The new TSC marking for recruitment of teachers in 2019
The new TSC marking for recruitment of teachers in 2021
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, carries out periodic recruitment of teachers for all public schools in Kenya. The commission revises and produces fresh recruitment guidelines from time to time.
Also reviewed is the teachers’ recruitment score-sheet/ interview marking scheme. It is is necessary that you familiarize yourself with these guidelines. This will give you an upper hand when TSC advertises new vacancies. Read following guidelines keenly. They will assist you understand the recruitment process and what is expected of you.
Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers, Boards of Management are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancy(ies) in their institutions. The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015.
The Head of Institution is required to induct the panel members on the relevant sections of the Act before the commencement of the selection exercise. All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act Cap 212. Those without Registration Certificates must attach a printout showing verified status as evidence of application for registration.
However, applicants who fail to meet registration requirements will not qualify to be recruited. Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they have submitted their applications. Applicants working in other Government Departments and who meet the requirements are eligible to apply. Applicants will be required to submit their applications to the Secretary Board of Management of the respective institution with a copy to the office of the respective TSC Sub-county director. Upon receipt of applications Heads of Institutions MUST acknowledge in writing (Appendix VII).
On completion of the shortlisting process, Heads of Institutions should promptly advise those who do not meet the shortlisting criteria (specifying the reasons). The TSC Sub-County Director shall compile a list of all applicants in every Institution for ease of reference and present it during the interview.
The date, venue and time of the interview should be displayed on notice boards at the County, Sub-Counties, Zonal and Institutional offices. Heads of Institutions should communicate to all shortlisted applicants through SMS (short message service) at least seven (7) days before the actual date of interview. This provision MUST be strictly observed to ensure that all applicants are notified of the date of the interview, venue and time. All applicants, irrespective of gender, disability, ethnicity or Home County should be given equal opportunity.
However, in case of a tie, consideration will be given on the following aspects in their order of priority:
  • Applicant (s) with disability(ies);
  • Age of the applicant (44-45 years) with previous teaching experience of three years and had not worked with the Commission previously
  • Quality of certificates presented i.e. higher aggregate KCSE grade should first be considered. If the applicants tie at the aggregate grade, the subject grades should be used;
  • Preference will be given to the applicants who have not been previously employed by the Commission.
The names of interviewed applicants ranked in order of performance during the selection process for each vacancy (Appendix iii) will then be submitted to the Commission. Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission MUST declare their past employment history and reason(s) for termination of service (with evidence) in their application.
Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission and FAIL to declare shall be disqualified. Applicants who were previously offered employment by the Commission and failed to take up the appointment without notifying the Commission are NOT eligible for employment. TSC County Directors MUST ensure that Heads of Institutions confirm online registration status of the applicants to avoid engaging unregistered/deregistered teachers in the selection process.
Applicants must present original and legible photocopies of the following documents: –
  1. National identification cards;
  2. National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
  3. KCPE Certificates;
  4. KCSE Certificates (include first attempt certificate if repeated exams);
  5. Diploma/Degree Certificates and official transcripts;
  6. Primary and Secondary Schools leaving certificates
  • Provisional transcript shall not be accepted.
  • Where names on the submitted documents differ, the applicant will be required to submit a sworn affidavit.
The selection panel shall vet each applicant to verify that: –
  • He/she meets the requirements of the TSC advertisement;
  • All the submitted original academic and professional certificates, as well as official transcripts are authentic.
  • The Secretary, Board of Management should certify photocopies of the original certificates and authenticate the information provided, to the TSC County Director.
  • Photocopies used during application must be the true copy of the original certificate presented during the interview;
  • The proof of application for confirmation of results from KNEC has been availed where the certificates are missing.
  • The onus is on the concerned applicant to follow up with KNEC for the confirmation of results within fourteen (14) days after the interview date.
  • Where results have been confirmed, the original statement of confirmation of results MUST be submitted together with Application for Employment Form.
  • Once the interview process is completed, the results must be communicated to all applicants the same day and the successful applicant(s) from the merit list be issued with the TSC Application for Employment Form (s).
The TSC county director is fully in charge of the recruitment process. It is the responsibility of the TSC County Director/Representative to ensure that the:-
  • The exercise is fair and transparent;
  • Successful applicant(s) on the merit list fill the Application for Employment Form (s).
  • The Secretary of the Board of Management should ensure the Application for Employment for Form (s) is correctly filled by the applicant(s) without erasing or defacing.
  • The completed Application for Employment Form(s) together with other relevant documents should be submitted to the TSC County Directors office.
  • The TSC County Director upon verification and ensuring that all the requirements are fulfilled will submit the recruitment documents to the TSC Headquarters within the stipulated timelines.
