- Have protruding black eyes.
- Average milk production 1270kg per lactation of butterfat content 5%.
- They tolerate high temperatures.
Beef Cattle
- Aberdeen Angus,
- Hereford,
- Shorthorns,
- Galloway,
- American Brahman,
- charolais
- Santa Getrudis.
Characteristics of Beef Cattle
- Blocky or square conformation.
- Have thick muscles or are well fleshed.
- Early maturing.
- Deep chest and girth and short legs.
- Straight top and lower lines.
- Origin: North East Scotland.
- Colour: Black
- Shape: Cylindrical, compact and deep; It is polled.
- Mature bulls weigh 900kg.
- Mature cows weigh 840kgs.
- It is found in Timau area of Kenya
- Origin: Engla
- Colour: Deep red and white-faced.
- Size: Average weight of bulls is 1000kg.
- Cows weigh 840kgs.
- It is found in areas such as Naivasha.
- Origin: England.
- Has easy fleshing ability
- Colour: Red, Roan or white
- Shape: Cylindrical, compact and deep.
- It is polled.
- Bulls weigh 700-900kg,
- cows weigh 545-630kgs.
- Origin: Scotland.
- Colour: Black
- Kept in the highland areas like Molo in Kenya.
- Origin: France.
- Colour: Creamy white.
- Size: Bulls weigh 1200kg, cows weigh 1000kgs.
- It is found in ranches in Laikipia District.
Dual Purpose Breeds
Examples: Sahiwal, Red Poll and Simmental.
- Origin: India and Pakistan ..
- Colour: reddish brown.
- Size: Bulls weigh 650kg, and cows 400kg.
- Milk production averages 2700-3000 per lactation with a butter fat content of 3.7%.
- It has a pendulous udders which does not let down milk easily.
- It is therefore said to be a difficult milker.
- It is kept in semi-arid areas such as Naivasha.
Red Poll
- Origin: England.
- Colour: Deep red with a white nose.
- Conformation: Polled-deep girth and short legs.
- Kept in semi–arid areas such as Nakuru, Mogotio.
- Origin:
- Colour: Light red and white patches on the head.
- It has broad and straight back, with well-sprung ribs and deep girth.
- It is well fleshed at rear quarters, well suspended udders and large teats.
Sheep Breeds:
Purpose of Keeping Sheep;
- Meat (mutton).
- Wool production.
Exotic Sheep
- Wool breeds -for example merino.
- Dual purpose- for example Corriedale, Romney marsh.
- Mutton breeds -for example Hampshire Down, Dorpers.
- Origin: Spain
- It has white face and its lips and nostrils are pink in colour.
- Rams have horns which are spiral in shape.
- It is susceptible to foot rot, worm and respiratory diseases.
- Origin: New Zealand.
- Size: Rams 85 – 90kg. Ewes 60– 85 kg
- This is a dual-purpose breed with white open face and white spots on the legs.
- It is hornless and hardy.
Romney Marsh
- Origin: England.
- Size: Rams 100 – 115kg.
- Ewes 84- 100 kg
- It is a dual-purpose breed which s hornless with wide poll and black nostrils and lips.
- It is average in prolificacy.
- It is resistant to foot rot diseases and worm infestation.
Hampshire Down
- Origin: England.
- Size: Rams 125kg.
- Ewes 80-100 kg
- It is a mutton breed which is early maturing, hardy and prolific.
- Fleece is of poor quality because of the black fibres.
- Lambing percentage is 125-140.
- Is a crossbreed of Dorset horn and black head Persian sheep.
- It is mutton breed.
Dorset Horn
- Dual purpose breed of sheep.
- Indigenous Breeds of Sheep
- Their bodies are covered with hair.
- Their classification is based on their tails and their names vary according to different tribes.
- Thin tailed sheep found in West Africa.
- Fat tailed such as Maasai sheep.
- Fat rumped sheep.
Maasai Sheep
- Found in South Western Kenya and Northern Tanzania.
- Size: Ram 38kg,
- Ewe 20-30kg.
- Colour: Red and brown.
- These are early maturing with long legs and small pointed horns.
Black Head Persian Sheep
- Origin: South Africa
- Colour: White with black head and neck.
