FIBA Africa in conjunction with Kenya Basketball Federation (KBF)
will hold a Level 1 Coaching clinic in October. This is part of the 360 project.

The training programme released by KBF, yesterday, is as follows:
1.October 1st -6th -Upper Hill school ,Nairobi
2.October 8th -13th -Mombasa .
3.October 15th -20th -Feba Diwopa ,Nairobi

In May, 2018, FIBA’s Regional Office in Africa launched the “FIBA 360 Basketball”, a FIBA members national federation development program which includes 11 countries of the region.

The project will be implemented in two phases. The first phase of the project will focus on the training programs for coaches and the equipment endowment programs (balls – scoreboards) and office, while the second phase will be based on the Strategic Planning Activities in 2019, and Development activities (Governance – Management-Finance & Administration – Technical – Marketing & Communication – Competitions) from 2020 – 2023.

The objective of the program is to bring national federations of “Type 2” (with the low level of organization, but have an important growth potential) and “Type 3” (with average level of organization, but have an Important growth potential) towards the highest level: “Type 4″(Leaders).

The KBF clinic in October, 2018, will have sessions of 25 participants, each.

There will be online home study, 2 weeks before the actual clinic. Interested participants are urged to register urgently and also provide their email addresses.

The course will be conducted by FIBA AFRICA instructor Naoufal Uariachi .
Course coordinators are Joseph Amoko Omolo and Ronnie Owino.

Those willing to make further clarifications and register can contact:
☎ Mr. Joseph Amoko Omolo -0725062323 or
☎ Mr. Ronnie Owino -0722834329