Knec Contracted Professionals 2023 for KPSEA, KCSe and KCPE Exams


  • The Council, like it has been the case before will use the multi-agency approach to administer the 2023 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE The organization will work closely with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior and National Administration and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to manage national examinations.
  • The Ministry of Education through the Sub County Directors of Education (SCDE) are expected to identify and nominate officers to oversee the management of the examinations at the container and at the Sub County. Officers to be deployed at the container and the number required are well indicated in the cp2
  • During KPSEA and KCPE an additional clerk can be recruited to ease the distribution of examination materials for the two examinations.
  • The Ministry of Interior and National Administration has identified the Deputy, Assistant County Commissioners and security to be in charge of security of the containers and examination


  • Examination centres with more than two hundred and fifty (250) candidates are allowed to engage an additional security
  • The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) through the Sub County Directors (SCD) have identified, nominated and vetted Centre Managers (CM), Supervisors (SUP) and Invigilators (INV); and deployed them to examination centres. TSC Sub County Directors will be expected to ensure accurate data of supervisors and invigilators has been captured online and in the declaration form before it is submitted to the
  • All teachers in a school must be deployed as supervisors and
  • Erasing details of officers who have worked and replacing them with persons who have not worked will be treated as fraud and the fraud and will result in not engaging the officers in charge of deployment in future due to integrity
    • Centre Managers are the heads of the institutions/ examination centres upon deployment by the TSC SCD. They are supposed to take online attendance of the officers deployed in the examination centre. These officers include Centre managers Supervisors, Invigilators and Security officers. All unauthorised staff must keep off the examination centre. They will not be allowed in the examination centres during the the following timeline, KCPE and KPSEA from 7am to 2pm and KCSE from 7am to 6PM
  • The following are the authorized persons expected in the examination centre:
    • Centre manager;
    • Deputy Principal/Headteacher;- where an examination centre has more than one deputy then the centre manager shall designate one deputy to assist him/her;
    • Supervisor(s);
    • Invigilator(s);
    • Gatekeeper;
    • Laboratory technician and science teacher only during practicals;
    • Authorized support staff to prepare meals for candidates;


  • The Centre Manager should prepare a list of the authorized centre staff at the start of the examination as guided by the list above. The list should indicate the Name, ID Number, TSC Number, Telephone number, Designation/Role, and Teaching
  • Supervisors are teachers from within the Sub Every examination centre must have a Supervisor who is expected to ensure successful conduct of examinations in the centres they have been appointed to serve. The number of supervisors in an examination centre is determined by the number of candidates in the centre. For every two hundred (200) candidates there should be one (1) supervisor.
  • Invigilators on the other hand are identified and recruited to ensure that examinations are conducted according to KNEC rules and regulations in an examination room. They work under the instructions of the supervisor. The number of invigilators is determined by the number of candidates in an examination centre. For every twenty (20) candidates, there should be one (1)
  • Centre managers, Supervisors and Invigilators are responsible to the TSC Sub County Directors. When recruiting the personnel, the TSC Sub County Directors should ensure they do not:
  • Over recruit since the Council operates on a budget like any other
  • Deploy supervisors and invigilators in one examination centre for more than two consecutive years;
  • Source supervisors and invigilators from adjacent examination centres. This mainly applies where examination centres are located in the same compound or close to one
  • The hosted centres will be entitled to one invigilator or two invigilators depending on number of hosted Hosted centres must be accompanying their candidates and ensure they maintain discipline of their candidates throughout the examination period.
  • Deploy supervisor to manage examination for a candidate in hospital/prison. Candidates in hospitals are supposed to be assigned an invigilator and security officer who are supposed to sign declaration form on the space allowed of the Examination centre of the candidate clearly indicating the candidates’ details number of days they have invigilated in the hospital/prison as required.
  • Identification badges: All centre managers, supervisors and invigilators must have identification
  • Roles of Personnel involved in the management are well documented in the instructions on the conduct of examination document which is available for download from KNEC

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