- It is polled with a big dewlap, fat rump and a curved tail..
Goats well adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions because of the following characteristics:
- They feed on a wide range of vegetation.
- They require very little amount of water.
- They are tolerant to high temperatures.
- They are fairly resistant to diseases.
- They can walk long distances without losing weight.
Indigenous Goat Breeds
- Galla (white in colour). Adult female can weigh 25kg.
- Somali (Boran): Found in Northern Kenya (white in colour).
- Turkana/Samburu: (Long hair and bearded.
- Mubende: (Black) (40-45kg). These are small and hardy and are kept for meat and milked by the pastoralists.
Exotic Breeds
Boer goat
- Origin: South Africa
- Colour: White
- Has long ears and long hair on their bodies.
- Origin: North East Africa
- Colour: Roan and White
- These have long legs, lopped ears and are polled.
- They produce 1-2 litres of milk per , day.
- Origin: India
- Colour: White, black and fawn.
- They are horned, have large lopped ears
- Produce 1-1.5_litres of milk per day.
- Origin: Switzerland
- Colour: White patches on the body, white stripes on the face and neck.
- Erect forward pointing ears and polled.
- Can produce 2-3 of milk per day.
- Origin: Switzerland.
- Colour: White
- They have erect, forward pointing ears and polled.
- Can produce 2-3 Iitres of milk per day.
- Origin: Angora in Asia.
- Colour: White
- It is kept for wool production.
French alpine. Pigs
- They are sparsely haired and therefore cannot withstand cold.
- Pigs wallow when it is hot due to absence of sweat glands.
- They breathe fast when it is hot.
- They have bristles instead of hair.
Large White
- Origin: Britain
- _ Kept for bacon and pork production.
- Long, large and white in colour.
- Ears straight and erect.
- Has dished face and snout.
- Most prolific and with good mothering ability.
- Fairly hardy.
- Origin: Denmark
- White and longer than large white. _
- Ears drooping.
- Good for bacon production.
- Very prolific with good mothering ability. _
- Requires high level of management.
Wessex Saddle
- Back Origin: England
- Colour: Black with white forelegs and shoulders.
- Straight snout and drooping ears. _
- Good for bacon and pork.
- Good for keeping outdoors.
- Excellent mothering instincts.
Other pig breeds include:
- Berkshire,
- Middle-white
- Duroc Jersey pig.
Pigs can be crossed to obtain hybrids or crosses.
Advantages of Crosses
- Increased litter size. _
- Early maturing.
- _ Increase in body length.
- _ High proportion of lean meat to fat.
Poultry Breeds
There are three types of chicken breeds:
- The light breeds kept for egg production.
- The heavy breeds kept for meat production.
- Dual purpose breeds – kept for both eggs and meat production.
Characteristics of Light Breeds
- Never go broody hence poor sitters.
- Excellent layers (over 220 eggs per year).
- Poor meat producers (hens can attain 2kg; cocks 3kgs)
- Very nervous and exhibit high degree of cannibalism.
- Hen’s comb is large and bent over one eye and cock’s comb is large with 5 – 6 serrations.
- Leghorns,
- Anconas,
- Silkies,
- Minorcas.
Characteristics of Heavy Breeds
- Can lay few eggs and provide good meat as broilers.
- Can go broody.
- Heavier and bigger in size.
- Grow fast.
- Light Sussex,
- Cornish Dark
- White.
Characteristics of Dual–Purpose Breeds
- Go broody.
- Have good meat.
- Disease resistant (do not require high standard of management).
- Rarely exhibit cannibalism.
Examples: Rhode Island Red.
- These are developed by crossing two different breeds.
- They are superior in performance.
- Can attain 2kg in 56 days for broilers and layover 200 eggs per year for layers.
- Shavers,
- Thombers -Isabrown.
Kept for the following reasons:
- To provide meat, fur, hair or wool.
- To provide skin for leather.
- To provide manure.
- As pet ani
- Used for research purposes.
- Californian white: white, very prolific black ears, nose and feet).
- New Zealand white: (white with pink eyes – good for meat).
- Flemish giant (dark grey – good for meat).
