Bungoma High Extra County Secondary School in Bungoma County; School KNEC Code, Type, Cluster, and Category
Bungoma High Extra County Secondary School in Bungoma County; School KNEC Code, Type, Cluster, and Category

Bungoma High School, Misikhu, Kibabii, Kimilili and Moi Kamusinga are among the best Extra County schools in Bungoma County. Get to know all the best extra county schools in Bungoma County; in this write up.

Extra County Schools in Kenya form the second tier of secondary schools; after National schools. They were formerly referred to as Provincial schools. These schools are distributed all over the Country with each county having its share. The schools admit students from all over the country. These schools are in 3 Categories i.e category 1 (C1), Category 2 (C2) and Category 3 (C3). The Schools are either of Mixed or single sex type.

Here are the Extra County Schools in Bungoma County:

School  Code School Name Category Type Cluster
36602101 BUNGOMA HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C1
36602102 KIBABII HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C1
36605101 KAPSOKWONY HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C2
36605103 KIBUK GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Girls C2
36612201 TEREMI  BOYS  HIGH  SCHOOL Extra County Boys C1
36613105 ST.CECILIA GIRLS MISIKHU Extra County Girls C1
36613115 NDIVISI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Girls C3
36621101 CHESAMISI BOYS HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C1
36621102 KAMUSINDE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C3
36621108 MOI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, KAMUSINGA Extra County Girls C1
36621110 ST. LUKE’S BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL KIMILILI Extra County Boys C1
36626101 CHWELE GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Girls C2
36628101 KHASOKO HIGH SCHOOL Extra County Boys C2
36635002 FRIENDS SCHOOL BOKOLI Extra County Boys C3
36635006 NAMAWANGA GIRLS Extra County Girls C3

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