Access to the platform
Kaimosi Friends University College Contacts
This section is going to provide you with information on the following platforms:
1. Moodle Learning Management System
2. Zoom Conferencing System
Moodle Learning Management System 
As the worlds most popular Learning Management System, KAFUCO uses the Moodle Platform as its primary LMS to ensure that student interaction with the lecturers and course material is world-class.
Moodle stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment and is one of the leading LMS service providers in the world with an extensive library of modules tailored to make the learning experience easier.
Our Moodle site is hosted on the following URL: Please visit the site and ensure you have the correct credentials to help you login and get student resources from your lecturers.
Below you will find a list of resources that can help you navigate the platform, including a pre-recorded Moodle for students session.
Related Resources
Wagner Introduction to Moodle:
Moodle Quick Start Guide:
Moodle Official Website:
Moodle Student Guide:
Zoom Conferencing
Zoom is one of the worlds leading conferencing and meeting platforms. It is the primary means of interaction between our lecturers and the students during e-Learning activities and boasts a handful of impressive features setup to ensure that learners get the most out of each session.
It can be accessed on any smartphone, whether Android based on IOS and can be used on larger devices such as laptops, desktop PCs and tablets.
It is an easy to use one-stop-shop for small to large meetings with a capacity of up to 1000 participants at a time. The following guide will guide you through how to get up and running with Zoom conferencing and some of the things to watch out for during online meetings and classes.
Introduction to Zoom Conferencing
Classroom Etiquette and Guidelines
Related Resources
Understanding the ZOOM Platform:
How to get started with Zoom for students:
Welcome to the Student Login Portal
To login enter your Student Admission No. / Employee Number and Password