- Angora rabbit (white, kept for wool production).
- Chinchillah (greyish, kept for its fur).
- Earlops (white with droopy ears).
- Kenya white (white, smallest of breeds).
Kept for;
- Transport,
- Racing,
- To provide milk, meat and wool.
There are two species of camels.
Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
- Origin: Arabia and Syria
- Are single humped, have light body
- Good for racing and rapid transport.
Bacterian (Camelus bacterianus)
- Origin: Central Asia
- Has double humps, heavier and has shorter legs.
- Can live in cold regions hence its thick and long coat acts as insulation.
- Capable of shedding the coat during spring.
Terms used to describe livestock in different age, sex and use.
Livestock | Adult | Replacement Stock | Young | Users) | ||
Species | Male | Female | Male | Female | One | |
Cattle | Bull | Cow | Bullock | Heifer | Calf | Dairy – milk Beef-meat
Sheep | Ram | Ewe | Ram | Hogget | Lamb | Mutton – meat Wool sheep -wool |
Goat | Buck or | Doe or | Buck | Doe | Kid | Dairy – milk |
Billy | Nanny | Mutton – meat | ||||
Pigs | Boar | Sow | Boar | Gilt | Piglet | Pork – meat |
Bacon -cured | ||||||
Poultry | Cock | Hen | Cockerel | Pullet | Chick | Broilers – meat |
Layers – eggs | ||||||
Rabbits | Buck | Doe | Buck | Doe | Kindling | Meat |
Camel | Bull | Cow | Bull | Heifer | Calf | Pack, trained for |
riding, racing milk, | ||||||
meat, fur |
Agricultural Economics I
(Basic Concepts and Farm Records)
- Economics is the study of how man and society chooses to allocate scarce productive resources to produce various commodities, over time, and distribute them among various consumers in society.
- It attempts to explain how man can best use the limited resources to produce goods and services which satisfies his needs with minimum wastage or loss of these resources
- food,
- clothing
- shelter
- Agricultural economics is therefore defined as a science that aims at maximizing output while minimizing costs by combining the limited supplies of goods and services for use by the society over a certain period of ti
- These are;
- land,
- capital,
- labour
- management
Basic economic Principles
- Economic scarcity means resources are limited in supply relative to demand.
- This principle implies that there is no time that man can have enough resources to satisfy all his need or desires
- Human wants are many and varied and means of satisfying them are limited.
- Therefore, man has to make a choice among the alternatives in order to use the resources available.
- Man does this by satisfying the most pressing needs first.
- This is called scale of preference.
Opportunity Cost
- Opportunity cost is the revenue forgone from the best alternative.
- It exists only where there are alternatives.
- Where there are no alternatives the opportunity cost is equal to zero.
- Opportunity cost helps in decision making.
Farm Records
- Farm records are documents kept in the farm
- They show farm activities carried out over a long period of time
- Or information kept in the farm in written form, about the farm and all activities in it.
Uses of Farm Records
- Show the history of the farm
- Show whether the farm is making a profit or loss.
- Show all the assets and liabilities of the farm which can be used to value the farm.
- Help in supporting insurance claims on death, theft, fire or loss of farm assets.
- Help in tax assessment to avoid over taxation.
- Used as a guide in planning and budgeting.
- Helps to detect losses or theft in the farm.
- Make it easy to share profits or losses in partnerships.
- Help in settling disputes among heirs to estate if the farmer dies without a will.
- Provide labour information on terminal benefits for a worker.
Type of Farm Records
- Production Records – Show the total yield and yield per unit of each enterprise.
- Inventory Records – A record of all permanent and consumable goods in the farm.
Consumable Goods Inventory
Date | Commodity | Quantity | Date | Issued to | Quantity | balallce |
Item | Stock |
Field Operation Records – Show in details all field practices carried out together with the input used for all the crop enterprises.
- Breeding Records –
- Show all the breeding activities in the farm.
- From these records it is possible to select the prolific animals and cull the infertile ones.
- Feeding Records – A record of the types of feeds used in the farm and their quantities.
- Health Records –
- Indicates the health conditions of the animals in the farm.
From these records it is possible to:
Select and cull animals on health grounds.