2025 List of J1 sponsors for Kenyan Teachers to America

Are you looking for the best 2025 List of J1 sponsors for Kenyan Teachers to America? Are you a graduate teacher in Kenya? Do you want to work in the United States of America? Here is your chance.

There are many agencies which sponsor teachers across the globe. However, there are specific ones that have recruited in Kenya.

Some agencies charge very exorbitant fees, up to 1 M to sponsor you to the United States. However, the following agencies will charge you nothing to submit your application.

So try submitting your applications to these agencies.

J1 Sponsor List 2025

List of J1 sponsors

1.AMITY Institute;  Sandiego,CA  https://amity.org/

2.FACES; Columbia,SC  https://www.facesinc.org/

3.Global Teaching Partners; ChapelHill,NC  https://globalteachingpartners.com/

4.Greenheart Exchange; Chicago,IL  https://greenheartexchange.org/

5.Dallas ISDN Dallas,TX  https://www.dallasisd.org/

6.Sagamore Institute Indianapolis,IN  https://sagamorej1.org/

7.Spirit Cultural Exchange (has CHARGES) OakPark,IL  https://www.spiritexchange.com/

8.TPG Cultural Exchange Orlando, FL https://www.tpgculturalexchange.com/

9. Intalage Inc Atlanta,GA  http://www.intalage.com/

10. PACT educators Columbia,SC https://pacteducators.com/

11.Participate Learning ChapelHill, NC  https://www.participatelearning.com/

12. AAG (has CHARGES) Austin,TX  https://allianceabroad.com/

13. ITES Charlotte, NC  https://www.itesonline.com/

14. IAG https://www.iagusa.org/

15. GAP (has CHARGES) www.gaprograms.com