Here are the open job vacancies at the office of the Registrar of Political Parties, ORPP, found at the Lion Place- Nairobi.
Duties and Responsibilities
An officer at this level will be responsible to the Registrar of Political Parties for the following duties and responsibilities:
- ensuring effective implementation of existing Supply Chain Management Policies, Guidelines and Procedures;
- planning supply chain management activities
- coordinating the preparation of procurement plans;
- ensuring goods delivered by suppliers are of the right quality and quantity;
- overseeing issuance of stores to other departments/ divisions/ sections/ units;
- ensure maintenance of SCM records;
- appraise officers under his/her supervision;
- prepare tender and contract documents.
- verifying payment documents from suppliers;
- conducting market survey and research;
- verifying tender documents;
- maintaining inventory and stock control; and
- any other lawful assignment.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-
- served as a Supply Chain Management Officer in the public sector for a minimum period of eight (8) years or in a comparable and relevant position in the private sector;
- is conversant with Public Procurement Procedures;
- Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines:- Supply Chain Management, Commerce (Supplies Management option), Procurement or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
- Masters degree will be an added advantage;
- membership to a relevant professional body in good standing;
- certificate in computer application skills and demonstrate proficiency in computer use and applications
- meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
- demonstrates professional competence and management capabilities.
Duties and responsibilities
The Senior Corporate Communication Officer’s specific duties and responsibilities include:
- develop and ensure implementation of communication policy and strategies;
- assist in handling publicity publications and internal communications;
- coordinate and participate in the ORPP public functions and publicity events;
- research, write and distribute press releases to targeted media, and manage office; publications, and in house newsletters;
- prepare departmental work plans;
- support in the implementation of ORPP communication approach with the media and other communication platforms;
- maintain data and documentation arising from media monitoring
- Support in information development and update of office website, and social media platforms;
- monitor and assess communication activity impact;
- coordinate the preparations of the departmental work plan;
- appraise officers under his/her supervision;
- support in the implementation of effective internal and external communications strategies;
- assist in handling publicity publications and internal communications;
- support in information development and update of office website, and social media platforms; and
- any other lawful assignment
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-
- served in the grade of Corporate Communications for a minimum period of six (6) years in the public sector or in a comparable and relevant position in the private sector for accumulative period of nine (9) years;
- Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines:- Public Communication, Public Relations, Mass Communication, Journalism or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Masters degree in Communication from a recognized institution;
- Certificate in Computer Applications Skills from a recognized institution
- Membership to a relevant professional body;
- met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
- demonstrates professional competence and management capabilities
Duties and Responsibilities;
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:-
- implement human resource management policies and strategies;
- interpret Human Resource policy, guidelines and procedures manuals;
- be able to conduct employees’ recruitment, promotion, discipline and placement; able to to train/develop employees;
- administer employees’ welfare;
- handle staff members’ medical cover;
- develop personnel emolument budget estimates
- maintain staff complement control and IPPD payroll system;
- manage employees’ exit plans; and
- any other lawful assignment
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-
- Bachelors degree in social sciences with bias in HRM from a recognized institution;
- a member of the Institute of Human Resources Management in good standing;
- certificate in Computer Application Skills from a recognized institution;
- meets Chapter six of the Constitution.
Applications should be delivered to ORPP not later than 31st January, 2019 to:-
Office of the Registrar of Political Parties
Lion Place, 1st Floor Karuna Close, Off Waiyaki Way, Westlands
P.O. BOX 1131 – 00606 Nairobi
*ORPP is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with Disability, Youth,People from minority and marginalized groups and communities who meet the requirements of the advertised jobs are encouraged to apply.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
- Shortlisted candidates will be required to obtain clearance certificates from:
- Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC);
- Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA);
- Criminal Investigations Department (CID); and
- Any of the Registered Credit Reference Bureaus;
- Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
- (Any conversing will automatically disqualify the applicant)
- Application forms can be downloaded from the link below:-
Link to download the application form: