The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has released the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations’ instructions for subjects with projects/ practicals. Via a circular dated 20th January, 2020, the examination council instructs examination centres to download instructions for this year’s projects/ practicals via its official portal at:
“The 2020 KCSE examination will commence with group IV subjects which have a project component; Art and Design (442/3), Agriculture (443/3), wood work (444/2), Metal Work (445/2), Building Construction (446/2) and Computer Studies (451/3),” reads, in part, the Circular by Dr. Mercy Karogo, the Acting Chief Executive Officer to the Council.
In the circular, the projects’ timelines have been given thus:

To download the instructions, schools and Sub- county Directors of Education are advised to log onto the KNEC. “All school principals and Sub- county Directors of Education (in of private candidates) with candidates who have registered for the subjects (Project based subjects; group 4) are required to log onto the KNEC Website: and click on 2020 Project/ Practical button to download all the instructions related to the subjects the candidates are registered for,” Dr Karogo says.
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In order to ensure that the projects/ practicals are being carried out as per the outlined timelines, KNEC has maintained the two innovations (introduced in 2019) relating to the assessment of the group iv subjects. “The projects’ assessment will have two (02) key milestones, which must be completed by March 31st and July 15th, 2020,” Dr Karogo says.
KNEC says that the subject teachers are expected to upload candidates’ scores and pictorial evidence (portfolio) on the project portal; at the end of each milestone. This is a deviation from the past where subject teachers uploaded collated students’ scores at the end of the practical/ project period; mostly in September/ October. “The Pictorial evidence should be photographs of the candidates with their work, in either Graphics Interface Format (.gif) or JPEG (.jpg) format (These two are photograph formats obtained by using a digital Camera). Each candidate’s pictorial evidence should show the candidate’s name and KCSE examination index number,” Karogo explains.
This is in a bid by the Council to discourage last minute rushes and allegations that impersonators assist candidates in executing the projects/ practicals. “The Kenya National Examinations Council will closely monitor the project progress and authenticity of the scores of all project/ practical for the candidates who registered for the 2020 KCSE examination in the school at different times in the course of project/ practical implementation. The school and individual candidates will be expected to compile and maintain a portfolio (file) of evidence on the progress of the project work to be presented to the monitoring officers,” KNEC warns.
The registration exercise for candidates wishing to sit the 2020 national examinations is ongoing and expected to come to a close on 15th February, 2020.
According to KNEC, a User Manual will be available on the KNEC Portal to guide on how to log into the projects portal to download the advance instructions, key the candidates’ scores, upload photographic evidence, download and print reports on the Milestones.
Further, the First Milestone must be keyed in by March 31st and the Second Milestone by July 15, 2020. The Portal will only be accessible for keying and uploading milestone one scores from 1st March to 31st March, 2020. While, scores for Milestone two are to be uploaded between June 15 and July 15, 2020.
A fine of Sh500 per candidate will be charged if the scores are not captured online, as stipulated.
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The advance instructions for Art and Design Paper 2 (442/2) and Computer Studies (451/2) practical papers will be uploaded on the schools’ project portal to enable schools to prepare materials in time for the examinations by 30th September, 2020.
Keying in of candidates’ scores for KCSE examination papers with Oral and Aural components for French Paper 3 (501/3), German Paper 3 (502/3), Arabic Paper 3 (503/3), Kenyan Sign Language Paper 3 (504/3) and Music Paper 1 (511/1) shall be done by the assessors after the assessment of the candidates on the examination day.
Keying in of Home Science practical (441/3) candidates’ scores shall be done by Subject Teachers after the assessment of the candidates on the examination day.
All schools and Sub-County Directors of Education (for private candidates) are expected to download the candidates’ Scores Report (in Pdf format) and print a hard copy of the uploaded scores for each milestone and maintain it as evidence.
The Sub County Directors of Education should identify the schools that will host the private candidates for the project/practical work and inform KNEC in writing.
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