  • Any applicant(s) who present forged/fake academic, professional and other documents commit(s) an offence; shall be disqualified and considered for deregistration subject to a disciplinary process.
The Selection Panel shall consist of the following seven (7) members:
  1. Chairperson, Board of Management – Chairperson
  2. Two (2) members of the schools BOM – Members
  3. Head of the Institution – Secretary
  4. Deputy Head of the Institution – Member
  5. Subject Specialist – Member
  6. The TSC County Director/Representative – Member
TOTAL: 7 Members.
Schools lacking a Board of Management, BOMs, should have the following members in the recruitment committee:
  1. The TSC County Director – Chairperson
  2. Head of the Institution – Secretary
  3. Deputy Head of the Institution – Member
  4. Subject Specialist – Member
  5. TSC Sub County Director – Member
  6. TSC Human Resource Officer – Member
  7. PA Chairperson – Member
TOTAL 7 Members.
The following due process should be followed during selection:
  • The Secretary, Board of Management shall present a compiled list of all applicants to the selection panel.
  • The selection panel shall harmonize the list of applicants with that of the TSC Sub County Director and conduct interviews for those who meet the criteria.
  • The County Director should note any inconsistency (ies), make decision(s) based on the guidelines and advise the applicants /panel and the Commission accordingly.
  • Applicants shall present themselves in person to the selection panel. The panel shall score each applicant based on the selection score guide (Appendices 1 (a) or 1 (b)
NB. An applicant whose special need is related to hearing and/or speech shall be allowed to be accompanied by a sign language interpreter.
1). Graduate Teachers
Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE and C+ (plus) in each of the two teaching subjects or two (2) principles and one (1) subsidiary pass at A Level. In addition, they must have:
  • A Bachelor of Education Degree with two (2) teaching subjects.
  • A Bachelor of Science or Arts Degree plus a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) with two teaching subjects.
  • Bachelor of Science with Education / Bachelor of Arts with Education with two teaching subjects.
  • Bachelor of Education holders with a mean grade of C Plain and C Plain in the two teaching subjects at KCSE and have undertaken a Diploma in Education or gone through the A level system in the relevant area(s) are eligible.
  • Bridging/Pre-university certificates for those who completed the course before December 31st 2015 can be considered.
Diploma Teachers
Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or its equivalent with at least C+(plus) (or Credit pass) in the two teaching subjects or one (1) Principle and two (2) Subsidiaries at A level. In addition, they must have: a Diploma in Education from a recognized Teacher Training Institution. NB:
  • Diploma Teachers who graduated in 2008 or before with a mean  grade of C (plain) and C (plain) in the two teaching subjects are eligible;
  • Hearing impaired and blind, are enrolled for training with mean grade of C and C in the two teaching subjects thus are eligible.
Technical Teachers
Applicants must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or its equivalent with at least C+(plus) (or credit pass) in the two teaching subjects or one (1) principle and two (2) subsidiaries at A level. In addition, they must have:
  • Bachelor of Education Technology (Bed TECH); OR
  • Bachelor of Science (BSC) in any relevant technical Subject(s)/Course;
  • Higher Diploma in a Technical course; or
  • A Diploma in a Technical Course.
Further, they should have a Diploma in Technical Teacher Education from Kenya Technical Teachers College (KTTC) or a Post Graduate Diploma in Education GDE) from a recognized University.
  • Applicants whose training is in subjects that are currently not in the Curriculum do not qualify, irrespective of their having undertaken a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and enhancement e.g. Bachelor of Science /Bachelor of Arts in:
  1. Natural Resources
  2. Meteorology
  3. Forestry
  4. Animal Husbandry
  5. Horticulture
  6. Farm Machinery
  7. Fisheries
  8. Anthropology
  9. sociology
  10. Theology/Divinity
  11. Journalism etc.
  • Applicants with Economics/Commerce/Accounting, Social Education and Ethics (SEE) can apply for Business Studies and CRE/IRE vacancies respectively.
  • Diploma Teachers with English/other subjects qualify for employment as English/Literature teachers.
  • All applicants must have studied the two teaching subjects at KCSE except for Agriculture, Business Studies, Home Science, and Computer. For those who did not study Business Studies and Computer, one should have attained a minimum of C+ (Plus) in Mathematics in KCSE. For those who did not study Agriculture and Home Science, one should have attained a minimum of C+ in Biology at KCSE.
  • Graduate Teachers should have studied a minimum of eight (8) course units in each teaching subject.
  • Applicants presenting enhancement certificate(s)/official transcripts in a teaching subject(s) from recognized institution (s) qualify for employment.
  • Applicants previously employed under contract and whose services were terminated due to inadequate units in teaching subjects and have since obtained enhancement certificates with adequate units are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants applying for computer studies MUST have taken a course on teaching methods.
