A detailed description of all NSSF Kenya Member benefits, qualifications and how to get them
|The National Social Security Fund, NSSF, is a friendly service organization which exists for the public good. It offers social protection to all Kenyan workers. NSSF provides social security protection to workers in the formal and informal sectors. It registers members, receive their contributions, manage funds of the scheme, process and ultimately pay out benefits to eligible members or dependents.
This is a Pension Scheme to which every Kenyan with an income shall contribute a percentage of his/her gross earnings so as to be guaranteed basic compensation in case of permanent disability, basic assistance to needy defendants in case of death and a monthly life pension upon retirement.
NSSF members enjoy a wide array of benefits. This section will help you find information on benefits and grants that you may be eligible for as a member (or relative of a deceased member) of NSSF. It will also provide you with the information you need on how to apply for the benefits and grants to which you are entitled.
Anyone wishing to apply for benefits/grants should first carefully review the information provided regarding eligibility criteria and application requirements for the benefit/grant for which he/she is applying.
Thereafter, the member/claimant should complete the relevant application form and submit it (in person) to his/her nearest branch office. Applications forms are available online and in all NSSF branch offices.