TSC latest news on OCS; Requirements, Payment, Selection and Roles

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TSC latest news on OCS; Requirements, Payment, Selection and Roles

All schools have been directed by TSC to immediately create and appoint teachers in the Office of Career Service, OCS.

The OCS office will be separate from the current Director of Studies.

Here is the TSC memo on the OCS office with all the details.

TSC Memo to all County Directors, reference number TSC/DQAS/MEMOS/CD/40/VOLII/89, dated August 16, 2023 on Office of Career Services is attached.


In accordance with Executive Order No. 1 of 2021, the State Department of Labour and Skills Development is tasked with overseeing actor skill development and establishing and managing the institutional framework for linking industry skill development and training.

In accordance with its mandate, the Department is devoted to fostering career advice in order to reduce skill mismatches, improve school-to-work transitions, employability, and labor mobility, and reintegrate marginalized and at-risk populations into education and labor-market services.

In this regard, the Department has created the National Policy Framework as well as Career Services Offices.

As a result, offices of career services (OCS) have been formed in a number of universities, national polytechnics,
technical vocational centers, and Primary and secondary schools.

You are expected to ensure the following by this copy of this memo:

Establish an Office of Career Service and select a teacher to coordinate OCS activities at all institutions under your control.

Community Service Learning (CSL) is taught in accordance with the curriculum.

This should be distributed to all institution administrators, with input provided to the County Directors office by September 10th, 2023.

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