  • For applicants trained in Special Needs Education-, KSL and Braille are considered as teaching subjects e.g. Biology/KSL, Geography/Braille.
The County Directors should: –
  • Ensure that the Application for Employment Forms have all the attachments required;
  • Vet the recruitment documents to verify that the applicant(s) recruited qualify for employment as per the provisions of the recruitment guidelines;
  • Ensure the Principal has signed section C of the employment form confirming the candidate qualifies/merits to be employed;
  • Compile any complaints received and submit appropriate action taken or recommendations to the Commission.
The TSC County Director is required to hand over the following documents to the TSC Headquarters:
  • Duly filled Application for Employment Form(s) together with a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of application for employment, certified copies of academic certificates, professional certificates and all official transcripts, identity card, NCPWD Card (where applicable) and two passport size photographs in respect of successful candidate(s);
  • A list of all applicants in order of merit for the advertised vacancies in (Appendix (III), clearly indicating the applicants who failed to attend the interview;
  • Duly signed Board of Management meeting minutes;
  • A commitment letter duly signed by the applicant binding him/her to teach in the station for a minimum period of five (5) years, and three (3) years in the case of North Eastern Region;
  • Completed selection score guide duly signed;
  • Copy of teacher registration certificate/evidence of verified application for registration;
  • Certified copy of a bank plate;
  • Duly completed pay point particulars form;
  • Copy of KRA PIN certificate;
  • Copy of NHIF Card;
  • List of applicants who are Persons with Disabilities (PWD).
Any applicant who is dissatisfied with the process should submit to the TSC County Director a written complaint immediately and send a copy to the TSC Headquarters not later than seven (7) days after the selection process and send a copy to the TSC Headquarters; The TSC County Director should within seven (7) days analyze and address all complaints raised after the selection process has been completed and thereafter inform the Headquarters on the action taken; Where the complaint is levelled against the TSC County Director, the TSC Headquarters shall investigate the allegations and take appropriate action.
  • Under no circumstances should the Application for Employment Form(S) be defaced or photocopied for use.
  • Clarification and advice on issues of qualifications arising from these guidelines, should be sought from the TSC County Directors.
  • Notwithstanding the decentralization of the function of teachers recruitment pursuant to Section 20 of the TSC Act, the Commission is not precluded in carrying out recruitment directly from the TSC Headquarters.
Attached find the following Appendices for use during the selection exercise
  • Appendix I: a) Selection Score Guide for Secondary School Teachers b) Selection Score Guide for Secondary Schools teachers living with disabilities c) Grading System
  • Appendix II: Board of Management & TSC Checklists
  • Appendix III: List of interviewed applicants.
  • Appendix IV: Declaration Form I
  • Appendix V: Declaration Form II
  • Appendix VI: List of applicants with disabilities
  • Appendix VII: Acknowledgement note for employment application documents
The successful applicant will be required to submit the following to the Secretary, Board of Management: –
  1. Duly signed application for employment letter;
  2. Duly signed commitment letter to serve in the school for a minimum period of five (5) years and three (3) years in the case of North Eastern region;
  3. Original and copies of the following: –
  • National Identity card (both sides);
  • NCPWD card (where applicable);
  • 2 passport size photographs;
  • Certificates and testimonials; KCPE, KCSE, A Level, Diploma, Degree etc;
  • Official Academic transcripts;
  • Teacher Registration Certificate/evidence of verified status of Application for registration;
  • KRA PIN certificate;
  • Bank Plate;
  • Duly filled pay point particulars’ form;
  • NHIF Card;
  • Primary and secondary school leaving certificates and other testimonials;
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of application for employment;
  • Evidence of separation from the Commission for those previously employed by TSC.
NB: The Principal/Secretary Board of Management is expected to verify and certify all the above documents before issuing the Application for Employment Form (APPT 1) to the successful applicant.
The Secretary, Board of Management is required to submit the following to the TSC Sub County Director
  1. Duly filled and signed Application for Employment Form (APPT 1);
  2. Minutes of the selection panel duly signed;
  3. Completed selection score guide duly signed;
  4. Duly signed commitment letter to serve in the school for a minimum period of five (5) years and three (3) years in the case of North Eastern region;
  5. Certified copies of the following: –
  • National Identity card (both sides)
  • NCPWD card (where applicable);
  • 2 passport size photographs;
  • Certificates; KCPE, KCSE, A Level, Diploma, Degree etc;
  • Official Academic transcripts;
  • Teacher Registration certificate/evidence of application for registration;
  • KRA PIN certificate;
  • Bank plate;
  • Duly filled pay point particulars form;
  • NHIF card;
  • Primary and secondary school leaving certificates and other testimonials;
  • Acknowledgement note for employment application documents;
  • Evidence of separation from the Commission for those previously employed by TSC.

Important links: