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KNEC’s Responses to frequently asked questions, where can you find answers to KNEC frequently asked questions? All answers to questions on marking, Certificates, invigilation and supervision

The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for exams and uploading project marks,
The KNEC portal used for registering candidates for 2020 KCPE, KCSE exams and uploading project marks,

The kenya National Examinations Council responds to frequently asked questions:

Question: Hello i lost my-diploma results slip, can you help me retrieve the result-slip please?

KNEC’s Answer: you may not be able to get another result slips, they are not replaced, you can use your certificate

Question to KNEC:I understand that the 2018 Technical Examinations for October – November Timetable is already out, I have gone through your website but it is not yet availed?

KNEC’s Answer:Good afternoon, it shall be uploaded today (24/10/2018)

Question to KNEC:How does Kenya National Examinations Council reimburse to center managers for costs incurred during the examination period for accommodation and transport?

KNEC’s Answer: There is no reimbursement.

Question to KNEC: Are 2018 candidates going to use the 6th Edition mathematical tables?

KNEC’s Answer: Yes, the sixth edition is used and even the earlier ones as long as they have no writings in (them).

Question to KNEC:s it in order for one to be assigned a school that’s too far from their work station for invigilation? I’ve been sent to a far off school.

KNEC’s Answer: This can be handled by the Director, TSC, who is in charge of invigilators.

Question to KNEC: Can a teacher who is still on probation be appointed to be a supervisor during Kcpe/kcse examination?

KNEC’s Answer: Please get guidance from recruiting officer who is the TSC Sub county Director of Education, SCDE.

Question to KNEC: What happens to those who did apply for training as examiners but did get the invitation. These numbers are not working – 0720741001 & 0203317412

KNEC’s Answer: If you did not meet the requirements, you were not invited

Question to KNEC: Is there a way of getting a copy of my kcse (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) academic certificate?

KNEC’s Answer: please check our website: check under services you will see guidelines for confirmation of certificates and certification of results

Question to KNEC: How can I get kcpe (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) analysis for 2017. The download isn’t available on your website.

KNEC’s Answer: You can only buy it in our bookshop along Aga khan walk, in Nairobi

Question to KNEC: My housegir(a kenyan) has studied upto form 5 in Uganda I want her to continue her studies in Kenya and was directed to you to determine her grade so she can be accepted in college what’s the process please?

KNEC’s Answer: Please check our website: for guidelines on equation of certificates

Question to KNEC: kindly assist on how to replace a certificate that went ablaze. The candidate sat his exam in 2016.

KNEC’s Answer: Please check our webiste: on guidelines for confirmation and certification of results the only services you can get

Question to KNEC: How can I get my high school Certificate? I completed school 2011. And then how long will it take as it is needed urgently?

KNEC’s Answer: You can only pick from your former school

Question to KNEC: I did my Diploma in ICT in 2015 at Siaya Institute of Technology and since then I haven’t received my certificate, I have been calling the school but they keep telling me to wait. I have also sent you guys an email and no one bothered to give me a feedback.

KNEC’s Answer: Please find out from the Sub-County Director of Education to establish whether they have been picked from his office.

Question to KNEC: How does one (an employer for instance) tell that a KCSE or KCPE certificate presented before him/her is genuine?

KNEC’s Answer:KNEC can do confirmation to of the results. The procedure is in our website:

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