KMTC Public Pharmacy Courses – Requirements, Duration

ProgrammeDurationOffered atQualifications
Higher Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy1 1/2 yearsNairobi MombasaDiploma in Pharmacy OR Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
Three Years Post Qualification Working Experience in the Medical Field
Enrolled with the Pharmacy & Poisons Board Applicants must have met the Minimum Entry Requirements for a Diploma in Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Technology
Diploma in Pharmacy3 yearsSelected CampusesMean Grade C, C in English or Kiswahili and Chemistry/ Physical Science and Biology or Biological Sciences
C in any one of the following: – Physics/Physical Sciences or Mathematics



1. Bomet19. Kapkatet37. Makindu55. Nyahururu
2. Bondo20. Kaptumo38. Makueni56. Nyamache
3. Bungoma21. Karen39. Mandera57. Nyeri
4. Busia22. Karuri40. Manza58. Othaya
5. Chuka23. Kilifi41. Mathare59. Port Reitz
6. Chwele24. Kisii42. Mbooni60. Rachuonyo
7. Eldoret25. Kisumu43. Meru61. Rera
8. Embu26. Kitale44. Migori62. Siaya
9. Garissa27. Kitui45. Molo63. Sigowet
10. Gatundu28. Kombewa46. Mombasa64. Tana River
11. Homabay29. Kuria47. Mosoriot65. Taveta
12. Imenti30. Kwale48. Msambweni66. Thika
13. Isiolo31. Lake Victoria49. Mwingi67. Ugenya
14. Iten32. Lamu50. Murang’a68. Voi
15. Kabarnet33. Lodwar51. Nairobi69. Vihiga
16. Kakamega34. Loitokitok52. Nakuru70. Wajir
17. Kangundo35. Lugari53. Nyamira71. Webuye
18. Kapenguria36. Machakos54. Nyandarua